Releases: dentproject/dentOS
dentOS v3.2 Cynthia
dentOS v3.2 Cynthia Latest
We are pleased to announce the official v3.2 of dentOS, the SwitchDev based Network Operating System for Open Networking Hardware.
This release includes support for both arm64 and amd64 systems.
What's Changed
- Update DentOS to debian10 #216
- Enable VRF #227
- Add new platform TN48M2-SWDEV #217
- Virtualized dentOS environment
Features include:
Fully validated feature set
ECMP: Equal Cost Multi-Path
LACP: Link Aggregation Control Protocol
LLDP: Link Layer Discovery Protocol
RSTP: Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
VRRP: Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
Pre-built binaries can be found at
Known Issues:
dentproject/testing#391 - IPv6 traffic is trapped to CPU
denprojetc/dentOS#260 Update LLDPd for debian 10
denprojetc/dentOS#261 Include hostapd package with wired support for debian 10
Full Changelog: v3.1...v3.2
dentOS v3.1 Cynthia
dentOS v3.1 Cynthia Latest
We are pleased to announce the official v3.1 of dentOS, the SwitchDev based Network Operating System for Open Networking Hardware.
This release includes support for both arm64 and amd64 systems.
Features include:
Fully validated feature set
802.1x: Port-based Network Access Control
QoS: Measurement and Management of network traffic
IPv6: Latest Internet Layer protocol for packet-switched networking
IGMP Snooping: Multi-cast group management
Egress Policer: Port based traffic control
Pre-built binaries can be found at
Known Issues:
dentproject/testing#199 - A utility issue (stress-ng, version 0.07.16) causes some of the tests fail intermittently.
dentOS v3.0 Cynthia
We are pleased to announce the official v3.0 of dentOS, the SwitchDev based Network Operating System for Open Networking Hardware.
This release includes support for both arm64 and amd64 systems.
Features include:
Traffic Control
TC Flower (Petunia)
Early Access:
802.1x: Port-based Network Access Control
QoS: Measurement and Management of network traffic
IPv6: Latest Internet Layer protocol for packet-switched networking
IGMP Snooping: Multi-cast group management.
Egress Policer: Port based traffic control.
Pre-built binaries can be found at
Known Issues:
dentproject/testing#199 - A utility issue (stress-ng, version 0.07.16) causes some of the tests fail intermittently.
dentOS v2.0 Beeblebrox
We are pleased to announce the official v2.0 of dentOS, the SwitchDev based Network Operating System for Open Networking Hardware.
This release includes support for both arm64 and amd64 systems and both Marvell and Mellanox MAC/ASiCs.
Features include:
NAT-44, and PT
NAT on pure Layer-3 port
NAT on VLAN tagged port (bridge)
Configuring 802.1q interface (IpRoute2, Ifupdown2)
Routing on 802.1Q interface
PoE controller
Scale & Performance Improvements
Improve Firewall Scaling numbers
Improve Firewall Programming Performance
Resource management for ACLs
Add Flags to recognize LOCAL Ips
User application support
Configuring Port Isolation
Devlink – local trap/hard drop counters
Pre-built binaries can be found at
dentOS v1.0 Arthur
We are pleased to announce the official v1.0 of dentOS, the SwitchDev based Network Operating System for Open Networking Hardware.
This release includes support for both arm64 and amd64 systems and both Marvell and Mellanox MAC/ASiCs.
Features include:
802.1Q Support
Dynamic Routing
Support for OSPF via FRR
Support for ISIS via FRR
Dataplane policing
BUM traffic Policing
Data packet policing
Control packet policing
Extend TC persistence tool for policers
Pre-built binaries can be found at
Initial Release
This release supports all ARM64 DENT specific hardware the NXP ARDBs and some AMD64 hardware such as the Mellanox SN2410 and KVM.
Based on Debian and Linux Kernel 5.6, extra support for Marvell SwitchDev drivers has been added.
As a pre-release, this image is useful for testing and working with dentOS but is not recommended to be used as a production NOS.