Notes and homework for Coursera's "Algorithms" online class 📚
input: 2 n-digit numbers x and y output: the product x.y
Primitive operation (for now): add or multiply 2 single-digit numbers.
Algo is "correct": the algo will eventually terminate and give the correct answer.
What about the amount of time needed?
upshot: nOperations <= some constant upshot: can we do better?
Example: x = 5678, a = 56, b = 78 y = 1234, c = 12, d = 34
step1: a.c = 672 step2: d.b = 2652 step3: (a+b)(c+d) = 6164 step4: (3) - (2) - (1) = 2840 step5: (1) * 10^4 + (2) + (4) * 10^2 = 7006652, the output
Recursive algorithm: write x = 10^(n/2) * a + b, y = 10^(n/2) * c + d where a, b, c, d are n/2-digit numbers.
x.y = ... = 10^n * ac + 10^(n/2) * (ad + bc) + bd (¤)
idea: recursively compute ac, ad, bc, bd then compute ¤
step1: recursively compute ac step2: recursively compute bd step3: recursively compute (a + b)(c + d) = ac + ad + bc + bd Gauss's trick: (3) - (1) - (2) = ad + bc
upshot: only need 3 recursive multiplications and some additions
Improves over Selection, Insertion, Bubble sorts Good example for worst case behavior and asymptotic analysis
Recursion tree methods --> "Master method"
input: array of n numbers output: array of n numbers, sorted from min to max
Assumption: numbers are distincts (does not change much)
ignore base cases
C = output[length = n]
A = first sorted array [n/2]
B = second sorted array [n/2]
i = 1
j = 1
for k = 1 to n
if A(i) < B(j)
C(k) = A(i)
C(k) = B(j)
Running time ? n numbers to sort
Upshot: <= 4n + 2 <= 6n (since n >= 1)
Claim: merge sort requires <= 6n * (log(n) + 1) operations to sort n
At each level j=0,1,...,log(n) there are 2^j subproblems each of size n/(2^j)
- worst case analysis
- don't pay attention to constant factors and lower order terms
- asymptotic analysis (focus on large input sizes)
Fast algorithm ~= worst-case running time grows slowly with input size
Holy grail: linear running time
Importance: vocabulary, "sweet spot", sharp enough to differentiate algo
High-level idea: suppress constant factors and lower-order terms.
constant factors: too system-dependant lower-order terms: irrelevant for large input
--> 6n(log(n) + 1) ==> nlog(n)
- One loop: does an array contains a given integer --> O(n)
- Two loops: does A or B contain t? --> O(n)
- Two nested loops: do A and B have a number in common --> O(n²)
- Two nested loops (II): does A have duplicate entries --> O(n²)
T(n) = function on N
T(n) = O(f(n)) <--> E c, n0 > 0 / T(n) <= c * f(n) A n >= n0
Claim: if T(n) = a_k * n^k + ... + a_0 * n^0 then T(n) = O(n^k)
Proof: choose n0 = 1 and c = |a_k|+...+|a_0|
Claim: A k >= 1, n^k != O(n^(k-1))
Proof: by contradiction. Suppose n^k = O(n^(k-1))
E c, n0 > 0 / n^k <= c * n^(k -1), A n >= 0
ie n <= c, A n >= 0
Omega notation:
T(n) = Om(f(n)) <--> E c, n0 / T(n) >= c * f(n) A n >= n0
Theta notation: O(f(n)) AND Om(f(n))
T(n) = th(f(n)) <--> E c1, c2, n0 / c1 * f(n) <= T(n) <= c2 * f(n) A n >= n0
Little Oh notation:
T(n) = o(f(n)) <--> A c > 0, E n0 / T(n) <= c * f(n) A n >= n0
The divide and conquer paradigm:
- Divide the problem into smaller subproblems
- Conquer the subproblems via recursive calls
- Combine solutions of subproblems into the original solution
Input: array A containing the numbers 1, 2, 3, ... in some arbitrary order Output: number of inversions = number of pairs (i,j) of indices with i < j and A[i] > A[j] Motivation: numerical similarity measure between two ranked lists Largest possible number of inversions: (n C 2) = n(n - 1) / 2
Note: (n choose k) = n! / (k!(n - k)!)
