My custom collection of dotfiles. Second attempt 😅, now managed via GNU Stow.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
Clone repo and use Stow to add or remove desired configurations
$ git clone ~/.dotfiles
$ cd ~/.dotfiles
$ stow <desired configuration/directory>
This repo is using git subtree
s to hold some external used repos. To update
or keep sync them, you can list prefixes
$ git log | grep git-subtree-dir | tr -d ' ' | cut -d ":" -f2 | sort | uniq
(via StackOverflow)
and then update those what do you want
$ git subtree pull --prefix <prefix> <repo> master --squash
Oh My Tmux! - pretty + versatile tmux configuration that just works.
Following steps given in this article,
❗ compile the custom (and included here) terminfo
$ tic xterm-256color-italic.terminfo
ensure that
set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color-italic"
it is being used in the tmux.conf (see tmux/.tmux.conf.local).
So far I was using the awesome Steve Francia's vim distribution, spf13-vim. A couple of months ago I switched to a less sophisticated configuration using Janus. But now I am giving a try to space-vim 😁 😁
First time, it could be necessary to execute :PlugInstall
Apart from those installed by space-vim
distribution, below plugins were added
junegunn/seoul256 - Low-contrast Vim color scheme based on Seoul Colors.
shime/vim-livedown - Vim plugin for Livedown. To use it properly, you must install Livedown in your system
$ npm install -g livedown
vim-rails - Ruby on Rails power tools
❗ Do not forget take a look to .spacevim
for more info.
Persistent undo create the
in your $HOME directory.$ mkdir ~/.vimundo
I started to use Zsh with oh-my-zsh, and then I switched to prezto configuration framework for a while.
But now, after took a look to a handful of Zsh frameworks (see Awesome
Zsh plugins and
Terminals are sexy), I am using zplug zim:fw.
I'm also using a .zshr.after configuration file to put additional configuration.
zplug - A next-generation plugin manager for Zsh.Pure - Pretty, minimal and fast Zsh prompt.- zim:fw - a Zsh configuration framework that bundles a plugin manager, useful modules, and a wide variety of themes, without compromising on speed.
- Starship - The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
- Zsh syntax highlighting - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.
- Httpstat - curl statistics made simple.
- Vimode visual - Implement the vim-like visual mode to vi-mode of Zsh.
This custom configuration file was added due to a problem in macOS related to
reverse search and history in both irb
and Rails console
Basic git configuration and aliases from GitAlias/gitalias
User configuration should be placed in ~/.gitconfig_user
file. See
git/.gitconfig for more details.
Tweaked configuration for kitty, the fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal emulator.