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Releases: dfinity/pocketic

Version 7.0.0

14 Nov 14:38
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7.0.0 - 2024-11-13


  • Support for IC Bitcoin API via the management canister if the bitcoin canister is installed as the bitcoin testnet canister
    (canister ID g4xu7-jiaaa-aaaan-aaaaq-cai) on the bitcoin subnet and configured with Network::Regtest
    and a bitcoind process is listening at an address and port specified in an additional argument
    of the endpoint /instances/ to create a new PocketIC instance.
  • New endpoint /instances/<instance_id>/_/topology returning the topology of the PocketIC instance.
  • New CLI option --log-levels to specify the log levels for PocketIC server logs (defaults to pocket_ic_server=info,tower_http=info,axum::rejection=trace).
  • New endpoint /instances/<instance_id/read/get_controllers to get the controllers of a canister.


  • Renamed dfx_test_key1 tECDSA and tSchnorr keys to dfx_test_key.


  • The PocketIC HTTP gateway routes requests whose paths start with /_/ and for which no canister ID can be found
    directly to the PocketIC instance/replica (this only used to apply to requests for /_/dashboard independently
    of whether a canister ID could be found).
  • Subnet ids can be specified in SubnetSpecs for all subnet kinds.
  • The certified time of a round is only bumped by 1ns if the time of the corresponding PocketIC instance did not increase since the last round.
  • The endpoint /instances/<instance_id>/update/set_time returns an error if the time of a PocketIC instance is set into the past.
  • Subnet sizes to match the subnet sizes on the ICP mainnet: II from 28 to 31 nodes, Fiduciary from 28 to 34 nodes.


  • The CLI option --pid: use the CLI option --port-file instead.

Full changelog:
Commit hash: 172f8c78653c93ad101af75b94251439b4ccf098

Version 6.0.0

13 Sep 09:25
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6.0.0 - 2024-09-12


  • New CLI option --ip_addr to specify the IP address at which the PocketIC server should listen (defaults to
  • New argument ip_addr of the endpoint /http_gateway to specify the IP address at which the HTTP gateway should listen (defaults to
  • New GET endpoint /http_gateway listing all HTTP gateways and their details.
  • Support for query statistics in the management canister.
  • The argument of the endpoint /instances/<instance_id>/auto_progress becomes a struct with an optional field artificial_delay_ms specifying the minimum delay between consecutive rounds in auto progress mode.
  • Support for verified application subnets: the record types SubnetConfigSet and ExtendedSubnetConfigSet contain a new field verified_application specifying verified application subnets;
    the enumeration type SubnetKind has a new variant VerifiedApplication.
  • New endpoint /instances/<instance_id>/api/v2/subnet/... supporting the IC HTTP subnet read state requests.
  • New endpoint /api/v2/subnet of the PocketIC HTTP gateway supporting the IC HTTP subnet read state requests.
  • The argument of the endpoint /instances/ takes an additional optional field log_level specifying the replica log level of the PocketIC instance.
  • ECDSA support (IC mainnet-like): there are three ECDSA keys with names dfx_test_key1, test_key_1, and key_1 on the II and fiduciary subnet.
  • tSchnorr support (IC mainnet-like): there are three Schnorr keys with names dfx_test_key1, test_key_1, and key_1 and algorithm BIP340 as well as three Schnorr keys with names dfx_test_key1, test_key_1, and key_1 and algorithm Ed25519 on the II and fiduciary subnet. The messages to sign with tSchnorr must be of length 32 bytes.
  • New endpoint /_/dashboard of the PocketIC HTTP gateway returning the dashboard of the underlying PocketIC instance or replica.
  • The argument of the endpoint /instances/<instance_id>/mock_canister_http_response takes an additional field additional_responses to mock additional responses for a pending canister HTTP outcall;
    if non-empty, the total number of responses (one plus the number of additional responses) must be equal to the size of the subnet on which the canister making the HTTP outcall is deployed.


  • The argument listen_at of the endpoint /http_gateway has been renamed to port.
  • The endpoint /instances/<instance_id>/auto_progress returns an error if the corresponding PocketIC instance is already in auto progress mode.


  • The option --ready-file: the PocketIC server is ready to accept HTTP connections once the port file (specified via --pid or --port-file) contains a line terminated by a newline character.

Full changelog:
Commit hash: 5aa7ad88dfd29ba9b6e166552d1e84f48001acb3

Version 5.0.0

23 Jul 15:54
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5.0.0 - 2024-07-22


  • A new subnet is created on an existing PocketIC instance if a new canister is created with a specified mainnet canister ID that does not belong to any existing subnet's canister range.
  • The argument of the endpoint /http_gateway takes an additional optional field domains specifying the domains at which the HTTP gateway is listening (default to localhost).
  • The argument of the endpoint /http_gateway takes an additional optional field https_config specifying the TLS certificate and key. If provided, then an HTTPS gateway is started using that TLS certificate.
  • A new endpoint /instances/<instance_id>/read/topology to retrieve the topology of the PocketIC instance. The topology contains a list of node IDs instead of subnet size which can be derived from the number of node IDs.
  • New CLI option --ready-file to specify a file which is created by the PocketIC server once it is ready to accept HTTP connections.
  • A new endpoint /instances/<instance_id>/_/dashboard serving a PocketIC dashboard.
  • ECDSA support (IC mainnet-like): there are three ECDSA keys with names dfx_test_key1, test_key_1, and key_1 on the II subnet.
  • The argument of the endpoint /instances/ to create a new PocketIC instance becomes a struct with three fields:
    the original argument of that endpoint is the field subnet_config_set, the new optional field state_dir
    specifies a directory in which the state of the PocketIC instance can be preserved across the PocketIC instance lifetime
    (that directory should be empty when specified as state_dir for the very first time), and the new optional field nonmainnet_features
    specifies if non-mainnet features (e.g., best-effort responses) should be enabled for the PocketIC instance.
    The topology contains a new field subnet_seed which is equal to the directory name of the directory in the state_dir
    storing the state of the corresponding subnet.
    The state directory (if specified) also contains a file registry.proto containing the current snapshot of the registry.
  • Support for canister HTTP outcalls: endpoint /instances/<instance_id>/get_canister_http to retrieve pending canister HTTP outcalls
    and endpoint /instances/<instance_id>/mock_canister_http_response to mock a response for a pending canister HTTP outcall,
    the server produces responses for pending canister HTTP outcalls automatically in the auto-progress mode (started by calling the endpoint /instances/<instance_id>/auto_progress).
  • New endpoint /instance/<instance_id>/api/v3/canister/<effective_canister_id>/call supporting a synchronous HTTP interface of the IC for update calls.
    Note that this endpoint might non-deterministically return a response with status code 202 and empty body (in this case, the status of the call
    must be polled at the endpoint /instance/<instance_id>/api/v3/canister/<effective_canister_id>/read_state).