Brute force algorithm: O(n²) time
3 types of inversions, (i,j) <= n / 2; (i,j) > n / 2; i <= n / 2 < j (split inversion)
High-level algorithm:
CountInversions(array A of length n)
if (n == 1) return 0
x = CountInversions(first half of A)
y = CountInversions(second half of A)
z = CountSplitInversions(A, n) // TODO
return x + y + z
Idea: piggyback on merge sort
SortAndCountInversions(array A of length n)
if (n == 1) return (A, 0)
(B, x) = SortAndCountInversions(first half of A)
(C, y) = SortAndCountInversions(second half of A)
(D, z) = MergeAndCountSlipInversions(B, C, n) // TODO
return (D, x + y + z)
MergeAndCountSlipInversions: when an element of 2nd array C gets copied into output D, increment total by number of elements remaining in 1st array B
Run time: O(nlog(n))
n by b matrices
Classic multiplication: O(n^3)
Recursive algorithm n#1:
Idea: write X = (A, B; C, D) and Y = (E, F; G, H) where A...H are n/2 by n/2 matrices
Then: XY = (AE + BG, AF + BH; CE + DG, CF + DH)
--> O(n^3)
Strassen's algorithm (1969)
- Step 1: recursiely compute only 7 (cleverly chosen) products
- Step 2: do the necessary (clever) additions and subtractions (still O(n²) time)
- Fact: better than cubic time! (see next lecture)
7 products:
- P1 = A(F - H)
- P2 = (A + B)H
- P3 = (C + D)E
- P4 = D(G - E)
- P5 = (A + D)(E + H)
- P6 = (B - D)(G + H)
- P7 = (A - C)(E + F)
Claim: XY = (P5 + P4 - P2 + P6, P1 + P2; P3 + P4, P1 + P5 - P3 - P7)
input: n points (€ R²) in the plane output: the closest pair in the plane (euclidian distance) assumption: all points have distinct x and y coordinates
Brute force: O(n²)
1-D version of closest pair:
- sort points O(nlogn)
- return closest pair of adjacent points O(n)
Goal: O(nlogn) for 2-D version
High level approach:
- make copies of points sorted by x-coordinate (Px) and y-coordinates (Py) O(nlogn)
- use divide-conquer
ClosestPair(Px, Py)
# base case omitted
let Q = leftmost half part of P
R = rightmost
form Qx, Qy, Rx, Ry (takes O(n) time)
(p1, q1) = ClosestPair(Qx, Qy)
(p2, q2) = ClosestPair(Rx, Ry)
Either the closest pair is entirely in Q, either in R
unlucky case: the pair is splitted in Q and R
(p3, q3) = ClosestSplitPair(Px, Py)
return best of 3 pairs
If ClosestSplitPair is O(n) then ClosestPair is O(nlogn)
ClosestSplitPair: key idea: only need to compute the unlucky case. Because the recursions will eventually make all cases unlucky
ClosestPair(Px, Py)
let Q = leftmost half part of P
R = rightmost
form Qx, Qy, Rx, Ry (takes O(n) time)
(p1, q1) = ClosestPair(Qx, Qy)
(p2, q2) = ClosestPair(Rx, Ry)
let D = min(d(p1, q2), d(p2, q2))
(p3, q3) = ClosestSplitPair(Px, Py, D)
return best of 3 pairs
ClosestSplitPair(Px, Py, D)
let x = biggest x-coordinate in left of P (O(n))
let Sy = points of P with x-coordinates in [x - D, x + D], sorted by y-coordinates (O(n))
let best = D
let best_pair = null
for i = 1 to len(Sy) - 1
for j = 1 to min(7, len(Sy) - i)
let p, q = i-th, (i + j)-th points of Sy
if d(p, d) < best
best = d(p, q)
best_pair = (p, q)
# O(1) time
# O(n) time
return best_pair
Satisfies the correctness requirements u_u Claim: let p € Q, q € R be a split pair with d(p, q) < D Then: (A) p and q are members of Sy (B) p and q are at most 7 positions apart in Sy
Re: Karatsuba
T(n) = maximum number of operations this algorithm needs to multiply two n-digit numbers
Recurrence: express T(n) in term of running time of recursive calls
- Base case: T(1) <= a constant
- A n > 1: T(n) <= 3T(n / 2) + O(n)
assumption: all subproblems have equal size (previously: n / 2)
- A n > n_base_case: T(n) <= a * T(n / b) + O(n^d)
- a: number of recursive calls (>= 1)
- b: input size shrinkage factor (> 1)
- d: exponent in running time of "comble step" (>= 0)
- (a, b, d) independent of n
if T(n) <= a * T(n / b) + O(n^d)
then T(n) = {
if a = b^d: O(n^d * log(n))
if a < b^d: O(n^d)
if a > b^d: O(n^log_b(a))
Only gives upper bond, but can use theta
log: no base ? base does not matter (constant factor change) UNLESS in exponent, then the constant factor matters, a lot.
