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Official OpenSRS PHP Toolkit

The purpose in building out these libraries is to help ease the implementation of the OpenSRS API. Not only does it give a starting point in developing an application to allow for quick integration, but also incorporates new communication markup languages such as JSON and YAML.

Getting Started

  1. Download and install the toolkit

  2. In opensrs directory, rename/copy the openSRS_config.php.template to openSRS_config.php

  3. Open openSRS_config.php in a text editor and fill in your reseller details Here

  4. Follow the guidelines to start developing your application.

That's it!

Set up openSRS_config.php


  • LIVE:
  • TEST:


OpenSRS default encryption type

  • ssl (default)
  • sslv3
  • tls

Please note that OpenSSL ver 1.0.1e does not work with "ssl" cryption type


OpenSRS Reseller Username


OpenSRS Private Key To generate a key, login into the RWI by going to the following address,

In RWI, Profile Management > Generate New Private Key


WHen set to 1, the Toolkit will spit out the raw XML request/response.



Company level email admin username


Company level email admin password


Mail environment - LIVE or TEST

Sample API Call

  • Lookup Domain
require_once ("your_root_path/opensrs/openSRS_loader.php");

$callArray = array (
        "func" => "lookupLookupDomain",
        "data" => array (
                "domain" => "",

$osrsHandler = processOpenSRS ("array", $callArray);



This PHP library currently supports data being passed in JSON and YAML (it is also being extended to pass data in XML and Array format as well).

The OpenSRS PHP Tookit requires:

NOTE: It's best to use the PHP 5.3+ as json_encode and json_decode are standard on that version and above. If an earlier version of PHP 5 is needed, the php-json libraries at will be required.

Generating Private Key

To generate a key, login into the RWI by going to the following address:


NOTE: The TEST system is rather different than the LIVE system. Therefore, during testing, the results that you receive are VERY different than you would get on the LIVE system. Both Personal Names and Domain searching will yield different results.

Once authenticated, scroll down to the bottom of the page where the heading shows "Profile Management". Here, there is a link called "Generate New Private Key". If you are sure you wish to continue, click on the 'OK' button on the warning window. This window ensure that you wish to generate a new key. On refresh, you will see a key similiar to this structure:


This is essentially the authentication key that you'll be using to working with the API. It's essential to keep this key to yourself!

Whitelisting IP address

Once you've generated your key (as above), you'll also need to whitelist your IP address. If this is not done, an error will be received and continuing with the API will not possible. To whitelist your IP address, login to either LIVE or TEST environment in the RWI (like in section 2.1.0). Scroll down to the bottom of the screen under the "Profile Management" section, there is a link called "Add IPs for Script/API Access". Once you've clicked on that, you can "Add New Rule" by typing in the subnet for where your application will be hosted. A total of 5 addresses can be added by default.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Adding a new IP address can take up to 15 minutes to propagate into our system.

Account Provisioning Protocol (APP) Services

This APP libs will eventually be deprecated and be replaced by OMA.

NOTE: The APP_MAIL_USERNAME, APP_MAIL_PASSWORD and APP_MAIL_DOMAIN are all elements of a mailbox that has company level access.

The mailbox would be broken down as:


define('APP_MAIL_HOST', 'ssl://'); /*  LIVE => ssl://, TEST => ssl:// */
define('APP_MAIL_USERNAME', '');
define('APP_MAIL_DOMAIN', '');

Additional Configuration for customized implementations

If there are plans to change the include folder name, additional changes need to made to the file:


Changes to the OPENSRSURI constant will need to be made as appropriate. Using the full path name may be necessary on some servers.

define ("OPENSRSURI", "/path/to/opensrs/");

Further changes can be made to function folders:

// Application core configurations.

define("OPENSRSCONFINGS", OPENSRSURI . DS . "configurations");
define("OPENSRSDOMAINS", OPENSRSURI . DS . "domains");
define("OPENSRSTRUST", OPENSRSURI . DS . "trust");
define("OPENSRSPUBLISHING", OPENSRSURI . DS . "publishing");
define("OPENSRSFASTLOOKUP", OPENSRSURI . DS . "fastlookup");
define("OPENSRSMAIL", OPENSRSURI . DS . "mail");

NOTE: It's recommended to keep these folder names constant as upgrades to the library may cause files to be put into the wrong folder thus possibily affecting future enhancements.

