Scripting interface wrapper for electrum wallet
You would need to setup electrum wallet first and start the daemon if required.
Sample setup
# Download from
sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5
tar -xvf Electrum-3.3.8.tar.gz
cd Electrum-3.3.8
python3 -m pip install .[fast]
# Start deamon
./run_electrum daemon start
./run_electrum daemon load_wallet
Install electrum scripting
python3 -m pip install electrum-scripting
> from electrum_scripting.wallet import WalletScripting as ws
# Call electrum command
> unspents ='listunspent')
[{'address': 'bc1q9tguzkmqul768z9hxkeg8hd6yrrhexymwmykygwk4m6g4t8msheq3z0rxm', 'value': '0.00258', 'prevout_n': 1, 'prevout_hash': '18810325792ff18d52fa65f1724d13750a584bfec8f44a4670f7baecac6d1510', 'height': 587939, 'coinbase': False}]
> tx ='paytomany', unsigned=True, password="password", outputs=[['address1', 'amount1']])
{'hex': '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', 'complete': False, 'final': False}
# Set default configurations
> ws.setup(password='password')
# Other utils
> ws.qr(tx, 'unsigned_tx.svg')
For full supported command list, please check electrum documentation. Here's listing for your information:
addrequest Create a payment request, using the first unused
address of the wallet
addtransaction Add a transaction to the wallet history
broadcast Broadcast a transaction to the network
clearrequests Remove all payment requests
commands List of commands
convert_xkey Convert xtype of a master key
create Create a new wallet
createmultisig Create multisig address
createnewaddress Create a new receiving address, beyond the gap limit
of the wallet
decrypt Decrypt a message encrypted with a public key
deserialize Deserialize a serialized transaction
dumpprivkeys Deprecated
encrypt Encrypt a message with a public key
freeze Freeze address
get Return item from wallet storage
get_tx_status Returns some information regarding the tx
getaddressbalance Return the balance of any address
getaddresshistory Return the transaction history of any address
getaddressunspent Returns the UTXO list of any address
getalias Retrieve alias
getbalance Return the balance of your wallet
getconfig Return a configuration variable
getfeerate Return current suggested fee rate (in sat/kvByte),
according to config settings or supplied parameters
getmasterprivate Get master private key
getmerkle Get Merkle branch of a transaction included in a block
getmpk Get master public key
getprivatekeys Get private keys of addresses
getpubkeys Return the public keys for a wallet address
getrequest Return a payment request
getseed Get seed phrase
getservers Return the list of available servers
gettransaction Retrieve a transaction
getunusedaddress Returns the first unused address of the wallet, or
None if all addresses are used
history Wallet history
importprivkey Import a private key
is_synchronized return wallet synchronization status
ismine Check if address is in wallet
listaddresses List wallet addresses
listcontacts Show your list of contacts
listrequests List the payment requests you made
listunspent List unspent outputs
make_seed Create a seed
notify Watch an address
password Change wallet password
payto Create a transaction
paytomany Create a multi-output transaction
removelocaltx Remove a 'local' transaction from the wallet, and its
dependent transactions
restore Restore a wallet from text
rmrequest Remove a payment request
searchcontacts Search through contacts, return matching entries
serialize Create a transaction from json inputs
setconfig Set a configuration variable
setlabel Assign a label to an item
signmessage Sign a message with a key
signrequest Sign payment request with an OpenAlias
signtransaction Sign a transaction
sweep Sweep private keys
unfreeze Unfreeze address
validateaddress Check that an address is valid
verifymessage Verify a signature