Merge sort: a = 2 b = 2 d = 1 --> a = b^d --> O(nlogn)
Binary search: a = 1 b = 2 d = 0 --> a = b^d --> O(logn)
Karatsuba without Gauss's trick: a = 4 b = 2 d = 1 --> a > b^d --> O(n^(log2(4))) = O(n²)
Karatsuba: a = 3 b = 2 d = 1 --> a > b^d --> O(n^(log2(3))) = O(n^1.59)
Strassen's matrix multiplication: a = 7 b = 2 d = 2 --> a > b^d --> O(n^(log2(7))) = O(n^2.81)
Assume: recurrence is (i) T(1) < c (ii) T(n) < a * T(n / b) + c * n^d and n is a power of b
Idea: generalize merge sort analysis ie use a recursion tree
at each level j=0,1,2,...,log_b(n) there are a^j subproblems each of size n / b^j
The recursion tree
Level 0: n Level 1: n/b, n/b, ... (a branches) ... Level log_b(n): base cases
Work at a single level (ignoring work in recursive calls): <= a^j * c * (n / b^j)^d where:
- a^j is the # of level-j subproblems
- n / b^j is the size of each level-j subproblem
- c * (n / b^j)^d is the work per level-j subproblem
Total work: summing over all levels j: total work <= c * n^d * sum(j=0...log_b(n), (a / b^d)^j) (¤)
How to think about (¤)
a = rate of subproblem proliferation (RSP)
b^d = rate of work shrinkage (RWS) (per subproblem)
If RSP < RWP then the amount of work is decreasing with the recursion level j (expect O(n^d * logn))
If RSP > RWP then the amount of work is increasing with the recursion level j (extect O(n^d))
If RSP = RWP then the amount of work is the same at every recursion level j (expect O(# leaves))
If a = b^d then (¤) = c * n^d * (log_b(n) + 1) = O(n^d * log(n)) We can suppress constant factors
A r != 1, 1 + r + r² + ... + r^k = (r^(k + 1) - 1) / (r - 1) upshot:
- If r < 1, <= 1 / (r - 1) = a constant (independent of k)
- If r > 1, <= r^k * (1 + 1 / (r - 1))
- Greatest hit algorithm
- Prevalent in practice
- O(nlogn), works in place
input: array of n unsorted numbers output: array of n sorted numbers assume: all array entries distinct
key idea: partition array arounda pivot element
- pick element of array
- rearrange array so that left to pivot === less than pivot, right === greater
Note: puts pivot in its "rightful position"
- linear O(n) time, no extra memory
- reduces problem size
High-level description:
QuickSort(A of length n)
if n == 1 return
p = ChoosePivot(A)
partition A around p
recursively sort first and second part (not including p)
The easy way: using O(n) extra memory. bouh!
In-place implementation: Assume: pivot is the first element of array High-level idea:
- single scan through array
- invariant: everything looked at so far is partitioned
Partition(A, l, r) // input = A[l...r]
p = A[l]
i = l + 1
for j = l + 1 to r
if A[j] < p // if not, do nothing
swap A[j] and A[i]
swap A[l] and A[i - 1]
Running time: O(n) where n = r - l + 1 (O(1) work per array entry)
Correctness: the for loop maintains the invariants (A[l + 1]...A[i - 1] < p and A[i]...A[j - 1] > p)
By induction. Think about the partitioned array. The "parts" are smaller than n, hence the proof.
The running time of QuickSort depends on the quality of the pivot
If pivot is always the first element, on a sorted array QuickSort performs theta(n²) Because n + (n - 1) + ... + 1 < n²
If pivot is always the median element of te array, on any array QuickSort performs theta(nlogn)
How to choose pivots? Key idea: random pivots!
QuickSort theorem: for every input array of length n, the average running time of QuickSort with random pivots is O(nlogn)
Fixed input array A of length n
sample space Om = all possible outcomes of random choices in QuickSort (i.e. pivot sequences)
random variable A s € Om, E C(s) the # of comparisons between two input elements
lemma: running time of QuickSort dominated by companrisons
notation: z_i = i-th smallest item in A
X_ij(s) = # of times z_i and z_j get compared in pivot sequence s (indicator random variable: ie can take only 0 or 1)
A s, C(s) = sum(i=1...n - 1, sum(j=i + 1...n, X_ij(s)))
By linearity of ... this is cumbersome to type
A general decomposition principle:
- Identify random variable Y that you really care about
- Express Y as a sum of indicator random variable: Y = sum(X)
- Apply linearity of expectation: E[Y] = sum(E[x]) = sum(P(x = 1))
input: array A of n disctinct numbers and a number i output: i-th order statistic ie the i-th smallest element of A example: median
The 1st order statistic is the min --> trivial with linear scan The nth order statistic is the max --> idem
Easy to do with sorting, but nlogn
RandomizedSelection(A of length n, order statistic i)
if n == 1 return A[0]
choose pivot p uniformly at random
partition A around p
let j = new index of p
if i == j return p // lucky
if j > i return RandomizedSelection(first part of A of length j - 1, i)
if j < i return RandomizedSelection(second part of A of length n - j, i - j)
Claim: RandomizedSelection is correct (proof: by induction)
Running time ? Depends on quality of the pivot worst pivot: theta(n²) key: find a pivot giving a balanced split best pivot: the median (lol) --> would get recurrence T(n) <= T(n / 2) + O(n) --master method--> T(n) = O(n) Hope: random pivot is "pretty good" "often enough"
RandomizedSelection theorem: for every input array of length n, the average running time is O(n)
Notation: RS is in phase j if the current array size is between (3/4)^(j+1) * n and (3/4)^j * n X_j = number of recursion calls during phase j
coin flip: E[heads] = 1 + 0.5 * E[heads]
- 1 is the flip
- 0.5 is the probability that the flip fails, in which case we would try again
key idea: use the "median of medians" as the pivot
ChoosePivot(A of length n)
break A into n / 5 groups of size 5 each
sort each group
copy the n / 5 medians (ie middle elements of each sorted group) into new array C
recursively compute median of C
return it as the pivot
partition around it
DSelect(A of length n, order statistic i)
Break A into n / 5 groups of size 5, sort the groups
C = the n / 5 "middle elements"
p = DSelect( of length n / 5, n / 10)
Partition A around P
if j = i return p
if j < i return DSelect(first part of A of length j - 1, i)
if j > i return DSelect(second part of A of length n - j, i - j)
Not as good as RSelect in practice
- worse constants
- not in-place
"Only" 20 yo algorithm
Cuts of a graph (V, E) a partition of V into two non-empty sets A and B
A graph with n vertices has 2^n possible cuts
Input: an undirected graph G = (V, E) Goal: compute a cut with fewest number of crossing edges (i.e. a min-cut)
Let an undirected graph of n vertices Min # of edges: n - 1 Max # of edges: n(n - 1) / 2
n = # of vertices, m = # of edges In most applications, m is Omega(n) and O(n²)
- Sparce graph: m is O(n) or close to it
- Dense graph: m is closer to O(n²)
Adjacency matrix: represent G using a n by n matrix
A_ij = 1 <=> G has an i-j edge (requires n² space)
Adjacency list:
- array or list of vertices (theta(n))
- array or list of edges (theta(m))
- each edge points to its endpoints (theta(m))
- each vertex points to edges incident to it (theta(m)) (same pointers as the 3rd item) --> requires theta(n + m) space (or theta(max(n, m)))
Which is better: it depends on graph density and operations needed.
