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Constructs and analyzes genotype/phenotype networks using a list of OMIM phenotypic MIM numbers as input; ranks and clusters disease associated gene sets; runs enrichment analysis on gene sets for mechanism and drug discovery.


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What's New? (Last Update: May 18, 2023)

In the latest update to the Github repository (v7.4.0), we have modified the script to utilize the Enrichr API, replacing the previous usage of the ToppGene API.

Enrichr API Integration

The change to the Enrichr API provides access to a wider, more diverse array of gene-set libraries. This allows for an expanded range of potential enrichments. The main gene-set libraries now include:

  1. GO Biological Process 2021
  2. GO Molecular Function 2021
  3. KEGG 2021 Human
  4. PPI Hub Proteins
  5. DrugMatrix
  6. MAGMA Drugs and Diseases
  7. IDG Drug Targets 2022

Additionally, the program's file handling has been enhanced. Resulting files from the enrichment process are now automatically organized into directories, ensuring improved management and accessibility.

Advancements in Drug and Mechanism Discovery

With the incorporation of the Enrichr API, the program now functions as a more comprehensive drug and mechanism in silico discovery engine. The platform can now utilize vast amounts of biological data including drug-protein interactions (DrugMatrix and IDG Drug Targets 2022) and disease-genetic associations (MAGMA Drugs and Diseases). This allows for potential discovery of novel drug targets and mechanism elucidation.

Future plans

We are assembling a backend architecture and experimenting with the implementation of a graphical web app. The web app has now been uploaded to the repository, but this is not intended for widespread use. Rather, these are the materials we will use on our own server to implement the website.

  .-. . . .  . .  . .-. .-. . . |
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sPyderMIM is an automated workflow for in silico hypothesis testing. It also serves as a "Swiss army knife" of genomics analysis tools. A user is free to utilize any of the programs in the repository, but they may also just use to execute most of the suite altogether as one easily automated workflow and hypothesis testing platform. The user only needs to provide an API key obtained from OMIM and a list of OMIM reference numbers in a text file ("phenotypic MIM numbers" beginning with "#" prefix)., the full workflow execution program, is a genotype/phenotype network generator that uses the OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) database in order to construct a relationship graph that links diseases by genes and phenotypic outcomes. The workflow also utilizes the IntAct API, which allows the user to find the protein products for the genes associated with each MIM number and the proteins known to interact with each of these. Additionally, sPyderMIM uses the Enrichr API in order to perform enrichment analysis on ranked and clustered genes derived from summary statistics files generated by the script. By the end of the workflow, automatically generates three enrichment analysis folders:

1)  top_betweenness (top nodes ranked by betweenness centrality)

2)  top_degree  (top nodes ranked by degree connectivity)

3)  modularity_classes  (communities of clustered nodes, ranked by Eigenvector centrality)

A single workflow run using features the following output, saved to a date/time-stamped folder:

 * OMIM gene edge list table (.csv)
 * OMIM clinical features edge list table (.csv)
 * IntAct protein interactors edge list table (.csv)
 * High resolution labeled network image of gene overlap between OMIM disorders (.png)
 * High resolution labeled network image of genes interactions from OMIM disorders (.png)
 * High resolution OMIM clinical data labeled network image (.png)
 * High resolution IntAct protein interactors labeled network image (.png)
 * OMIM gene network statistical analysis (.txt)
 * OMIM clinical features network statistical analysis (.txt)
 * Protein interactor network statistical analysis (.txt)
 * OMIM gene network GraphML file (.graphml)
 * OMIM clinical features network GraphML file (.graphml)
 * Protein interactor network GraphML file (.graphml)
 * Enrichment analyses for ranked and clustered genes from the OMIM gene
   network, the interactors network, and the OMIM interacting genes network
   models generated by and

Edge list and .graphml output can be used in other programs. However, an ultimate goal of our software is to provide a purely command line based workflow that can allow for graph theory analysis to be upscaled and applied to larger data sets than could be handled in GUI-based programs.

The major planned objectives for future versions of sPyderMIM include:

*   Adding gene regulatory network discovery capability using GTEX eQTLs

       *   prediction of upstream and downstream chromatin regulatory elements
       *   mapping gene cross-talk directionally
       *   linking DNA sequence with RNA expression across tissues

*   Adding potential drug discovery functionality

   __                                           |
  |__)_ _  _  _.|_ _  _    |\/| _ _ |_  _ _ _   |
  | \(-|_)(_)_)||_(_)| \/  |  |(-||||_)(-| _)   |
       |               /                        |


[ s p l i t _ l i s t . p y ] will split any MIM list that is greater than 20 into separate lists of 20 or less, which can then be used as input for This is necessary because OMIM API calls are limited to 20 MIM numbers per request. will perform this step automatically.


[ t a b l e . p y ] takes in a .txt file that is a list of "Phenotype MIM numbers," each of which correspond to a disease subtype listed in the OMIM Database, collected by the user. A disease subtype in the OMIM database is defined by a gene that is known to give rise to a set of phenotypes, which are classified together under the clinical data for that subtype in the OMIM database. The only required input for this workflow is a .txt file that is a simple list of phenotype MIM numbers which the user has collected for diseases they wish to investigate each separated by a new line (maximum of 20 mims per file, due to API call limits for and 5000 total mims when using uses the OMIM rest API to retreive genetic and clinical data.

                                           ༼ つ ╹ ╹ ༽つ

[ i n t e r a c t o r s . p y ] uses the output from to find the protein products of each gene and their protein interactors. uses EBI's IntAct API


[ c o n c a t . p y ] will automatically combine multiple .csv outputs from either or The output can be used as as single input for


[ g r a p h . p y ] is able to take in the .csv output from either or and generate a network graph of phenotypes or protein interactors, respectively. The output is a high resolution .png visualization of your network, a .graphml export of your network, and a summary .txt file featuring multiple calculations:

    1) top 20 nodes by connectivity degree
    2) top 20 nodes by betweenness centrality
    3) the top 10 nodes in each modularity class by Eigenvector centrality.
    4) network diameter of largest component
    5) transitivity
    6) total number of nodes and edges        ,,,
                                            \(ʘ‿ʘ)/ uses the NetworkX Python library to create graph objects.

[ e n r i c h m e n t . p y ] runs enrichment analysis of gene sets obtained from the summary statistics output calculated by ranks the top 20 nodes by degree connectivity and the top 20 nodes by betweenness centrality. Additionally, clusters nodes into modularity classes, ranked by their Eigenvector centrality. will run enrichment analyses on both sets of ranked genes and on each set of genes in each modularity class.

Modularity quantifies the community structure within a network, where a community is defined as a group of nodes with high internal and low external connections. On the other hand, eigenvector centrality measures a node's influence based on its connections to other influential nodes. By utilizing these metrics, we identify the key communities in the network and the most influential nodes within those communities. This approach is particularly useful in contexts such as gene networks or protein-protein interaction networks, potentially aiding in the discovery of functional modules such as biological pathways. utilizes the Enrichr API in order to perform enrichment analysis.

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[ c o n v e r t _ i d s . p y ] will convert any mixed or non-mixed set of genes IDs from virtually any database identifier type to virtually any other type. See README_conversion_IDs_list,txt for an exhaustive list of accepted IDs. performs gene name conversions by using g:Profiler's g:Convert API.

                                               ||  ||  
                                              ||    ||

[ s P y d e r M I M . s h ] will run the whole workflow automatically on a list of up to 2,500 MIMs (daily limit). Just provide the name of your .txt MIM list file, your OMIM API key, and your desired project name.


** Read first to ensure functionality **

* is the main program that will execute the entire workflow automatically. Additionally, you can also use any of the programs in the suite individually or include them in your own workflow script!

   ~$ <MIM_LIST.TXT> <YOUR_OMIM_API_KEY> <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>  (do not use file
                                                                          extension for
                                                                          project name)

* sPyderMIM is designed to take in lists of "Phenotype MIM numbers" as the starting input of the workflow. DO NOT use "Gene/Locus MIM numbers" as these will cause the program to crash. This program does not process MIM numbers with the "+", "%", "*", or "^" prefixes as these are irrelevent to the objectives of this software and the program will crash if these types of MIM numbers are used.

Following the instructions above will ensure optimal program functionality and output.

  |   |
  |   |   __|   _` |   _` |   _ \
  |   | \__ \  (   |  (   |   __/
  \___/ ____/ \__,_| \__, | \___|

  1. Obtain an API key through OMIM:

  1. Create a list of OMIM reference ids ("MIM" numbers)

(20 MAXIMUM if input is for, 5000 MAXIMUM if using

~$ vim input_list.txt

615291              [input_list.txt]
614505                      |
120580      <---------------+
and so on ...

  1. In the repository working directory, set up an Anaconda environment using the provided "environment.yml" file (Anaconda required):

~$ conda env create -f environment.yml

~$ conda activate sPyderMIM

  1. Execute with the following syntax/options:

 [ s P y d e r M I M . s h ]    |     You can run your entire workflow with one command
 -------------------------------+     using with a list of MIMs that is greater
 -. .-.   .-. .-.   .-. .-.   .       than 20.  Alternatively, you can use separate programs
 ||\|||\ /|||\|||\ /|||\|||\ /|       in the suite individually, but will require
 |/ \|||\|||/ \|||\|||/ \|||\||       that your MIM list has 20 or less MIMS, due to the
 ~   '-~ '-'   '-~ '-'   '-~ '-       number of MIMs allowed per API call.
                                      will create a directory and split your list into multiple
  20 MIM lists if you are using individual programs in the suite.  Read further for usage on
  all programs included in this repository.

