This guide is to provide a detailed description for setting up all the tools needed to start the developing with kubernetes locally. Kubernetes is able to run in various different environments, zones, that each require a slightly different configuration and tools. For local development, we will be using a combination of tools that will host a deployed instance of a single node kubernetes cluster. Specifically, we will be using Minikube, VirtualBox and Docker.
Official Kubernetes Documentation: here
- Node - The worker machine, vm or physical machine
- Pod - Smallest deployable unit, a container, in our case a Docker container. For horizontal scaling, the best container design pattern is the “one-container-per-pod” model.
- Replica Set - Controls the currently available number of pods, should one fail the Replica Set will create another pod so that the specified number of pods is maintained.
- Deployment - Manages Pods and sets a Replica Set.
- Service - Abstraction that defines a logical set of Pods and their access policies
- Storage Class - Allows for declaration of ‘classes’ of storage
- Persistent Volume Claim - Abstraction of the Storage Class and is used by a Pod to mount a Volume.
- Statefulset - Similar to a Deployment, but maintains state for using persistent storage
Docker -
Kubernetes (kubernetes cli) -
Requires Go if compiling from source.
Minikube -
We will be using VirtualBox, though minikube does support Hyper-V the steps completed below were done on a Mac with VirtualBox, due to virtualization restrictions.
VirtualBox -
A useful tool for generating kubernete .yml files from a docker-compose file (but not required for this wiki):
- -
Minikube is tool for locally deploying a single node kubernetes cluster, and while not the same as a server or cloud deploy, does provide a way for development and or testing from a local computer. Official github repo.
Once all prerequisites for minikube are installed, setup is quite simple and should only require
$ minikube start
Once successful, this will start up a new virtual machine for minikube and update the configuration settings for kubernetes. If wanting to use Hyper-V, the virtual machine driver can be specified along with the virtual network switch as shown below
$ minikube start --vm-driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch “MY\_VIRTUAL\_SWITCH”
This will attempt to build the virtual machine in Hyper-V, using a virtual switch that must be setup prior to this. Details about Hyper-V virtual switches can be found here.
The virtual machine name for minikube can also be changed from the default minikube using the -p flag
$ minikube start -p my-minikube
In order to access deployments being hosted by minikube, the minikube VM IP is required. The minikube ip combined with the NodePort IP of the web server service allow access to the cluster deploy.
$ minikube ip
Viewing the minikube cluster dashboard
$ minikube dashboard
(Not necessary for qed_kube) is a kubernetes product for converting a docker-compose file into yml files that can be consumed by kubectl or directly standing up the docker-compose orchestration as kubernetes. Official github repo.
To convert a docker-compose.yml, simply provide the file as an argument to kompose
$ kompose convert -f ./docker-compose.yml
This conversion will use default values for replicas and volumes, set to 1 and “persistentVolumeClaim”. Both options can be set in the conversion using
$ kompose convert -f ./docker-compose.yml --replicas 3 --volumes “hostPath”
Using hostPathvolumes require that the volume directory is located in the repo path as specified in the docker-compose.yml. Any data in volumes using hostPathwill not persist beyond the life of the volume node. Wanting persistent data with kubernetes requires a persistentVolumenode and persistentVolumeClaim for each deployment that uses the persistent volume.
Note: kompose convert does not generate volumes, with the exception of hostPath, emptyDir, and persistentVolumeClaim.If using a persistentVolumeClaim,the corresponding persistentVolume will need to be generated from kubectl or a kubernetes yml file.
The other kompose command allows us to stand up the docker-compose.yml located in the current directory
$ kompose up
Like convert, up allows for replicas and volumes to be specified
$ kompose up -f ./docker-compose.yml --replicas 3 --volumes “hostPath”
Kompose up by default will attempt to build and push the docker images to a docker registry, the docker registry is specified in the docker-compose or kubenetes yml container image value. Example: “quanted/qed_django:latest” will attempt to be pushed to the quanted repo for qed_django tagged as latest. When using a 3rd party docker image, like mongodb, this is a problem due to not having access to the mongodb registry. There are two solutions to this issue; one we build and store all docker images under quanted on docker hub, which would be ideal for a production deploy, or two we set up a private localhost docker registry that we can push to, ideal for development and testing.