while there are more than 2 vertices left:
- pick a remaining edge (u, v) at random
- merge (or "contract") u and v into a single vertex
- remove self loops
return cut represented by final 2 vertices
What is the probability of success?
Fix G = (V, E), n and m Fix A and B the minimum cut Let k be the # of edges crossing (A, B), those edge form F
if an edge of F is contrated, the algo fails if not, succeeds
First iteration, probability to fail: k/m
Key observation: The degree of each vertex is at least k
We have sum(v, degree(v)) = 2m and sum(v, degree(v)) >= kn --> m >= kn / 2
P(fail1) = k/m <= 2 / n
Second iteration: P(success1, success2) = P(success2|succes1) * P(success1)
P(success1) >= 1 - 2/n P(success2|success1) = 1 - k/remaining edges
remaining edges >= m - 1 >= k(n - 1) / 2
Total probability: >= (1 - 2/n)(1 - 2/(n - 1))(1 - 2/(n - 2))...(1 - 2/(n - (n - 3))) i.e. >= 2 / (n(n - 1 )) >= 2 / n²
Problem: low success proba... but non trivial! (# of cuts is exp, proba is ²)
Solution: run the algo a large number N of times and remember the smallest cut found
How many trials needed?
P(all trials fail) <= (1 - 1 / n²)^N
We have 1 + x <= e^x
If we take N = n², P(all trials fail) <= (e^(-1/n²))^n² = 1 / e
If we take N = n²ln(n), P(all trials fail) <= 1 / n
Running time ? polynomial in n and m but slow Omega(n²m)
But: better algo exist
A graph may ave more than one min cut
Eg: a tree has n - 1 min cut
Question: what is the largest number of min cut a graph can have? Answer: n choose 2 = n(n - 1) / 2
Generic graph search Goals:
- Find everything findable from a given vertex
- Don't explore anything twice
- in O(n + m) time
Generic algo: given a grap G and a vertex s
- initially s explored, all other vertices unexplored
- while possible:
- choose an edge (u, v) with u explored and v unexplored
- mark v explored
Claim: at the end of the algo, v explored <=> G has a path from s to v
Breath-First Search (BFS)
- explore nodes in layer
- can compute shortest paths
- can compute connected components of an undirected graph --> O(n + m) time using a queue (FIFO)
Depth-First Search (DFS)
- explore agressively like a maze, backtrack only when necessary
- compute topological ordering of a DAG
- compute connected components in directed graphs
BFS(graph G, start vertex s)
mark s as explored
let Q = queue FIFO initialized with s
while Q != 0:
v = Q.shift() // The first
for each edge (v, w):
if w unexplored:
mark w as explored
Q.append(w) // At the end
Running time: O(ns + ms), where ns is the # of nodes reachable from s
Goal: compute dist(v), te fewest # of edges between s and v
extra code:
- initialize dist(v) = { 0 is s == v, +infinity otherwise }
- when considering edge (v, w):
- if w inexplored: dist(w) = dist(v) + 1
Connected components: "the pieces" of G
Formal definition: equivalence classes of the relation u~v <=> E u-v path in G
Goal: compute all connected components Why: check if network is disconnected
mark all nodes as unexplored
for i=1 to n
if i not explored
BFS(G, i)
# note: maybe some code to describe the found components
Running time: O(n + m)
DFS(G, starting vertex s)
mark s as explored
for every edge (s, v):
if v is unexplored:
DFS(G, v)
Could also mimick BFS with a stack instead of a queue.
Running time: O(ns + ms)
Definition: a topological ordering of a directed graph G is a labelling F of G's nodes such that:
- the f(v)'s are the set {1,2,...,n}
- (u,v) € G => f(u) < f(v)
Motivation: Sequence tasks while respecting precedence constraints
Note: cycle => no topo ordering
Note: every DAG has a sink vertex.