                               +---------- list of OMIM MIM numbers, maximum of 2,500 / day
Input:                         V

~$  ./ <large_input_mim_list.txt> <OMIM_API_key> <project_name>

                                                   A                A
                                                   |                |
        Your API key obtained from OMIM -----------+                |
        Project name for automatically naming multiple files  ------+

Output: (all results are moved to a new folder named after the project name, followed by a date/timestamp)

  • project_name_genes.csv (OMIM geno table)
  • project_name_clinical-features.csv (OMIM clinical features table)
  • project_name_interactors.csv (IntAct protein interactors table)
  • project_name_genes.png (High resolution OMIM gene labeled graph)
  • project_name_omim_genes_interactions.png (High resolution labeled graph of OMIM disease gene interactions)
  • project_name_clinical-features.png (High resolution OMIM clinical data labeled graph)
  • project_name_interactors.png (High resolution IntAct protein interactors labeled graph)
  • project_name_clinical-features_NETWORK_SUMMARY.txt (OMIM clinical features network statistical analysis)
  • project_name_genes_NETWORK_SUMMARY.txt (OMIM genes network statistical analysis)
  • project_name_omim_genes_interactions_NETWORK_SUMMARY.txt (OMIM gene interactions network statistical analysis)
  • project_name_interactors_NETWORK_SUMMARY.txt (IntAct protein interactor network statistical analysis)
  • project_name_clinical-features.graphml (OMIM clinical features network GraphML)
  • project_name_genes.graphml (OMIM disease gene overlap network GraphML)
  • project_name_omim_genes_interactions.graphml (OMIM disease gene interactions network graph GraphML)
  • project_name_interactors.graphml (Protein interactor network graph GraphML)
  • Three folders of gene set enrichment results as CSV files are created:
    • top_degree
    • top_betweenness
    • modularity_classes
 [ s p l i t _ l i s t . p y ]  |   Due to OMIM API call limits, uses
--------------------------------+ in order to divide your MIM input list
                                    into separate lists of 20 MIMs or less, which can then
                                    be used as input for  If you are using the
		    	  programs in the repository individually for your own
		    	  workflow or script, you can use to divide
		    	  your MIM list into separate input MIM lists for

~$ python3 -i <big_mim_list.txt> -o <project_name>   <-- (no file extension needed)

* ./project_name_MIM_directory/project_name0.txt
* ./project_name_MIM_directory/project_name1.txt ---+
* ./project_name_MIM_directory/project_name2.txt    |
* etc...                                            |
-------------------------------------------------   |   -----------------------------------
 [ t a b l e . p y ]  |                             |
----------------------+                             |

python3 -i <./project_name_MIM_directory/project_name0.txt> -o <output_name_0> -a <api_key>
python3 -i <./project_name_MIM_directory/project_name1.txt> -o <output_name_1> -a <api_key>
python3 -i <./project_name_MIM_directory/project_name2.txt> -o <output_name_2> -a <api_key>

    Output: |     * output_name_genes_0.csv         * output_name_clinical-features_0.csv                                         
    --------+     * output_name_genes_1.csv         * output_name_clinical-features_1.csv
                  * output_name_genes_2.csv         * output_name_clinical-features_2.csv
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------   |   ------
 [ c o n c a t . p y ]  |          +---- or output  ------+
------------------------+          |          (two or more files allowed as input to
~$ python3 -i <input_file_0.csv> <input_file_1.csv> <and_so_on...> -o <output_file.csv>`

 [ i n t e r a c t o r s . p y ]  |    +---- output (.csv) ("omim" mode)
----------------------------------+    |               or
                                       |     any_list.txt (text file of gene names)
~$ python3 -i <input_file> -m <MODE> -o <output_name>    <-- (no file extension)
        "list" or "omim" (required) ____________+ requires one of two modes, specified using the "-m" option:

⚠ WARNING: due to recent changes in the repository (v7.0 - v7.1), LIST MODE is currently unusable. ⚠ List mode will be repaired in the future or deprecated, depending on if there is a solution to its limitations. --DK 2022-09-10

1) "omim"

  • "omim" mode finds protein interactors for all of the genes found in the table that produces for output.

2) "list"

  • "list" mode takes in a .txt file that you have created. The list can contain mixed types of IDs from most databases, because will use to detect your ID types and convert them to the necessary format. Create a list like the one in the example for "" above.
     (e.g.) vim list.txt:
     and so on...