General Use

In the openSRS_loader there is a processOpenSRS function which will take in the JSON data and run the appropriate function.

	$returnedResult = processOpenSRS($data_type, $call_string)

The returnedResult variable will be an object that has the result in a string using the specified data type (json or yaml) and in an array. There is more information about what is returned from these functions later in this documentation. The call string is the JSON or YAML data that is being passed to the library. All examples will be using JSON call strings from here on out.

The call string is broken into two parts:


  • This is where the system will look for what function it to be executed from the library


  • This is the information that is being passed to the function
  • Most times this is formatted in a similar way to the XML, which is found in the API documentation.

An example of a call string for looking up the domain "" would be:

Sample JSON request:

	"func": "lookupDomain",
	"data": { 
			"domain": "",
			"alldomains": ".com,.net,.org",
			"selected": ".com,.net"

Any application will probably use json_encode($array) and json_decode($json) instead of constructing the raw json calls itself, but this is a good way to see it broken down to the essentials.

Here is an example of the call string being used:

Sample code:


		"func": "lookupDomain",
		"data": {
			"domain": "",
			"alldomains": ".com;.net;.org",
			"selected": ".com;.net"
echo $openSRS_results->resultFormatted . "\n";

NOTE: The example above only gives the raw JSON output.

This example shows it all put together with associative arrays:

Sample code:




// Remember to have the "Associative Array" option set to true after passing the json
$result = json_decode($openSRS_results->resultFormatted, true);

foreach ($result as $domain_result)
	echo $domain_result['domain'] . " is " . $domain_result['status'] . "\n";


Returned Data

The processOpensrs function returns a full stdClass object. This object has four public variables that contain the returned data

Results Formatted


  • The result formatted in the data type that is originally passed to the function
  • This only returns the result and no error codes
  • This will be referred to as the "condensed" response


  • The result in the same data type as resultFormatted
  • FullFormatted returns the result in the format of the XML returned from OpenSRS, including error codes and details
  • This will be referred to as the "full" response


  • The result in an associative array instead of the data type originally passed to the function
  • Does not include any error messages, just the essentials of the result


  • The result in an associative array
  • Includes error messages and full data from the OpenSRS system in the format of the XML returned from OpenSRS

In the Full Raw and Full Formatted results there are the following:


NOTE: The attributes object will differ from function to function

The application can check is_success and response_code for any trouble with the request and output details from response_text. The only exception is the Fast Lookup, as it does not go through the XML API.

Call the processOpensrs function:

$resultObject = processOpensrs($dataType, $callString);

Then reference the result that is easiest to use:

echo $resultObject->resultRaw["domain"] . "is" . $resultObject->resultRaw["status"];

So why not use the Raw result all of the time and forget about the JSON results?

  • The application may need to pass this information to another system and JSON is great for transmitting data
  • The JSON data can be plugged directly into any javascript or AJAX app using "eval" or, to be more secure, using a JSON parser -

Here is an AJAX example that will see if the passed string has matching domains in com/net/org/info/biz and output it to an HTML element with the ID "output". Once the application gets the JSON response back it evaluates the JSON and will have an object that can be use easily.

