A feature-rich React treeview that allows you to quickly add a nice-looking, Ajax-based hierarchical tree on a web page, It is absolutely free, open source and distributed under the MIT license. deni-react-treeview is easily themable and configurable.
TODO: In the future I will implement the tests, Cloud CI(I had implemented souce labs as a cloud CI, but my free user expired). The structure of this project must is under the patterns teached by John Papa: https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide.
It offers rich support for interacting with data including:
- Responsive and Cross-Browser.
- XML/JSON Support.
- Grouping (Allowing the use of templates and aggregate functions (avg,sum,count and custom))
- Sorting
- Editing
- Card View
- Searches and Filters
- Large Dataset (paging and Infinite Scroll) with smart rendering.
- Fixed Columns (can come with: checkbox, indicator, row number, ...)
- Footer (with support for aggregate functions (avg,sum,count and custom) and templates)
- Templates (by body row, footer or footer row)
- Grouped column headers
- Row Expand
- Action Column
- Additional Buttons
- And so on...
npm install ui-deni-grid --save
bower install ui-deni-grid --save
Denimar de Moraes (denimar@gmail.com) is a full-stack developper at the HBSis IT Solutions, Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil.