This package constitutes an interactive R problem set based on the RTutor package (
This interactive RTutor problem set tries to discover how Scandinavian countries achieve such a high economic output although their levels of taxation is among the highest in the world. In this data-driven journey replicates most of the graphs from the article "How Can Scandinavians Tax So Much?" by Henrik Jacobsen Kleven. The user can not only gets a better understanding about the topic itself, but furthermore improves his R skills.
RTutor and this package is hosted on Github. To install everything, run the following code in your R console.
if (!require(devtools))
devtools::install_github("dhertle/RTutorTaxationScandinavia", upgrade_dependencies=FALSE)
To start the problem set first create a working directory in which files like the data sets and your solution will be stored. Then adapt and run the following code.
# Adapt your working directory to an existing folder
# Adapt your user name"Jon Doe", package="RTutorTaxationScandinavia",
load.sav=TRUE, sample.solution=FALSE)
If everything works fine, a browser window should open, in which you can start exploring the problem set.