The documents will be created at search time. Pre document generation is currently not available. No spaces in paths allowed.
Use script at until line 90 to donwload all neccessary DBpedia files.
Use knowledgeBase.TDBCreator#main with
- 1st argument: path to where tdb will be created
- 2nd argument: path to DBpedia files
to create triple store.
example args: /home/goose/tdb /home/goose/dbpedia
Use knowledgeBase.DocumentGenerator#main with
- 1st argument: path to tdb
- 2nd argument: path to where index will be stored in
to create the index for the OTF-Mode.
example args: /home/goose/tdb /home/goose/index
Use search.DocumentSearcher#main with
- 1st argument: path to index
- 2nd argument: path to where the temporary index will be created
- 3rd argument: path to tdb
- 4th argument: 0 for Take only S P O, 1 for Take considering Pagerank strategy
- other arguments: keywords of questions seperated by ","
to search directly.
example args: /home/goose/index /home/goose/otfindex /home/goose/tdb 0 Bill Gates, wife, birthplace
Use evaluation.OTFEvaluation#main with
- 1st argument: path to index
- 2nd argument: path to where the temporary index will be created
- 3rd argument: path to tdb
- 4th argument: 0 for Take only S P O, 1 for Take considering Pagerank strategy
- 5th argument: path to where the evaluation file will be created
to run evaluation.
example args: /home/goose/index /home/goose/otfindex /home/goose/tdb 0 /home/goose/evaluation.txt