Using Firebase Functions with an external API (Walmart)
Consuming Firebase Realtime Database/Functions in an iOS app using FirebaseUI
A gmail account
Billing enabled in the GCP Console (https://console.developers.google.com/) You might be eligible for a free trial with a $300, 12-month credit
A Walmart Open API key Register at https://developer.walmartlabs.com/
Node.js, npm and Firebase CLI installed npm install -g firebase-tools
Using the Firebase Console (https://console.firebase.google.com), create a new project
Upgrade the pricing plan to Blaze (Pay as you go)
Log into the Firebase CLI firebase login
In the terminal, navigate to the root of this repository
Initialize the Firebase Functions firebase init functions When prompted, select the project created in step #1. Do not overwrite existing files. Say "Y" to "Do you want to install dependencies"
cd functions
Edit the walmartAPI.js file and update the WALMART_API_KEY constant with your key
Deploy the functions firebase deploy --only functions
In the Firebase Console, use the Database Rules to make the database public (Caution - this is only good for demo purposes, do not leave a production database public) { "rules": { ".read": true, ".write": true } }
In the Firebase Console, go through the "Add Firebase to your iOS App" wizard
Enter "com.github.davidair.FunctionsDemo" as the iOS Bundle ID
Download GoogleService-Info.plist
In the FunctionsDemo directory, run "pod install"
Open FunctionsDemo.xcworkspace
Drag the GoogleService-Info.plist downloaded in step 12 into the project
You should be able to run the demo in the simulator