Small toolbox for simple Crypto analysis and learning applied cryptography techniques.
The purpose of the Crypto Toolbox is making byte operations and basic cryptographic operations easy for every ruby developer. The Core of this gem is the CryptBuffer which contains a bytearray and provides lots of functions to manipulate them.
This Gem does not provide any real world cryptographic primitives. All Ciphers provides in this gem are for educational and training purpose only. They are NOT secure at all! We dont use SecureRandom or any other secure random sources, since we only need low-quality random data and reproducability.
This gem offer classes to make cryptographic operations as easy as possible. It should be a helpfull toolkit for anyone who is learning cryptographic basics or trying to apply crypto analysis to weak and insecure ciphers or encryption modes.
- CryptBuffer This really is the workhorse of the entire gem. Most of the higher level parts rely on it. It should also be the most frequently used Class when trying to do hands on crypto anlysis and byte manipulation
Existing analyzers. For sample executions Usage
- There is a VigenereXor analyzer that breaks ciphers with repeated short keys using bit pattern detection and english language dictionary analysis
- There is a PaddingOracle analyzer that has sample implementations for a tcp and a http oracle.
- There is a ** CBC-MAC with variable length analyzer** that forged CBC-MAC tags for a given message
Work in Progress
- I am currently working on the multi-time-pad analyzer to make a full automatic analysis. Currently manual intervention is required
- Caesar Cipher PoC implementation
- Rot13 PoC implementation
Bundler / Gemfile
gem 'crypto-toolbox'
Regular Gem
gem install 'crypto-toolbox'
breaking vigenere cipher xor derivation
DEBUG_ANALYSIS=1 break-vigenere-xor <MyCipherText>
attack cbc-mode with a padding oracle attack
DEBUG_ANALYSIS=1 break-padding-oracle <MyCipherText>
breaking CBC-MAC with variable length
break-cbc-mac-variable-length 'This message offers the receiver lots of money will be verified!'
msg = "my super secret message, that no one should ever know"
key = CryptBuffer.random(msg.length)
# The resulting CryptBuffer contains the ciphertext
=> "\x9E\x87m\xC9eD\xA5\xD6\x17\xA2\xF7\xDC\xE8\xF7tt\"\xB5\x98j\x19r\xFF\xFB\x9E\x13\x8B\x89\x1E\tn][S\x8CV`\xC5v\xB0\x97|\xC5\x19\x8BU\x93\xA3\xB6\xACZ\x12B"
This is a short walkthrough. For a full api documentation see: RubyDoc API-Docs
The CryptBuffer is made to make Xor operations on strings, bytes, hex-strings easy.
# Strings beginning with 0x are handles has hex strings
=> #<CryptBuffer:0x000000010d8e18 @bytes=[255, 238, 204]>
# Hex Integers treated as regular integers
=> #<CryptBuffer:0x000000010d8e18 @bytes=[255]>
# regular strings are supported
CryptBuffer("my example String")
=> #<CryptBuffer:0x00000000f353b8 @bytes=[109, 121, 32, 101, 120, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101, 32, 83, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103]>
# Strings without leading 0x are handled as strings to avoid ambiguities
=> #<CryptBuffer:0x0000000091ea60 @bytes=[70, 70, 101, 101, 99, 99]>
# AND not 255, 238, 204
# Numers are treated as bytes but: numbers with a leading 0x are treated has hex bytes
=> #<CryptBuffer:0x00000000644d08 @bytes=[64]>
=> #<CryptBuffer:0x00000000619ae0 @bytes=[100]>
To force hextring interpretation of a input string one can also use from_hex. This is useful if the formatting of the input is uncertain.
=> "0F"
=> "0F"
=> "0F"
Xoring two CryptBuffers
key = CryptBuffer("my-super-secret-key")
str = CryptBuffer("my-public-message!!")
cipher = key.xor(str)
Xor any compatible input for a Cryptbuffer:
=> "my-public-message!!"
CryptBuffer(" ").xor("u").str
=> "U"
=> "t"
=> "n"
The xor operation can also be done via the ^-operator The operator also does a conversion of the input
(Cryptbuffer("message").xor("yourkey")) == (CryptBuffer("message") ^ "yourkey")
buf = CryptBuffer([1,1,2,2,3,3]) }
=> [201,1,2,2,3,3]
# it also allows negative array-like indexing
=> [1,1,2,2,3,203]
buf = CryptBuffer([1,1,1]) }
=> [201,201,201]
Simple shorthand for
CryptBuffer("secret-key").xor("my message").xor_all_with(0x20).xor("secret-key").xor_all_with(0x20).str
=> "my message"
add allows to add a certain value to every byte in the buffer:
CryptBuffer("0xFeFeFe").add(1).hex == "FFFFFF"
=> true
It also allows to a custom modulus for the addition
CryptBuffer("0x0f").add(15,mod:20).bytes == 10
=> true
Returns the nths bits of each byte (starting with the least significant bit):
# index 0..7
buf = CryptBuffer("0xFECDE993").bits
=> ["11111110", "11001101", "11101001", "10010011"]
buf = CryptBuffer("0xFECDE993").nth_bits(2)
=> [1, 1, 0, 0]
buf = CryptBuffer("0xfecc993")
=> "\xFE\xCC\x99"
=> ["\xFE", "\xCC", "\x99"]
=> [254, 204, 153]
=> "fecc99"
=> ["00000001"]
=> ["10101010", "10111011"]
Shortcut methods are:
s => to_s
h => hex
b => bytes
c => chars
pp method:
=> 0xFECC99 (FE CC 99)
Based on the CryptBuffer a sample Caesar Cipher implementation will be shipped
Ciphers::Caesar.encipher("AAAA","A") == "AAAA"
Ciphers::Caesar.decipher("BBBB","B") == "AAAA"
Ciphers::Caesar.decipher("AAAA","B") == "ZZZZ"
Based on the Caesar Cipher a Rot13 is contained as well.
# since rot13 is invertable
Ciphers::Rot13.encipher("AAAA") == "NNNN"
Ciphers::Rot13.decipher("AAAA") == "NNNN"
# thus the shorthand is:
Ciphers::Rot13.apply("AAAA") == "NNNN"