Straightforward solution:
- let v be a sink vertex of G
- set f(v) = n
- recurse on G - {v}
Topological sort via DFS (Slick)
mark all vertices unexplored
current_label = n
for each vertex v:
if v not yet explored:
DFSForTopologicalSort(G, v)
DFSForTopologicalSort(G, s)
mark s as explored
for every edge (s, v):
if v not yet explored:
DFS(G, v)
set f(s) = current_label
Running time: O(m + n) Reason: O(1) time per node, O(1) time per edge Correctness: need to show that if (u,v) is an edge, then f(u)<f(v)
Definition: the Strongly Connected Components (SCC) of a directed graph are the equivalence classes of the relation: u~v <=> E path u->v and a path v->u in G
Kosaraju's two-pass algorithm O(m+n)
let Grev = G with all arcs reversed (could also run DFS going backward)
run DFS-loop on Grev (goal: compute "magical ordering" of nodes)
let f(v) = "finising time" of each vertex v
run DFS-loop on G (goal: discover the SCC one by one)
processing nodes in decreasing order of finising time
save the leaders
global variable t = 0 (# of nodes processed so far)
global variable s = Null (current source vertex)
Assume nodes labeled 1 to n
for i=n to 1:
if i not yet explored:
s = i
DFS(G, i)
DFS(G, i)
mark i as explored (in a given DFS-loop)
set leader(i) = node s
for each edge (i,j):
if j not yet explored:
DFS(G, j)
set f(i) = t
2nd pass of DFS-loop begings somewhere in a sink SCC C* First pass of DFS-loop discovers C* and nothing else
Input: a (directed) Graph G = (V, E) (n, m) each edge has a nonnegative length "le" source vertex s
Output: for each v€V, compute L(v) = length of the shortest s-v path in G
- for convinience: A v€V, E s->v path
- important: no negative edge length: le >= 0 A e € E
BFS computes the shortest path iff le=1 A e € E
DijkstraShortestPath(G, s)
X = {s} # Vertices processed so far
A[s] = 0 # Computed shortest path distances
B[s] = empty path # Computed shortest paths (do not include in actual implementation)
while X != V:
among all edges (v, w) € E with v € X, w not € X, pick the one that minimizes A[v] + l_vw (Dijkstra's greedy criterion), call it (v*, w*)
add w* to X
set A[w*] = A[v*] + l_v*w*
set B[w*] = B[v*] + (v*, w*)
As such, running time is theta(nm). But we can do better.
Heap: perform insert, extract min in O(logn) time
- perfectly balanced binary tree (height: log_2(n))
- extract min by swapping up last leaf, bubbling down
- insert bia bubling up Also: will need the ability to delete from the middle of the heap (bubble up or down, as needed)
Two invariants:
- elements in heap = vertices of V - X
- for v € V - X, key[v] = smallest Dijkstra greedy score of an edge (u, v) € E with U € X (key means value somehow) or +infinity if no such edge
With those invariants, extract-min yields correct vertex w* to add to X next
Maintaining the 2nd invariant: When w is extracted from heap, (ie added to X)
for each edge (w, v) € E:
if v € V - X (ie in heap):
remove v from heap
recompute key[v] = min(key[v], A[w] + l_wv)
reinsert v into heap
Running time analysis:
- Dominated by heap operations, O(logn) each
- (n - 1) extract mins
- each edge (v, w) triggers at most one Delete/Insert combo (if v added to X first) --> # of heap operations is O(n + m) = O(m) since the graph is weakly connected --> Running time: O(mlogn)
Point: organize data so that it can be accessed quickly and usefully
Ex: lists, stacks, queues, heaps, search trees, hashtables, bloom filters, union-find, etc...