Sample AJAX example:

function domainLookup(name) {
    var jsonResponse = {} ;
    var url="lookupGTLDDomain.php?domain=" + name ;
    var http_request

    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
        // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
        http_request=new XMLHttpRequest();
    } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
        // code for IE6, IE5
        http_request=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    } else {
        alert("Your browser does not support XMLHTTP!");
    } "GET", url, true );

    http_request.onreadystatechange = function () {

		if (http_request.readyState == 4 && http_request.status == 200) {

			jsonResponse=eval("(" + http_request.responseText + ")");

			document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "";

			for (var i=0;i < jsonResponse.attributes.lookup.count; i=i+1) {
				document.getElementById("output").innerHTML +=jsonResponse.attributes.lookup.items[i].domain + " is " +jsonResponse.attributes.lookup.items[i].status + "<br />";


Errors will happen in two different ways:

Toolkit Errors

These errors are generated before the toolkit is able to contact the OpenSRS API. The errors are produced as PHP warnings or notices which would need to be captured.

To capture and deal with these PHP warnings and notices use set_error_handler:

This will set up a function to process the errors and either log them or display a custom error to the user.

Error types:

Incomplete config file

  • Required information is missing in the config file. The error will include what parameter is missing.

Unable to establish socket

  • Cannot create a network socket, probably due to network config error.

Authentication Error

  • Unable to authenticate with OpenSRS API, check to make sure that the private key and reseller username are correct

Reseller username or osrs_key is incorrect, please check the config file.

  • Same as above

Read buffer is empty. Please make sure IP is whitelisted in RWI and check the osrs_key in the config file.

  • The OpenSRS system did not return any information. If the application is using SSL to connect then there may be a network issue where the data cannot be read. This is also caused by not having the machine IP whitelisted for the API. Please see section 2.1.1 for information on how to whitelist an IP.

UNEXPECTED READ: Unable to parse HTTP response code.

  • Response was not provided in HTTP 1.1 format. Usually this is caused by the same reasons as above.

UNEXPECTED READ: Error reading HTTP header.

  • Could not read the HTTP header at all, possibly due to dropped connection during return.

No Content-Length header returned.

  • Content length header was blank. This could also happen if the IP address of the machine is not whitelisted in OpenSRS. See section 2.1.1 for information on whitelisting an IP.
  • This will be the most common case of this error

UNEXPECTED READ: No Content-Length.

  • Generated by an unexpected read of the content length header.
  • Most likely caused by the same issues as the above error, or could be an issue with the header being corrupted.

UNEXPECTED ERROR: No Content-Length header provided!

  • Same causes as above
  • Generated when the Content-Lengt should always be provided


  • No carriage return provided after the header, possibly corrupted information due to a dropped connection.

Unable to find library directory DIRECTORY,

  • Caused usually by an incorrect path in openSRS_config.php.
  • Double check all paths in that file to make sure they are correct.
  • Directory that is affected will be listed in the error instead of DIRECTORY.

Unable to find library file FILE,

  • Same as above, but for a specific library file.
  • Filename will be listed in the error instead of FILE.

Unable to find the function passed.

  • The Toolkit could not find the function that was passed in the call string. This could be caused by a misspelling of the function or the configuration paths are not set correctly. Check the spelling of the function against the list in Section 8 of this document and check the paths in openSRS_config.php.

PARAMETER not defined

  • This is the most common error.
  • Caused by the required parameters not being passed through to the function. Please check the OpenSRS API documentation to see what is required for each function. The page numbers for each function are listed in Section 8 of this document

Incorrect call

  • At least one required parameter was not passed, the call will not be made to the OpenSRS API. There will be at least one not defined error before this error.

Mail System Write Error

  • The toolkit was unable to write to the server specified, please check that the mail server name is correct in the config and that the network will allow sending data to that server.

OpenSRS Errors

If the error happened on the OpenSRS API side, information will be passed back in the returned object.

