Simple Factory for php-cache/cache library (PSR-6 Cache implementation).
To offer a simple way of creating different cache pool adapters based on simplified configurations.
The factory creates and returns a PSR-6 compatible cache pool based on small and tidy configuration provided as either PHP array or via YAML configuration file.
Library is available on Packagist, so you can simply run:
composer require "dgreda/cache-factory":"v0.1.*"
Currently factory supports the following adapters:
- Filesystem
- Memcached
- Predis
The goal is to implement all the adapters implemented by
There are some examples of usage under the "examples" directory.
Nevertheless, to give you a quick explanation and idea how it works, let's assume that you want to quickly obtain a Memcached cache pool implementation. You prepare the following YAML file and save it as 'cache.yml'
type: Memcached
memcached1: { host: localhost, port: 11211 }
Then in your PHP code you instantiate the factory and provide the config file to it, to easily make an instance of desired cache pool defined in the YAML:
use Cache\Factory\Factory;
$cachePoolFactory = new Factory();
$cachePool = $cachePoolFactory->make('memcached');
Now you have the PSR-6 compatible instance of cache pool using the desired cache adapter!
Your YAML file can contain several adapters defined and you can easily get a new instance of desired/needed cache pool by simply passing the name of the adapter as a parameter to the 'make' method of the factory.
Inspiration to create this library came from the flysystem-factory where I am also a contributor:
The flysystem-factory library development was initiated by