- insert O(logn)
- extract min O(logn)
- heapify O(n)
- delete O(logn)
Application: sorting: HeapSort
Application: Median maintenance
Input: a sequence of n numbers Output: for each step, the median of the numbers Constraint: O(log i)
Solution: 1 extractMin (Hhigh) and 1 extractMax (Hlow) heap Maintain invariant: i/2 smallest (largest) elements in Hlow (Hhigh)
Things to do with a sorted array:
- Search (binary search) O(logn)
- Select (a given order statistic, ex: min/max) O(1)
- Predecessor / successor O(1)
- Rank (know # of keys less than a given value) O(logn)
- Output in sorted order O(n)
--> Apply on a static dataset
BST: like sorted array + fast log insertion and deletion
- Search O(logn)
- Select O(logn)
- Min/Max O(logn)
- Predecessor / successor O(logn)
- Rank O(logn)
- Output O(n)
- Insert / Delete O(logn)
Exactly one node per key most basic version each child has left and right child + parent pointers
Search tree property: left children < current key, right children > current key
Height of a BST: Number or "levels" (arcs) Note: many possible search tree for a set of keys --> height or depth: log2n <= h <= n
- Start at the root
- Traverse left/right child pointrs as needed
- Search for k (unseccessfully)
- Rewire final Null pointer to point to new node with key k
--> theta(height)
- Start at the root
- Follow left/right child pointers, return last key found
Predecessor of k:
- Easy case: if k's left subtree nonempty, return max key in left
- Otherwise: follow parent pointers until you get to a key less than k
In-order traversal
- Let r = root of search tree, with subtrees Tl and Tr
- Recurse on Tl
- print out r's key
- Recurse on Tr
Deletion (of a key k)
- Search for key
- easy case (k has no children): just delete k
- medium case (k has only one child): just "splice out" k, replace with child
- difficult case (k has 2 children):
- compute k's predecessor l
- swap k and l (note: k does not have a right child anymore)
--> theta(height)
Select and rank: Idea: store a little bit of extra info at each tree node about the tree itself Example augmentation: size(x) = # of tree nodes in subtree rooted at x = size(y) + size(z) + 1 (children + 1)
How to select ith order statistic (with such a tree)
- start at root x, with children y and z
- let a = size(y) (0 if no left child)
- if a = i - 1 return x's key
- if a >= i recursively compute ith order statistic of search tree rooted at y
- if a < i - i recursively compute (i - a - 1)th order statistic of tree rooted at z
--> theta(height)
Balanced, logn garanteed
Idea: ensure that height stays logarithmic --> Ops run at O(logn)
Example: red-black trees (see also AVL trees, splaytrees, b-trees, b+-trees)
Red-black invariants:
- Same as BST, plus more
- Each node red or black
- Root is black
- No 2 reds in a row (red node ==> children must be black)
- Every root-Null path (unsuccessful search) path has same number of black nodes
Example: a chain of length 3 cannot be a red-black tree. (4th invariant violated)
Example: perfectly balanced search tree
Height garantee: every red-black tree with n nodes has height O(logn) [h <= 2log2(n+1)]
Left rotations: locally rebalance subtrees at a node in O(1) time
Of a parent x and right child y (x < y).
P - x - A (left st of x), (y - B (left st of y), C (right sb of y)) --> P - y - (x - A, B), C
purpose: maintain a possibly evolving set of stuff. (gné?)
Supported operation: insert, delete, lookup (using a "key") --> O(1)
Setup: know the universe U that we ant to store (all IP address, all chessboard position, ...)
Goal: want to maintain a set S € U
Naive solutions:
- array-based, indexed by u, O(1) time but theta(|U|) space
- list-based, theta(|S|) space but theta(|S|) memory
- pick n = # of "buckets" with n ~= |S| (assume |S| does not vary too much)
- choose a hash function h: U --> {0, 1, 2, ..., n - 1}
- Use array A of length n, store x in A[h(x)]
Birthday "paradox" => colisions will happen
Resolving colisions:
solution #1: separate chaining
- keep linked list in each bucket
- given a key/object x, perform insert/delete/lookup in the list in A[h(x)]
solution #2: open addressing (only o object per bucket)
- hash function now specifies probe sequence h1(x), h2(x), ...
- keep trying until find an open slot
What makes a good hash function ?
Note: in hash table with chaining, insert is O(1), O(list length) for insert/delete Point: performance depends on a good hash function
Properties of a good has function:
- should "spread the data" as much as possible --> performance
- does not work too hard, fast to evaluate
Bad hash function, keys = phone numbers (10 digits) |u| = 10^10, n = 10^3
- first 3 digits (terrible, some buckets will be filled, other empty)
- last 3 digits (not uniformly distributed)
next example: keys = memory locations (will be multiples of a number of 2)
- bad hash function: x mod 1000 (some buckets will be empty (odd numbers))
Quick and dirty hash functions:
- turn the object into a (preferably big) number (eg: subroutine to convert strings into intergers)
- compress that number (eg: the mod function)
How to choose the number of buckets:
- choose n to be a prime number (no multiple in common with data)
- not too close to a power of 2 or 10
The load of a hash table: alpha = # of things that have been inserted / # of buckets of hash table
For good hash table performance:
- alpha = O(1) is necessary condition for operations to run in constant time
- ith open addressing, need alpha << 1
--> Need to control the load, make sure the # of buket increases with the # of items in the HT
Pathological data sets
--> Need a good hash function (spreads the data evenly) --> super good hash function does not exist
Hacking prevention:
- use a cryptografic hash function (ex: SHA-2), infeasible to reverse engineer
- use randomization: design a family of hash functions such as for any data set, on average, the hash function will perform well
What is a good random hash function ?
Def: let H be a set of hash functions U --> {0, ..., n - 1}
H is universal <=> A (x, y) € U², x != y, P(h(x) = h(y), h € H) <= 1 / n where h is chosen uniformly at random
Example: IP address (form: (x1, x2, x3, x4) with x € {0, ..., 255})
Let n = a prime
Raison d'être lookups
Comparaison with HT:
- Pro: more space efficient
- Con: can't store objects, no deletions (with basic implementation), small fasle negative probability
- Early spellchecker (is this a legitimate word)
- Canonical: list of forbiden passwords
- Modern: network routers
Under the hood:
- Array of n bits (0 or 1)
- k hash functions h1, ..., hk (k small constant)
Insert: for i = 1...k, set A[hi(x)] = 1 Lookup: return true if A[hi(x)] = 1 A i = 1...k
Note: no false negative, but posibly false positive
Intuition: sould be a trade-off between space and error probability
Proba that a bit (in BF) has been set to 1 = 1 - (1 - 1/n)^(k * |S|)
ie P <~= 1 - e^(-k|S|/n) = 1 - e^(-k/b) where b is # bits per object
So under assumptions, for x !€ S, false positive probalbility is <= (1 - e^-k/b)^k
How to set k ? k ~= ln2 * b
Definition: iteratively make "myopic" decisions, hope everything works at the end
Example: Dijkstra's shortest path
The caching problem:
- small fast memory (the cache)
- big slow memory
- process sequences of page request
- on a fault, ie cache miss, need to evict something from the cache
Theorem: the "furthest-in-future" algo is optimal (minimizes the number of cache miss)
- one shared resource
- many "jobs" to do
Question: In what order to do them ?