If the command was successful then resultRaw['is_success'] on the returned object will be set to '1'. If there is an error then it will be set to 0. The exact error code is avaliable under resultRaw['response_code'] and the full error text under resultRaw['response_text']. The response codes from the OpenSRS API are listed in the API documentation at:

The response codes from the Mail APP are listed in the documentation at:



if ($openSRS_result->resultFullRaw['is_success']=="0"){
    echo "There was an OpenSRS error.  The error code is: ";
    echo $openSRS_results->resultFullRaw['response_code'];
    echo " The error text is: ";
    echo $openSRS_results->resultFullRaw['response_text'] . "\n";
} else {
    echo $openSRS_result->resultFormatted;

Library Functions

For every type of function, there are matching specific data requirements that needs to be passed for the function to post the results. As such, while this documentation is to assist in augmenting the OpenSRS documentation, all of the examples are also posted in the testcase/test-*.php files for reference. Please note that not all of the functions are documented in this section. For further information on calls, please refer to the XML API documentation:

Lookup Domain (domainLookup, premiumDomain, suggestDomain)

Purpose: To query a domain (domainLookup), suggest alternative names using a name spinner (suggestDomain) or query a premium domain (premiumDomain)

NOTE: The functions for domainLookup, premiumDomain and suggestDomain all have the same format as below. Please change the "func" name to make the different calls.

  • domain - the domain to query
  • alldomains - all of the tld(s) this application supports (semi-colon separated) [OPTIONAL]
  • selected - the tld(s) to obtain results for (best for integration with multiple selection checkboxes) [OPTIONAL]

Sample JSON call:

   "func": "lookupDomain",
   "data": {
            "domain": "",
            "alldomains": ".com;.net;.org",
            "selected": ".com;.net"

Returned Data:

"response_text":"Command completed successfully",




In the condensed version it returns the items in an array:


Fast Lookup

Purpose: To open a socket and lookup the availability of domains

  • domain - the domain to query
  • alldomains - all of the tld(s) the application supports (semi-colon separated) [OPTIONAL]
  • selected - the tlds(s) to query for (best for integration with multiple selection checkboxes) [OPTIONAL]

Sample JSON Call

 "func": "fastDomainLookup",
 "data": {
         "domain": "example",
         "selected": ".com",
         "alldomains": ".com;.net"

Returned Data (full and condensed response):


Get Domain Price

Purpose: The price associated to the domain in US Dollars

  • domain - the domain to query

Sample JSON call:

 "func": "lookupGetPrice",
 "data": {
         "domain": ""

Returned Data:


Personal Name Suggestion

Purpose: To suggest more selections when querying the Personal Name system

  • Search String: The first and last name of the user to find more options for

Example JSON call:

     "func": "persNameSuggest",
     "data": {
             "searchstring": "John Smith"

Returned Data:

     "response_text":"Command completed successfully.",

Set DNS Zone

Purpose: To set DNS Zone record for an existing DNS Zone

Example JSON request call:

			{"subdomain":"txt","text":"test text"}

Returned Data:

	"response_text":"Command Successful",
				{"text":"test text","subdomain":"txt"}

Register a Domain

Purpose: This will allow registeration of all GTLDs

NOTE: CCTLDs are not yet supported with this call

  • domain: The domain to register
  • custom_tech_contact: Customized technical contact for that domain (option of 0|1)
  • custom_nameservers: Customized nameservers for that domain (option of 0|1) NOTE: Dependent on an object called "TNS"
    • TNS ~ Includes the list of custom name servers ~ Each TNS entry contains: + Name: the hostname of the nameserver + Sort order: The position of the server which will show up in the nameserver list for the domain NOTE: Sort order starts at 1 and cannot skip numbers
  • reg_username: The registrant profile username
  • reg_password: The registrant profile password
  • contact_set
    • first_name
    • last_name
    • phone
    • fax
    • org_name
    • address1
    • address2
    • address3
    • postal_code
    • city
    • state
    • country
    • lang_perf

The rest of the calls are OPTIONAL:

  • Data
    • handle: if the system should handle the order by processing (process) it or saving it to process later (save)
    • affiliate_id: Allows tracking of orders coming through different affiliates NOTE: 100 character maximum
    • auto_renew: If the domain should autorenew or not (option of 0|1) NOTE: By default, this is set to 0 (disabled)
    • encoding_type: Submitting a 3 character language tag if the domain is in PUNYCODE NOTE: By default, ASCII is used, please see XML API documentatin (Appendix E)
    • f_lock_domain: Whether the domain should be locked on registration or not (option of 0|1) NOTE: By default, this is set to 0 (disabled)
    • f_whois_privacy: Whether the domain requires whois privacy (option of 0|1) NOTE: By default, this is set to 0 (disabled) IMPORTANT NOTE: By setting whois privacy to 1, users are able to switch it off in the MWI
      If whois privacy is not set, users do not have the ability to turn it on in MWI
    • period: The number of years the domain would be registered for NOTE: The minimum number of years differ from TLD to TLD, the maximum number of years is 10
      Please refer to the XML API Documentation

Sample JSON call:

  "func": "provSWregister",
  "data": {
       "domain": "",
       "custom_tech_contact": "1",
       "custom_nameservers": "0",
       "reg_username": "username",
       "reg_password": "password",
       "handle": "process"
       "personal": {
          "first_name": "First",
          "last_name": "Last",
          "phone": "+1.555123456789",
          "fax": "",
          "email": "",
          "org_name": "Organization Name",
          "address1": "Address 1",
          "address2": "Address 2",
          "address3": "",
          "postal_code": "A1A2B2",
          "city": "City",
          "state": "ON",
          "country": "CA",
          "lang_pref": "EN"

Returned Data:

"response_text":"Domain registration successfully completed",
  "registration_text":"Domain registration successfully completed",

OpenSRS Mail API (OMA)

The PHP toolkit now supports OMA (OpenSRS Mail API). The OMA API is the provisioning interface for the OpenSRS email system. It allows you to create, modify and delete mailboxes, aliases, domains and other aspects of the service. The interaction between the API and a client consists of a single HTTP POST request and HTTP response. The HTTP request and response bodies are formatted as JSON data.



In opensrs/openSRS_config.php, edit the following lines,

define("MAIL_HOST", "");
define("MAIL_CLIENT", ""); // Optional

OMA_HOST should be, TEST: LIVE:


Create an array of data, then call ClassName::call($data_array) returns the JSON formatted response.

Sample code: The following will create a new user or change the attributes of an existing user,

$data_array = array(
    "user" => "",
    "attributes" => array(
       "name" => "Janet User",
        "password" => "star-trek1966",
        "delivery_forward" => true,
        "forward_recipients" => array(
$response = ChangeUser::call($data_array);

sample JSON Request:

    "credentials": {
        "user": "",
        "password": "password123"
    "user": "",
    "attributes": {
        "name": "Janet User",
        "password": "star-trek1966",
        "delivery_forward": true,
        "forward_recipients": [

sample JSON Response:

   "success" : true

Available OMA class (commands) names

  • AddRole
  • Authenticate
  • ChangeCompany
  • ChangeCompanyBulletin
  • ChangeDomain
  • ChangeDomainBulletin
  • ChangeUser
  • CreateWorkgroup
  • DeleteDomain
  • DeleteUser
  • DeleteWorkgroup
  • GenerateToken
  • GetCompany
  • GetCompanyBulletin
  • GetCompanyChanges
  • GetDeletedContacts
  • GetDeletedMessages
  • GetDomain
  • GetDomainBulletin
  • GetDomainChanges
  • GetUser
  • GetUserAttributeHistory
  • GetUserChanges
  • GetUserFolders
  • GetUserMessages
  • LogoutUser
  • MigrationAdd
  • MigrationJobs
  • MigrationStatus
  • MigrationTrace
  • MoveUserMessages
  • PostCompanyBulletin
  • PostDomainBulletin
  • Reindex
  • RenameUser
  • RestoreDeletedContacts
  • RestoreDeletedMessages
  • RestoreDomain
  • RestoreUser
  • SearchAdmins
  • SearchBrands
  • SearchDomains
  • SearchUsers
  • SearchWorkgroups
  • SetRole
  • StatsList
  • StatsSnapshot

Library and API translations

This area assists users who are already fimiliar with the OpenSRS API to match the corresponding commands in the library.