  • For "list" mode:

  • For "omim" mode:

 [ g r a p h . p y ]  |            +----,, or output
----------------------+            |
~$ python3 -i <input_file.csv> -m <mode> -l <labels_option> -o <output_file.png>

usage: [-h] -m MODE -i INPUT [-g GENE_LIST] [-l LABELS] -o OUTPUT
                                           +-----------   ⚠ only for "omim_genes_interactions" mode ⚠

ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ * Apply graph theory to your network table! *

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  "interactors" (find protein interactor overlap), "omim_genes" (find OMIM genes shared between OMIM diseases),
                        "omim_genes_interactions" (find interactions between OMIM genes), or "omim_features" (find OMIM clinical feature overlap)
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        <INPUT_FILENAME.csv> (Input table)
  -g GENE_LIST, --gene_list GENE_LIST
                        <GENES_LIST.csv> OMIM Genes List Output (only for 'omim_genes_interactions' mode)
  -l LABELS, --labels LABELS
                        Labels --> arguments: "all" or "none"
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        <OUTPUT_NAME> (without file extension)


  • ./project_name_NETWORK_SUMMARY.txt
  • ./project_name.png
  • ./project_name.graphml
 [ e n r i c h m e n t . p y ]  |

* First, navigate to your project results folder
  containing the network summary statistics text files,
  Execute in that directory.      |
~$ python3      <-----------------+



  • Three folders of enrichment analysis CSV files based off ranked and clustered genes from your network summary statistics:
* /top_betweenness/ * /top_degree/ * /modularity_classes/

⚠ WARNING ⚠ is currently unreliable and may be redesigned or deprecated.

 [ c o n v e r t _ i d s . p y ]  |      "" will allow you to convert gene
----------------------------------+      IDs from virtually any type (e.g., ENSG, HGNC, PDB,
                                     etc.) to virtually any type that you desire.  Got a
mixed list of IDs of all different types?  No problem!  Simply create a .txt file with one
column of gene IDs and no header.

You can specify which type of symbol you want to convert your list to by specifying the "-s"
option.  There is no need to specify the type of IDs since this is determined automatically,
allowing for your input list to consist of any mixture of types.  IDs that were not successfully
converted will be reported in an output file.

For a full list of accepted IDs, reference README_conversion_IDs_list,txt.

Conversions were made using API calls to the g:Profiler web service:

~$ python3 -i <gene_id_list.txt> -s <SYMBOL_TO_CONVERT_TO> -o <gene_id_list_converted.txt>
Input gene ID list example:                            |
------                                                 +----------  Required!
ENSG00000084674                [gene_id_list.txt]
CLEC2B                                |
CUL2                                  |
ENSG00000185176                       |
ENSG00000117713       <---------------+
and so on ...



    • (List of converted IDs)

    • (IDs that failed to convert)

 [ c o n t r o l _ t r i a l s _ g e n e r a t o r . p y ]  |

⚠ currently unsuitable for public use ⚠
           (as of 2023-05-06)

At Clemson University, we developed a random MIM generator,,
to help assess and validate the performance of our program.  This script was used to generate
100 unique lists of random phenotype MIMs for each target disease (HPP, OI, and EDS), matching
the number of MIMs in their respective phenotypic series.  These randomized MIM lists were then
utilized as input for, allowing us to compare summary statistics between target
sets and random controls.

The process provided useful insights into the program's performance and can potentially be
redesigned for cloud computing services like AWS in the future. The script is versatile and can
generate any specified number of lists with any specified number of random MIMs.

                             /\' .\    _____
     C o n t r o l          /: \___\  / .  /\
      T r i a l s           \' / . / /____/..\
   G e n e r a t o r         \/___/  \'  '\  /
           ( beta )                   \'__'\/

 (✿◠‿◠)  Please enter a name for your experiment:  TEST
 (✿◠‿◠)  Please tell me how many MIM numbers would you like to generate per batch:  48
 (✿◠‿◠)  Please tell me how many batches you would like to generate:  100
 (✿◠‿◠)  Please enter your API key so I can run the experiment: <PASTE_API_KEY_HERE>

In the given example above, 100 .pbs scripts will be generated, each running a sPyderMIM
experiment using a list of 48 randomly selected MIMs as input.

(c) 2022-01-27 Devin Keane / Feltus Lab

Department of Genetics & Biochemistry

Clemson University


Constructs and analyzes genotype/phenotype networks using a list of OMIM phenotypic MIM numbers as input; ranks and clusters disease associated gene sets; runs enrichment analysis on gene sets for mechanism and drug discovery.








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