Resumemk is a simple resume builder written in Rust. Keep you mind this project uses headless chrome to generate the pdf. So you need to have chrome/chromium installed on your machine.
You can self host this project by using docker. steps:
- Build the docker image
docker-compose up -d
- Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser
This project comes with an http server that serves a basic markdown editor on your browser. If you don't want/need that, you can build the binary without the server feature.
cargo build --release --no-default-features
If you do want the server, you can run build normally.
cargo build --release
resumemk build --help
resumemk serve
Then open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
I think the biggest issue this app has is the binary size. Currently, it's around 12MB, and that's mostly because of the headless chrome library. I have to find a way to reduce the binary size, but I'm not sure how.