- warning
to make sure that click and wheel events work, I put all the other ui with SetWeb Visibility
Why ? because if you have several user interfaces open and declare after creating a map ui,
only the last ui receives the mouse event
Edit config.js
blips = static point
type = type of blip
if you add a new type with new image make sure you have added in packages.json and in web/img folder or map not load because wait all images load
we have 2 export function for create update or remove blip
createBlip(uniqIdentifier :string,type :string,pos :tab) -- for create or update blip
removeBlip(id : string) for remove spécific blip with identifier
exemple of config for gta5 style mini map
miniMapClass = "mini-gta-style"; //css style
minimapWidth = 300; //width
minimapHeight = 200; //height
playerScreenDividende = 1.3; //position camera of minimap (center is 2)
baseScale = 0.8; //zoom of minimap default = 1,
box-shadow:0 0 1em black;