To setup a localhost docker registry, we can use the official docker-registry image and simply run the docker image locally
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
Now if we change the image repo location to localhost:5000/qed_django the docker image will be pushed to our local registry instead of .
For macOS additional changes to ~/.docker/conf.json may be required for authentication due to issues with docker and the mac password keychain.
Changing the image repo location is not ideal for static, or production images, as those should already be stored on, but for testing and development of new features/images.
Note: Kompose only supports the major docker-compose versions (‘1.0’, ‘2.0’, and ‘3.0’) and there is no intention, at this point, of providing further support for docker-compose beyond version 3.0.
The kubernetes CLI provides all the commands to create kubernetes components and troubleshoot issues. Kubectl functions in a very similar way to docker-compose or docker, but does not build images. Below are the kuberctl commands most commonly used for managing a kubernetes deployment. The kubectl commands listed here are focused primarily on using .yml files, but it is possible to create a service, deployment, etc, directly from a kubectl command.
When minikube is started, or a new minikube vm is created, the configuration and vm details are used to update the kubectl configuration. This allows the kubectl commands to utilize the minikube single node cluster. All kubectl commands provide help descriptions when the '--help' tag is provided.
Once minikube is running, a kubernetes resource can be made from a .yml file by
$ kubectl create -f qed-django-deployment.yml
To delete a kubernetes resource
$ kubectl delete deploy qed-django
Where deploy can be a pod, service, deployment (deploy), statefulset (sts), persistentVolume (pv), persistentVolumeClaim (pvc), or any other valid kubernetes resource. A common tag is '--all' which can be used in place of the resource selector name, 'qed-django' in this case. View existing kubernetes resources
$ kubectl get pods
To see the configuration of an existing kubernetes resource, we can use the describe function
$ kubectl describe deploy qed-django
The configuration of a resource can be updated using the kubectl cli
$ kubectl scale --replicas=5 -f qed-django-deployment.yml
To view the logs of a pod
$ kubectl logs qed-django
Enter pod
$ kubectl exec -it qed-django -- /bin/bash
Kubernetes offers many different design patterns for orchestrating containers. For simplicity and scalability, we will employ the single-container-per-pod design. What this means is that each docker container will be placed in it’s own Deployment. In kubernetes a Deployment describes a desired state where ReplicaSets and Pods are defined.
In terms of docker-compose, a Deployment can be used to specify a docker-compose service, it’s image and build context, desired quantity of containers (Pods). Containers that are accessed from an external process, or Deployment in this case, also require a Service, which specifies how the Deployment can be accessed, ports and target ports.
With this in mind, the structure for QED in kubernetes could take several forms but the following setup is the design for current development.
- Kubernetes supports multiple volume types, for single node deployment, development and testing, qed_kube currently uses hostPath. HostPath is only supported on a single node cluster. Deployment to azure or aws would require the hostPath types be changed to a volume service supported by the hosting provider. Kubernetes supports awsElasticBlockStore and AzureDisk volume types, which would be options to consider for deployments of those types.
- The official mongodb image, which is the base image for the qed mongodb statefulset, does not support volume mounting from a MacOS or Windows machine. PersistentVolume hostpath for mongodb is currently commented out, but would be updated to an appropriate volume type depending on deploy.
- Kubernetes volume hostPath requires absolute paths for the source path. The solution to allow for dynamic pathing is to execute prior to creating any of the resources. This script will copy all the .yml files from backups/ into / where the pwd path is used to update the hostPath sources.
- Shell scripts have been provided to streamline deployment with minikube.
- (Incomplete)
- To be used to download and structure all data for persistentVolumes and mounted volumes.
