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icecube is a HTTPS web server built in Go. icecube uses the net/http package and crypto/tls packages in the Go standard library to secure communication.


The icecube program has 4 sub commands: defaults, help, serve, and version. Use icecube serve to launch the server. Use icecube defaults [tls-cipher-suites|tls-curve-preferences] to show default configuration. Use icecube version to show the current version.

Below is the usage for the icecube serve command.

start the icecube server

  icecube serve [flags]

  -a, --addr string                    address that icecube will listen on (default ":8080")
      --behavior-not-found string      default behavior when a file is not found.  One of: redirect,none (default "none")
      --dry-run                        exit after checking configuration
  -h, --help                           help for serve
      --keylog string                  path to the key log output.  Also requires unsafe flag.
  -l, --log string                     path to the log output.  Defaults to stdout. (default "-")
      --public-location string         the public location of the server used for redirects
      --redirect string                address that icecube will listen to and redirect requests to the public location
  -r, --root string                    path to the document root served
      --server-cert string             path to server public cert
      --server-key string              path to server private key
      --timeout-idle string            maximum amount of time to wait for the next request when keep-alives are enabled (default "5m")
      --timeout-read string            maximum duration for reading the entire request (default "15m")
      --timeout-write string           maximum duration before timing out writes of the response (default "5m")
      --tls-cipher-suites string       list of supported cipher suites for TLS versions up to 1.2 (TLS 1.3 is not configurable)
      --tls-curve-preferences string   curve preferences (default "X25519,CurveP256,CurveP384,CurveP521")
      --tls-max-version string         maximum TLS version accepted for requests (default "1.3")
      --tls-min-version string         minimum TLS version accepted for requests (default "1.0")
      --unsafe                         allow unsafe configuration

Network Encryption

icecube requires the use of a server certificate. The server certificate is loaded from a PEM-encoded x509 key pair using the LoadX509KeyPair function. The location of the key pair is specified using the --server-cert and --server-key command line flags.


Below are the example commands and files needed to run a server.

icecube serve \
--server-cert temp/server.crt \
--server-key temp/server.key \
--root examples/public \
--behavior-not-found redirect


icecube is written in pure Go, so the only dependency needed to compile the server is Go. Go can be downloaded from

This project uses direnv to manage environment variables and automatically adding the bin and scripts folder to the path. Install direnv and hook it into your shell. The use of direnv is optional as you can always call icecube directly with bin/icecube.

If using macOS, follow the macOS instructions below.

To build a binary for development use make bin/icecube. For a release call make build_release or call the build-release script directly. Alternatively, you can always call gox or go build directly.


You can install go on macOS using homebrew with brew install go.

To install direnv on macOS use brew install direnv. If using bash, then add eval \"$(direnv hook bash)\" to the ~/.bash_profile file . If using zsh, then add eval \"$(direnv hook zsh)\" to the ~/.zshrc file.



To run CLI testes use make test_cli, which uses shUnit2. If you recive a shunit2:FATAL Please declare TMPDIR with path on partition with exec permission. error, you can modify the TMPDIR environment variable in line or with export TMPDIR=<YOUR TEMP DIRECTORY HERE>. For example:

TMPDIR="/usr/local/tmp" make test_cli


To run Go tests use make test_go (or bash scripts/, which runs unit tests, go vet, go vet with shadow, errcheck, staticcheck, and misspell.


We'd love to have your contributions! Please see for more info.


Please see for more info.


This project constitutes a work of the United States Government and is not subject to domestic copyright protection under 17 USC § 105. However, because the project utilizes code licensed from contributors and other third parties, it therefore is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for more information.


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