Section 5: Developing with Adminhtml (5%) Previous Section | Next Section Section 5: Developing with Adminhtml (5%) 5.1 Demonstrate ability to use ACL Complex cases of ACL setup. WebAPI ACL, ACL process customization and debugging How to debug an ACL record How does a row-based ACL or IP-based ACL work in Magento? The connection between admin ACL and WebAPI ACL Different ways to access WebAPI resources including admin access 5.2 Demonstrate understanding of the admin login process and admin actions processing Admin login, customizing and debugging issues related to admins logging into Magento, the Admin Action class Debugging the login process Logging in an admin user programmatically Customizing the login process: for example, adding 2-factor authentication Operations performed by the Magento\Backend\App\Action class, for example, the secret key 5.3 Demonstrate an ability to create complex forms and grids Complex forms with custom elements and with tabs. Complex grids with custom columns and inline editing customizations Create custom elements for forms Create a form with tabs Create a form with a grid inside a tab Forms for editing related/nested data Customization of inline editing in a grid; for example, a file uploader Bookmark filters selection for a grid Grid meta information: adding a new column that requires a join to another table