Domain Function list and corresponding Action and Object in OpenSRS XML API

PHP Function Name XML Action XML Object XML Doc Page PDF Page

premiumDomain NAME_SUGGEST DOMAIN 117 132 allinoneDomain NAME_SUGGEST DOMAIN 117 132 suggestDomain NAME_SUGGEST DOMAIN 117 132

NOTE: There is a difference between how NAME_SUGGEST is used by each function above. The function premiumDomain will only run NAME_SUGGEST for Premium domain suggestions. The suggestDomain function will only run NAME_SUGGEST for name suggestions. Finally, allinoneDomain will run NAME_SUGGEST for a TLD lookup, name suggestions and premium domains all at the same time.

authAuthenticateUser AUTHENTICATE USER authChangeOwnership CHANGE OWNERSHIP 533 548 authChangePassword CHANGE PASSWORD 536 551 authSendAuthcode SEND_AUTHCODE DOMAIN 539 554 authSendPassword SEND_PASSWORD DOMAIN 542 557 sendCiraEmailPwd CIRA_EMAIL_PWD DOMAIN 23 38 bulkChange SUBMIT BULK_CHANGE 391 406 bulkTransfer BULK_TRANSFER DOMAIN 385 400 cookieDelete DELETE COOKIE 546 561 cookieSet SET COOKIE 551 566 cookieUpdate UPDATE COOKIE 556 571 dnsCreate CREATE_DNS_ZONE DOMAIN 455 470 dnsDelete DELETE_DNS_ZONE DOMAIN 465 480 dnsForce FORCE_DNS_NAMESERVERS DOMAIN 468 483 dnsGet GET_DNS_ZONE DOMAIN 471 486 dnsReset RESET_DNS_ZONE DOMAIN 478 493 dnsSet SET_DNS_ZONE DOMAIN 488 503 fwdCreate CREATE_DOMAIN_FORWARDING DOMAIN 499 514 fwdDelete DELETE_DOMAIN_FORWARDING DOMAIN 501 516 fwdGet GET_DOMAIN_FORWARDING DOMAIN 504 519 fwdSet SET_DOMAIN_FORWARDING DOMAIN 508 523 lookupBelongsToRsp BELONGS_TO_RSP DOMAIN 19 34 lookupDomain LOOKUP DOMAIN 112 127 lookupGetBalance GET_BALANCE BALANCE 26 41 lookupGetCaBlockerList GET_CA_BLOCKER_LIST DOMAIN 29 44 lookupGetDeletedDomains GET_DELETED_DOMAINS DOMAIN 33 48 lookupGetDomain GET DOMAIN 40 55 lookupGetDomainByExpiry GET_DOMAINS_BY_EXPIREDATE DOMAIN 88 103 lookupGetDomainContacts GET_DOMAIN_CONTACTS DOMAIN 84 99 lookupGetNotes GET_NOTES DOMAIN 93 108 lookupGetOrderInfo GET_ORDER_INFO DOMAIN 97 112 lookupGetOrdersByDomain GET_ORDERS_BY_DOMAIN DOMAIN 104 119 lookupGetPrice GET_PRICE DOMAIN 109 124 nsAdvancedUpdt ADVANCED_UPDATE_NAMESERVERS DOMAIN 420 435 nsCreate REGISTRY_ADD_NS NAMESERVER 425 440 nsDelete DELETE NAMESERVER 432 447 nsGet GET NAMESERVER 435 450 nsModify MODIFY NAMESERVER 440 455 nsRegistryAdd REGISTRY_ADD_NS NAMESERVER 443 458 nsRegistryCheck REGISTRY_CHECK_NAMESERVER NAMESERVER 449 464 persDelete DELETE SURNAME 336 351 persNameSuggest NAME_SUGGEST SURNAME 307 322 persQuery QUERY SURNAME 324 339 persSUregister SU_REGISTER SURNAME 313 328 persUpdate UPDATE SURNAME 329 344 provActivate ACTIVATE DOMAIN 147 162 provCancelActivate CANCEL_ACTIVE_PROCESS DOMAIN 150 165 provCancelPending CANCEL_PENDING_ORDERS ORDER 153 168 provModify MODIFY DOMAIN 157 172 provProcessPending PROCESS_PENDING DOMAIN 197 212 provQueryQueuedRequest QUERY_QUEUED_REQUEST DOMAIN 202 217 provRenew RENEW DOMAIN 205 220 provRevoke REVOKE DOMAIN 211 226 provSendCIRAapproval SEND_CIRA_APPROVAL_EMAIL DOMAIN 215 230 provSWregister SW_REGISTER DOMAIN 218 233 provUpdateAllInfo UPDATE_ALL_INFO DOMAIN 274 289 provUpdateContacts UPDATE_CONTACTS DOMAIN 278 293 subresCreate CREATE SUBRESELLER 287 302 subresGet GET SUBRESELLER 296 311 subresModify MODIFY SUBRESELLER 292 307 subresPay PAY SUBRESELLER 303 318 subuserAdd ADD SUBUSER 514 529 subuserDelete DELETE SUBUSER 517 532 subuserGet GET SUBUSER 520 535 subuserGetInfo GET USERINFO 523 538 subuserModify MODIFY SUBUSER 529 544 transCancel CANCEL_TRANSFER TRANSFER 340 355 transCheck CHECK_TRANSFER DOMAIN 344 359 transGetAway GET_TRANSFERS_AWAY DOMAIN 350 365 transGetIn GET_TRANSFERS_IN DOMAIN 360 375 transProcess PROCESS_TRANSFER TRANSFER 369 384 transRsp2Rsp RSP2RSP_PUSH_TRANSFER DOMAIN 373 388 transSendPass SEND_PASSWORD TRANSFER 377 392 transTradeDomain TRADE_DOMAIN DOMAIN 380 395