- Each job as a weight wj (priority)
- and a length lj
Completion time cj of job j is the sum of job length up to and including j
Goal (objective function): minimizes the weighted sum of completion times ie min sum(j=1..n, wj*cj)
Good idea: look at special cases, then move to general case
Edge case ideas: larger weights first, smaller length first
what if wi > wi and li > lj ?
Idea: assign a score: w - l or w/l
Breaking a greedy algorithm:
- Find examples where the two algorithms produce different input
- ex: algo 1 ot always correct, algo 2 always
Informal definition: connect some points as cheaply as possible Applications: clustering, networking
Fast greedy algorithm:
- Prim's algorithm, 1957
- Kruskal's algorithm, 1956 => O(mlogn) time unsing suitable data structures
Input: undirected graph G = (V, E), n,m, and a cost c for each edge
Assume adjacency list representation
Output: minimum cost tree T <= E that spans all vertices
- Has no cycles
- The subgraph (V, T) is connected (ie E a path for any 2 vertices)
- G is connected
- Edge costs are distinct (algos still correct without this assumption)
X = [s], chosen arbitrarily
T = empty [invariant: X = vertices spanned by tree-so-far T]
while X != V
let e = (u, v) be the cheapest edge of G with u € X, v !€ X
add e to T
add v to X
O(n) iterations, O(m) per iteration => O(nm) running time for naive implementation
Empty cut lemma: A graph is not connected <=> E cut (A, B) with no crossing edges
Double crossing lemma: Suppose the cycle C € E has an edge crossing the cut (A, B), then so does some other edge of C
Lonely cut corollary: If e is the only edge crossing some cut (A, B), then it is not in any cycle
The cut property: Consider an edge e of G. Suppose there is a cut (A, B) such that e is the cheapest edge of G that crosses it. Then e belongs to the MST of G.
Using a Heap
Using heap to store edges with keys = cost => O(mlogn)
But there is better.
- Invariant 1: elements in heap = vertices of V - X
- Invariant 2: key[v] = cheapest edge (u, v) cost with u € X
Heap population:
- Scan edges, find cheapest edge for each vertice of V - X O(m), populate heap O(nlogn) --> O(m + nlogn) = O(mlogn) since m >= n-1 because G is connected
How to maintain invariant 2: When adding a new vertex, we need to recompute keys of the neighbours
when V added to X:
For each edge (v, w) € E:
If w € V - X
Delete w from heap
recompute key[w] = min(key[w], c_vw)
re insert w into heap
Running time with heaps:
- n - 1 inserts durring preprocessing
- n - 1 extract min per iteration
- each edge (v, w) triggers one delete/insert op --> O(m) heap operations (since m >= n - 1) --> O(mlogn)
Assumption: G is connected, costs are distincts (to ease proofs)
Cut property: If e is the cheapest edge crossing some cut (A, B) then e belongs to the MST
Kruskal's MST algo:
sort edges in order of increasing cost
T = empty
for i = 1 to m:
if T u {i} has no cycle:
add edge at sorted index i to T
How to check for cycles: use BFS or DFS in the graph (V, T), which contains n - 1 edges
algo --> O(nm)
Union-find data structure: maitain a partition of a set of objects
Find: return name of the group x belongs to Union: fuse two groups into a single one
In Kruskal's: objects = vertices, groups = connected components, wen adding a new edge, check its groups and fuse them if possible
Motivation: O(1) cycle check
- Maintain one linked structure per connected component
- each component has an arbitrary leader
- Each vertex points to its leader of its component ("name" of component is inherited from the leader)
key point:
- Cycle <=> edge (u,v), u and v have the same leader
Maintaining the invariant: When new edge (u, v) added to T, connectected components of u and v merge. When two components merge, have smaller one inherit the leader of the larger one. (maintain a count of each component)
Running time:
- O(mlogn) for sorting
- O(m) for cycle checks (O(1) per iteration)
- O(nlogn) for leader pointe updates
- --> O(mlogn) total
Goal: given n points, classify them into "coherent groups"
- As input, given a (dis)similarity measure - a distance d(p, q) between each pair of points
- d is symmetric
- we know k = # of clusters desired
Call points p, q separated if they're assigned to different clusters
assign each point to a separate clusters
repeat until only k clusters:
let p, q be the closest pair of separated points
merge the 2 clusters of p and q into one
--> Called single-link clustering
Binary code: map every char of an alphabet (S: say 32 chars) to a binary string
Obvious encoding: 32 5-bit binary strings (eg: ASCII)
Can we do better ? Yes if some chars are more frequent than others, using a variable length code
Suppose { A, B, C, D } = { 00, 01, 10, 11 }. Assume we use { 0 01 10 1 } instead
Then 001 could be AAD or AB
Prefix-free codes: make sure that for every pair i, j € S, neither the encoding F(i), F(j) is a prefix of the other.
