Scripts to setup os161 toolchain on linux system. Tested successfully on wsl2 and linux with ubuntu version 22.
chmod +x ./ && ./
This script runs all other scripts in sequence which perform following operation in sequence:
- update system
- install necessary libraries to build os161
- download files
- install os161
- test (build DUMBVM kernel and boot the system)
- permanently set environment path
If installation fails, try performing each step manually (explained later)
The install location is the parent directory of the current directory. After succesful installation, all outputs can be found in ../os161
../os161/src : OS161 base
../os161/toolbuild : extracted tarballs
../os161/tools : source files for binaries
../os161/tools/bin : binaries used by sys161. *Must be placed in system to use os161*
After successfull installation, a restart/relogin is needed to auto add the os161 bin directory path to the environment PATH
To immediately start using os161 in the current shell, add ../os161/tools/bin
to path variable.
If you clone the repo by running command: | git clone <REPO_URL> $HOME/os161Setup |
The path of the install script will be: | $HOME/os161Setup/ |
After successful installation, | cd $HOME/os161Setup; chmod +x ./ && ./ |
The os161 binaries will be found in: | $HOME/os161/tools/bin |
And the os161 base source files in: | $HOME/os161/src |
To start using os161 immediately, add bin directory to path manually: | export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/os161/tools/bin |
Otherwise, restart or logout-login to autoset the PATH variable. | |
To check if path is set, run | command -v sys161 |
The install script follows following sequence of script execution. So you can run/skip scripts as needed in your system.
chmod +x && ./
which runs sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y && sudo apt install build-essential gdb libncurses-dev bmake -y
Goal is to have an up-to-date system with no dependency issues and following libraries installed in the system:
- build-essential
- gdb
- libncurses-dev
- bmake
sudo apt install build-essential gdb libncurses-dev bmake
Downloads following .tar.gz files in current directory. Skips if already present:
- binutils-2.24+os161-2.1.tar.gz
- gcc-4.8.3+os161-2.1.tar.gz
- gdb-7.8+os161-2.1.tar.gz
- os161-base-2.0.3.tar.gz
- sys161-2.0.8.tar.gz
This extracts the tarballs and builds the binaries.
chmod +x && ./
Files are placed and built inside ../os161 directory.
This build the DUMBVM kernel using sample config file and runs the system with this kernel. If everything installed correctly, the sys161 should boot and then shutdown.
This places a script that runs at login and adds the os161/tools/bin directory to the PATH variable.
export PATH=$PATH:path/to/os161/tools/bin
OS161 Official website: (
Download tarballs here: (
!DON'T USE https link: (
If you get python error, try removing python-is-python3 package
sudo apt remove python-is-python3
chmod +x && ./
Removes os161 directory and script that sets PATH variable.