- run:
python3 -m venv .ve
source .ve/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py runserver
make install
make run
- go to [google console](https://console.developers.google.com/)
- generate a service account key with the right permissions
Place it next to this README.md as `service_account_key.json`
If we want another name we can change it in settings.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY
- generate also a api key for the map. Copy the value in
- in fusion tables create a table with columns lat, lon, address
copy the (encrypted) name of the table in settings.FUSION_TABLE_NAME
There is a standard django /admin/ page to explore the local data
To access it, go to localhost:8000/admin/
user: admin
pass: adminadmin
or recreate the superuser running:
make createsuperuser
- We tried to keep it as simple as possible
- the single page app includes a csrf token to avoid cross site requests
-We used this documentation
- A Makefile is included to run some commands easier
(in the shell makefiles get autocomplete too)
- We dont have a preference for a mapping company.
google maps is used
- Deployment and serving from a real server is not considered:
The app runs on the local python server
No nginx/apache configuration is included
- js, css should be on its own file
Did not already do this because
then we would need ./manage.py collectstatic
- jquery could have a local version in addition to the cdn
We could also get rid of jquery or replace for some framework.
- return proper json in API
- Validate addresses using other third-parties (ups)
google reverse geocode is not very accurate if we are near the coast, for instance.
- Add a date in the Location model to record when a Location was added
to get analytics and usage patterns
- The async js can start soon having too many indentations.
We could refactor it with promises or a similar method to flatten it.
-if the REST api grows: django rest framework
- Store Models as spatial data for more advanced processing