====================================================================== 9.2 - Mail Function list and corresponding Command in OpenSRS Mail APP

PHP Function Name APP Command APP Doc Page PDF Page mailAuthentication LOGIN 7 17 mailChangeDomain CHANGE_DOMAIN 18 28 mailCreateDomain CREATE_DOMAIN 9 19 mailCreateDomainAlias CREATE_DOMAIN_ALIAS 10 20 mailCreateDomainWelcomeEmail CREATE_DOMAIN_WELCOME_EMAIL 12 22 mailCreateMailbox CREATE_MAILBOX 32 42 mailDeleteDomain DELETE_DOMAIN 11 21 mailDeleteDomainAlias DELETE_DOMAIN_ALIAS 11 21 mailDeleteDomainWelcomeEmail DELETE_DOMAIN_WELCOME_EMAIL 15 25 mailDeleteMailbox DELETE_MAILBOX 47 57 mailGetCompanyDomains GET_COMPANY_DOMAINS 14 24 mailGetDomain GET_DOMAIN 16 26 mailGetDomainAllowList GET_DOMAIN_ALLOW_LIST 26 36 mailGetDomainBlockList GET_DOMAIN_BLOCK_LIST 27 37 mailGetDomainMailboxes GET_DOMAIN_MAILBOXES 23 33 mailGetDomainMailboxLimits GET_DOMAIN_MAILBOX_LIMITS 24 34 mailGetNumDomainMailboxes GET_NUM_DOMAIN_MAILBOXES 22 32 mailSetDomainAdmin SET_DOMAIN_ADMIN 19 29 mailSetDomainAllowList SET_DOMAIN_ALLOW_LIST 25 35 mailSetDomainBlockList SET_DOMAIN_BLOCK_LIST 26 36 mailSetDomainDisabledStatus SET_DOMAIN_DISABLED_STATUS 22 32 mailSetDomainMailboxLimits SET_DOMAIN_MAILBOX_LIMITS 24 34


OpenSRS API Toolkit - PHP







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