Example: { 0, 10, 110, 111 } prefix-free
Example: A: 60% 0, B: 25% 10, C: 10% 110, D: 5% 111 --> 1.55 bits needed of average per char
Codes as tree:
Goal: find the best prefix-free encoding for a given set of character frequencies
Fact: binary codes <--> binary trees
Left child: 0, right child: 1
Prefix-free <--> labelled node are leaves
To decode: repeatedly follow path from root until you hit a leaf
Input: probability pi for each character i € S
Notation: if T = tree with leaves <--> symbols of S, then L(T) (average encoding length) = sum(on S, pi * depth of i in T)
Natural but sub-optimal idea: top-down, divide and conquer
- Partition S into S1 and S2 each with 50% of total frequency
- Recursively compute T1 for S1 and T2 for S2, return
Huffman's (optimal) idea:
- build tree bottom up
HuffmanCodes(S) {
if |S|==2 return A --0-- x --1-- B
Let a, b € S ave the smallest frequencies
Let S' = S with a, b replaced wih new symbol ab
define pab = pa + pb
T' = HuffmanCodes(S')
Extend T' (with leaves = S') to a tree T (with leaves = S) by splitting leaf ab into a --0-- x --1-- b
return T
Running time: O(n²) where n = |S| Speed up: heap Even better: sorting + 2 queues
Input: a path graph G = (V, E) with nonnegative weights on vertices
Output: subset of non-adjacent vertices (an independant set) of maximum total weigth
Optimal substructure: critical step: reason about structure of an optimal solution
Upshot: a max-weight IS must be either
- a max-weight IS of G', or
- vn + a max-weight IS of G''
If we knew wether or not vn is in the max-weight IS, then could recursively compute the max-weight IS of G' or G''.
Let Gi = first i vertices of G
Plan: populate array A left to right with A[i] = Value of max-weight IS of Gi
A[0] = 0
A[1] = w1
For i=2:n {
A[i] = max(A[i - 1], A[i - 2] + wi)
Reconstruction algorithm
Let A = filled in array A
Let S = empty
While i >= 1 {
If A[i - 1] >= A[i - 2] + wi {
i -= 1
else {
add vi to S
i -= 2
return S
- Identify a small number of subproblems
- Can quickly + correctly solve "larger" subproblems given the solutions to the smaller subproblems
- After solving all subproblems, can quickly compute the final solution
Input: n items with
- a value vi (nonnegative)
- a size wi (nonnegative and integer) And a capacity W (nonnegative and integer)
Output: a subset S € { 1, ..., n } That maximises sum(vi) subject to sum(wi) < W
Notation: Vix = value of the best solution that:
- Uses only the first i items
- Hastotal size <= x
Vix = max(V(i-1)x, vi + V(i-1)(x-wi)) <-- our recurrence
Edge case: if wi > x, must have Vix = V(i-1)x
Let A = 2D array
initialize A[0, x] = 0 for x = 0, 1, ..., W
For i = 1:n {
For x = 0:W {
A[i, x] = max(A[i - 1, x], A[i - 1, x - wi] + vi or 0 if wi > x)
Return A[n, W]
Example: AGGGCT and AGGCA --> AGG-CA Total penalty: e_gap + e_AT
- two strings X = x1,...,xn and Y = y1,...,yn over some alphabet S (like { A, G, C, T })
- penalty e_gap
- penalty e_ab, (e_ab = 0 if a = b)
Goal: align strings and minimize penalty
A = 2D array
A[i, 0] = A[0, i] = i * e_gap for all i >= 0
For i = 1:m {
For j = 1:n {
A[i, j] = min(
A[i - 1, j - 1] + e_xiyj
A[i - 1, j] + e_gap
A[i, j - 1] + e_gap
Return A[m, n]
- Trace back through filled-in table A, starting at A[m, n]
- When you reach subproblem A[i, j]:
- If A[i, j] filled using case 1, match xi and yj, goto A[i - 1, j - 1]
- If A[i, j] filled using case 2, match xi with a gap, goto A[i - 1, j]
- If A[i, j] filled using case 3, match yj with a gap, goto A[i, j - 1]
- If i = 0 or j = 0, match remaining substring with gaps
What is the "best" search tree for a given set of keys? --> A balanced search tree, like a red-black tree --> worst-case search time: O(height) = O(logn)
Input: frequencies p1, p2, ..., pn for items 1, 2, ..., n (assume items in sorted order ie 1 < ... < n)
Goal: compute a valid search tree that minimises the weighted (average) search time
C(T) = sum(items i, pi * search time for i in T)
If T is a red-black tree, then C(T) = O(logn)
Focus on a top-down approach
Choosing the root can have hard to predict repercussions