This is a Food-Finder that allows you to find recipes for your favorite foods ,as well as, find restaurants and cuisines based on zip code. With a Tim & Eric theme.
When a food is entered into the search recipe textbox and click search; pictures and the name of the recipe will populate clicking the picture will send you to the website with said recipe When you enter a zip code another you are presented with two options: Option one enter a type of food into the "what sounds good" textbox you will be presented with a results for restaurants in that area area that carry that cuisine Option two you can click on the "check it out! Browse by cuisine" and buttons of different types of cuisine will populate click the buttons and it will populate different restaurants that serve that cuisine in that area Lastly, the Culture menu in the navbar is filled with Tim and Eric goodness
Html Css Pure Css framework Javascript AJAX JSON Zomato, Forkify, and Mapquest API's Git
Tea Flores-Kestner: Eric Osowski: Tim Bluhm:
Github: Deployed: