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version 0.4.0 of CleanThesis style

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@derric derric released this 21 Jun 00:01
· 11 commits to master since this release
  • Fixed compatibility to new version of KOMA script
  • Fixed code for headline/title styles (e.g., removed use of package titlesec)
  • Fixed code for footer style (e.g., removed use of package fancyhdr)
  • Fixed compatibility to new version of biblatex (e.g., obsolete options)
  • Fixed an issue with page breaks at headings (thanks @guillerodriguez)
  • Added style for part sections (often used for books)
  • Added new package options: quotation style, bibliography sorting,
  • Changed alignment of titles from justified to left aligned
  • Changed the documentation according the updates
  • Changed file structure of the repository in order to improve the development and release process
  • Example: several improvements, such as location of appendix, use of subsubsections and paragraphs, long section titles, listings, pdf bookmark for toc, or separate config file