If you're like me, you've probably found yourself running these commands and setting up the directory when starting a project:
aftman init
aftman add rojo-rbx/rojo
aftman add wally
wally init && rojo init
mkdir bla bla bla
After that, you probably go ahead and set up your Rodux store, your data saving system by either writing it from scratch the same way you have for every other project or copying and pasting from another project, all of this, takes a lot of time and takes away from the initial burst of motivation you have for a project, to solve this for myself and hopefully my fellow developers, I've made this very opinionated template that gives you all of these things out of the box:
- A Rodux store that is replicated between the server and the clients.
- This store can have reducers that are shared between the server and the clients, reducers only for the server and reducers only for the clients.
- The modules in the
folders are automatically required on runtime.
- The
module creates a root/app component that is connected with the Rodux store, all components inside this component will be able to connect to the Rodux store and be in sync with the state.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local PlayerGui = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
local Roact = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Packages.Roact)
local RoactRodux = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Packages.RoactRodux)
local Loader = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Packages.Loader)
local Store = require(script.Parent.Store)
local UI = {}
UI.Components = Loader.LoadDescendants(script.Parent.Parent.roact)
UI.App = Roact.mount(
Roact.createElement(RoactRodux.StoreProvider, {
store = Store,
}, {
App = Roact.createElement("ScreenGui", {
ResetOnSpawn = false,
IgnoreGuiInset = true,
}, {
--* Add components here
Example = Roact.createElement(UI.Components.Example),
return UI
- Along with a data saving system, there's a wrapper class for
that implements automatic retries, pcalls and a very helpful method calledGetSorted(pages: number?, pageSize: number?, isAscending: boolean?)
which can be used for things like global leaderboards.Example: local topTenMoney = OrderedDataStore.new("GlobalMoney.01a"):GetSorted(1, 10)
In conclusion, this provides you with boilerplate for synced game state, player data saving, state synced UI, basic continous integration workflow (styling and linting) and a nice organized structure.
I mainly made this for myself and this kind of structure and practice might not be what you prefer so feel free to fork it and edit it however you want, I'm sure it'll still save you some precious developer time. :)