  • Executing a query call on a new PocketIC instance crashed the PocketIC server.

Full changelog:
Commit hash: cec100d1607eb2258441ff292a144ba88564458e

Version 4.0.0

02 May 08:17
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4.0.0 - 2024-04-30


  • New endpoints /instances/<instance_id>/auto_progress and /instances/<instance_id>/stop_progress to make IC instances
    progress (updating time and executing rounds) automatically.
  • New endpoints /instances/<instance_id>/api/v2/... supporting the HTTP interface of the IC as described
    by the Interface Specification.
  • Breaking: New subnet specification allowing to set very high instruction limits for (asymptotic) benchmarking canister code.
  • New endpoint /read_graph/:state_label/:op_id for polling on a long-running operation. The state_label and op_id are returned by ApiResponse::Started{state_label, op_id}.
  • New CLI option --port-file to specify a file to which the PocketIC server port should be written.
  • New endpoints /http_gateway and /http_gateway/:id/stop to start and stop an HTTP gateway.
  • Breaking: DTS is enabled on a subnet based on a new field dts_flag in SubnetSpec.
  • New endpoints submit_ingress_message (submit an ingress message without executing it) and await_ingress_message (execute rounds on the PocketIc instance until the message is executed).


  • Potentially breaking: Subnet IDs are derived from the subnets' public keys by default.
  • Potentially breaking: The time of every subnet advances by 1ns before every round execution to make sure the subnet time is strictly increasing in every round.

Full changelog:
Commit hash: bb76748d1d225c08d88037e99ca9a066f97de496

Version 3.0.1

14 Feb 17:14
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3.0.1 - 2024-02-14


  • traps in tECDSA calls
  • server rejects jsons containing unimplemented variants of SubnetSpec
  • inspect_message no longer panics when call is rejected

Full changelog:
Commit hash: 0e49fd1a2944bbd7aa4aab3d9381aa0676dcb97f


07 Feb 16:24
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3.0.0 - 2024-02-06


  • New endpoint /api.json that serves an OpenAPI documentation of the PocketIC server.
  • Instances can be created from existing NNS state.


  • Breaking: The create_instance endpoint accepts an ExtendedSubnetConfigSet, which allows more options.


  • Canister inspect message errors when executing ingress messages are returned as canister execution results rather than request errors.
  • Subnets agree on which subnet id is the NNS subnet id. Fixes the problem where a canister installation via CMC directly would fail.

Full changelog:
Commit hash: 6b7b236790c1fd4e2aeaf3444244b270c7378b02


29 Jan 14:30
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  • Fixed a bug where get_subnet() would return results for non-existent canisters, causing canister_exists() to return true for non-existent canisters in client libraries
  • Fixed a bug related to PocketIcs internal time being set to the current time, which lead to non-deterministic behavior


  • Cycles consumption is now more appropriately scaled according to the size of the subnet

Full changelog:
Commit hash: 69e1408347723dbaa7a6cd2faa9b65c42abbe861


29 Jan 14:28
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  • Support for multiple subnets
  • Support for cross-subnet canister calls
  • Improved support to start the PocketIC server from the command line:
    • Ability to start the server without any flags
    • Use -p or --port to specify a port where the server should listen
    • Use --ttl to specify for how long the server should be running before it shuts down
    • --pid flag is no longer required and discouraged to use from the command line
  • Improved logging support:
    • Use the POCKET_IC_LOG_DIR environment varible to specify where to store logs
    • Use the environment variable POCKET_IC_LOG_DIR_LEVELS=trace to specify the log level of the logs that are written to the log file
  • read/pub_key endpoint to retrieve the public key of a subnet
  • read/get_subnet endpoint to retrieve the subnet id of a canister


  • POST instances/ endpoint requires a subnet config
  • POST instances/ endpoint returns a toplogy of the instance
  • /read/query and /update/execute_ingress_message require an effective_principal field


  • Checkpointing
  • read/canister_exists endpoint (superseded by read/get_subnet)
  • read/root_key endpoint (superseded by read/pub_key)

Full changelog:
Commit hash: 29ec86dc9f9ca4691d4d4386c8b2aa41e14d9d16


29 Jan 14:26
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  • Blocking REST-API: Encode IC-call in endpoint, not in body.

Full changelog:
Commit hash: 307d5847c1d2fe1f5e19181c7d0fcec23f4658b3


29 Jan 14:24
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  • Blocking API to make IC-calls to a PocketIC server.

Full changelog:
Commit hash: 865a816108b31956bd449282e5803ce40007789f