Boss rc-500 tool to play with the XML configuration... until Boss make our life easier
If you just want to use it without dive into the glory details, you can go the documentation directly here.
You need to install : CMake ( + Conan ( and a compiler for your system (gcc, ...)
git clone
cd boss-rc500-editor
mkdir build && cd build
conan install .. -pr:b default -pr default -b missing
cmake ..
Personal note: Remove os.version from settings and user default-gcc10 as profile
CC=gcc-10 CXX=g++-10 conan install .. -pr default-gcc10 -r conan-center
Use specific conan repo,
export CONAN_USER_HOME=${HOME}/conan-gcc10
with simpler profiles
You need to launch a Developer command prompt to have your compiler environment accessible by CMake and Conan.
git clone
cd boss-rc500-editor
md build
cd build
conan install .. -pr:b vs2019 -pr vs2019 -b missing
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release
cd ..
or you can open the solution file under the build
directory. (rc500-tools.sln). Visual Studio will open, which will allow you to compiler under VS directly.
I do not use Visual Studio anymore, but to run the program, you must change the working directory to the project root, where the resources directory is,
else the program could not find the images and others files needed.
If you use CLion, after the conan install command, you can open the project root directory in it.
Under Linux (Debian), if Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file: No such file: (null)
You can add export FONTCONFIG_PATH=/etc/fonts
before launching the tools
If Could not create collator: 4
you can set ICU_DATA to the location of icu dat file.
export ICU_DATA=~/.conan/data/icu/69.1/_/_/package/3d01f378bd85430e39906eeeaec39c5b63de106c/res/icudt69l.dat