sample project implementing Itamar Hassin's (of ThoughtWorks) infrastructure-as-code presentation
things I had to do along the way to get everything to run (that I can remember)
create a Gemfile:
$ bundle init
add required gems
group :test do
gem 'cucumber'
gem 'serverspec'
gem 'rake'
and install them in the project (to keep your environment clean)
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle
Host webserver
Hostname webserver
User vagrant
IdentityFile .vagrant/machines/webserver/virtualbox/private_key
StrictHostKeyChecking no
$ bundle exec serverspec-init
Select OS type:
1) UN*X
2) Windows
Select number: 1
Select a backend type:
1) SSH
2) Exec (local)
Select number: 1
Vagrant instance y/n: y
Auto-configure Vagrant from Vagrantfile? y/n: y
+ spec/webserver/sample_spec.rb
+ spec/spec_helper.rb
+ Rakefile
+ .rspec
I had to do this before serverspec or cucumber could succeed, though they are both capable of starting the VM. maybe some tweaks to spec_helper &/or the Vagrantfile would allow them to be self-sufficient
$ vagrant up --provision webserver
$ bundle exec rake spec
Package "apache2"
should be installed
Service "apache2"
should be enabled
should be running
Port "80"
should be listening
File "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf"
should be file
should contain ""
Finished in 0.54695 seconds (files took 9.56 seconds to load)
6 examples, 0 failures
$ bundle exec cucumber
As a Webmaster (yeah baby!) I need a webserver to be running so that I may master it.
Background: # features/httpd.feature:4
Given my server is available # features/step_definitions/httpd_steps.rb:3
And I provision it # features/step_definitions/httpd_steps.rb:7
Scenario: # features/httpd.feature:7
When I get access to it # features/step_definitions/httpd_steps.rb:11
Then I expect it to have apache running # features/step_definitions/httpd_steps.rb:15
1 scenario (1 passed)
4 steps (4 passed)
Mx Hassin's presentation describes an iterative process to reach this point. A repo containing the final state is a bit of a spoiler and maybe not so useful to anyone who didn't go through the process. So perhaps just consider this a supplementary reference.
If you're more committed to these tools or less to keeping your environment clean, you could install the gems not just in the project and not need to bundle exec
I had a lot of false starts and things to troubleshoot along the way, so it's likely I've forgotten something... The results are all here, but perhaps not all the steps required to get them.