- Creates all deployments for qed
- Creates all services for qed
- Creates all persistentVolumes and persistentVolumeClaims for qed
- Executes,,,
- Deletes all kubernetes qed resources
- Updates volume hostPath source with PWD value
- (Incomplete)
- Nginx
- qed-nginx-service.yml (defines access using port 80, 443, and 7777)
- qed-nginx-deployment.yml (defines container)
- hostPath volume for certs and static files
- Django
- qed-django-service.yml (defines access to port 8080)
- qed-django-deployment.yml (defines container)
- hostPath volumes for secrets, collected_static, temp_config, static_qed and templates_qed
- qed-django-persistentVolumeClaim.yml (for accessing persistent database files)
- Flask
- qed-flask-service.yml (defines access to port 8080)
- qed-flask-deployment.yml (defines container)
- hostPath volumes for collected_static, sam and qed-basins data
- qed-flask-persistentVolumeClaim.yml (for accessing persistent database files)
- Celery
- qed-celery-deployment.yml (defines container)
- hostPath volumes for collected_static, sam and qed-basins data
- qed-celery-persistentVolumeClaim.yml (for accessing persistent database files)
- qed-celery-deployment.yml (defines container)
- Celery
- celery-flower-service.yml (defines access to port 5555)
- celery-flower-deployment.yml (defines container)
- CTS-NodeJS (Not tested)
- cts-nodejs-service.yml (defines access to port 4000)
- cts-nodesj-deployment.yml (defines container)
- CTS-Manager (Not tested)
- cts-manager-deployment.yml (defines container)
- CTS-Worker (Not tested)
- cts-worker-deployment.yml (defines container)
- Redis
- redis-service.yml (defines access to port 6379)
- redis-deployment.yml (defines container)
- redis-persistentVolumeClaim.yml
- MongoDB
- mongodb-service.yml (defines access to port 27017)
- mongodb-statefulset.yml (defines container)
- mongodb-persistentVolumeClaim.yml
- hms-dotnetcore-service.yml (defines access to port 80)
- hms-dotnetcore-deployment.yml (defines container)
- hostPath volume for App_Data and database files
- Dask-Scheduler
- dask-scheduler-service.yml (defines access to port 8786 and 8787)
- dask-scheduler-deployment.yml (defines container)
- Dask-Worker
- qed-dask-worker-deployment.yml (defines container)
- hostPath volume for qed
- qed-dask-worker-deployment.yml (defines container)
- Tomcat (not tested)
- qed-tomcat-service.yml (defines access to port 80:8080)
- qed-tomcat-deployment.yml (defines container)
- hostPath volumes for secrets, license and webapp data
- Postgres
- postgres-service.yml (defines access to port 5432)
- postgres-statefulset.yml (defines container)
- postgres-persistentVolumeClaim.yml
- Volumes
- qed-django-persistentVolume.yml (persistentVolume)
- qed-flask-persistentVolume.yml (persistentVolume)
- qed-celery-persistentVolume.yml (persistentVolume)
- redis-persistentVolume.yml (persistentVolume)
- mongodb-persistentVolume.yml (persistentVolume)
- postgres-persistentVolume.yml (persistentVolume)
Deployment | Docker Image | Build Status |
qed-nginx-deployment.yml | quanted/qed_nginx | |
qed-django-deployment.yml | quanted/qed-django | |
qed-flask-deployment.yml | quanted/flask_qed | |
qed-celery-deployment.yml | quanted/flask_qed | |
cts-nodejs-deployment.yml | quanted/cts_nodejs | |
cts-celery-deployment.yml | quanted/cts_celery | |
cts-worker-deployment.yml | quanted/cts_celery | |
redis-deployment.yml | quanted/redis | |
mongodb-deployment.yml | quanted/mongo | |
hms-dotnetcore-deployment.yml | quanted/hms-dotnetcore | |
dask-scheduler-deployment.yml | quanted/qed-dask | |
dask-worker-deployment.yml | quanted/qed-dask | |
qed-tomcat-deployment.yml | quanted/tomcat | |
postgres-deployment.yml | mdillon/postgis |