A GKE cluster should have the following configurations:
- GKE cluster with K8S version 1.27 or 1.28
- There should be at least one worker node with a minimum configuration of E2-Standard-4 [4 VCPU and 16GB Memory].
- In order to configure GKE OIDC, Spektra’s FQDN Issuer URL needs a CA certificate.
- To configure OIDC use the following script here.
./gke-oidc.sh <Cluster Name> -z <Cluster Zone> -s <Spektra FQDN> -c <CA cert file>,<CA key file>
- If the DNS zone already exists, skip this step:
gcloud dns managed-zones create <DNS zone name> --description=<DNS zone name description> --dns-name=<FQDN minus hostname> --visibility=private --networks=default
- Run the following command to check the status of all spektra system pods. All pods will be in spektra-system namespace.
Note: All Spektra system pods will be ready in 5-7 minutes.
watch "kubectl get po -n spektra-system"
- Ensure the following conditions are met before setting up spektra domain:
kubectl wait pods -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=vault -n spektra-system --for condition=Initialized --timeout=0
pod/vault-0 condition met
kubectl wait pods -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=spektra-ingress -n spektra-system --for condition=Ready --timeout=0
pod/spektra-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller-647d97c54b-skbrs condition met
kubectl wait pods -l statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-name=catalog-mongo-0 -n spektra-system --for condition=Ready --timeout=0
pod/catalog-mongo-0 condition met
kubectl wait pods -l control-plane=controller-manager -n spektra-system --for condition=Ready --timeout=0
pod/capdi-controller-manager-b88bcd75b-nvtvl condition met
pod/capi-attacher-controller-manager-686f6f5559-wdvtz condition met
pod/capi-controller-manager-5f5775cb48-trccx condition met
pod/capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-controller-manager-7d99996ff6-vwlqt condition met
pod/capi-kubeadm-control-plane-controller-manager-565fb56c6f-tnr6k condition met
pod/tenant-controller-manager-6c56dbdc86-r2z6k condition met
kubectl wait pods -l control-plane=upgrade-manager -n spektra-system --for condition=Ready --timeout=0
pod/upgrade-manager-7868d69f4b-8zvsg condition met
- Get the ingress address as mentioned:
kubectl -n spektra-system get svc spektra-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"
- Add the host entry with ingress address.
sudo bash -c 'echo "<ingress-ip-address> <spektrafqdn> " >> /etc/hosts'
- Update the DNS record set by adding ingress entry.
gcloud dns record-sets create <Spektra-FQDN> --rrdatas=<Spektra-Ingress-IP-Address> --type=A --ttl=60 --zone=zone-name
Open the spektra URL: https://<fqdn>:5443 and configure the Domain.
Navigate to the Domain setup page and enter the following, and select Create Domain:
- Domain Name
- User Name
- Pasword
- Confirm Password
Copy the recovery key and select Continue to Login
On the Eula agreement page select the checkbox and then select Agree and Continue.
Enter the login credentails and select Login. You are directed to SP Domain home page.
Ensure the following conditions are met before setting up spektra domain:
kubectl wait pods -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=vault -n spektra-system --for condition=Ready --timeout=0
pod/vault-0 condition met
kubectl wait pods -l statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-name=spektra-minio-pool-0-0 -n spektra-system --for condition=Ready --timeout=0
pod/spektra-minio-pool-0-0 condition met
kubectl wait pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=query -n spektra-system --for condition=Ready --timeout=0
pod/spektra-thanos-query-6dd9c57795-bq7cz condition met
kubectl wait pods -l monitoring.banzaicloud.io/storeendpoint=spektra-thanos -n spektra-system --for condition=Ready --timeout=0
pod/spektra-thanos-spektra-thanos-store-5569d45cf-7mkxs condition met
kubectl wait pods -l statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-name=spektra-thanos-receiver-soft-tenant-0 -n spektra-system --for condition=Ready --timeout=0
pod/spektra-thanos-receiver-soft-tenant-0 condition met
kubectl wait pods -l statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-name=spektra-thanos-receiver-soft-tenant-1 -n spektra-system --for condition=Ready --timeout=0
pod/spektra-thanos-receiver-soft-tenant-1 condition met