To discover novel gene models and peptides from alternative splicing that haven’t been annotated yet
- combine genomics and proteomics
- explore for novel gene models
- identify novel proteins
- search for novel peptide evidence in novel transcripts
- RNA-Seq experiments
- map RNA-Seq reads against genome and transcriptome to identify junctions (RUM)
- translate mRNAs to proteins to create a novel protein database from RNA-Seq
- mass spectometry experiments
- identify novel proteins (mascot)
- identify and justify novel peptides (custom pipeline)
post fertilized developing zebrafish embryos
for both RNA-Seq and MS2
- 1 day experiment with 4 replicates
- 3 days experiment with 3 replicates
- 5 days experiment with 5 replicates
mrnas from UCSC (lineformat)
proteins sequences from UCSC (fasta)
genome sequences (fasta)
RNA-Seq short reads
MS2 data that contain peptide spectrum matches (mgf)
high quality junctions from RUM (bed)
protein/peptide matches from mascot
- create protein database for mascot searches
- create novel proteins
- identify peptides of the novel proteins
- double check by searching for novel peptides in a database that contains both annotated and novel proteins
- visualize the candidates in UCSC genome browser
clean the raw db files (only before creating the db on mascot server) ruby scripts/clean_files.rb data/mrnas_ucsc_lineformat.txt data/proteins_ucsc_db.fa data/danRer7.fa results/mrnas_ucsc_lineformat_clean.txt results/proteins_ucsc_db_clean.fa
find novel proteins ruby scripts/find_unannotated_proteins.rb results/mrnas_ucsc_lineformat_clean.txt data/1d-30oct-zfish-ucsc-db.dat results/proteins_ucsc_db_clean.fa data/junctions_high-quality.bed data/danRer7.fa results/1d-30oct/peptides-1d-30oct.bed results/1d-30oct/mrnas_unannotated.bed results/1d-30oct/mrnas_unannotated_seqs.fa results/1d-30oct/mrnas_unannotated_lineformat.txt results/1d-30oct/proteins_unannotated.fa
run mascot for novel proteins database
create bed file with the peptides of the novel proteins ruby scripts/peptides_to_bed.rb results/1d-30oct/mrnas_unannotated_lineformat.txt data/1d-30oct-zfish-unannotated-db.dat results/1d-30oct/proteins_unannotated.fa results/1d-30oct/peptides_on_unannotated_proteins-1d-30oct.bed
create the db on mascot server
join the db files (mrnas_lineformat and proteins) cat results/mrnas_ucsc_lineformat_clean.txt > results/mrnas_full_db_lineformat.txt grep -v "#" results/mrnas_unannotated_lineformat.txt >> results/mrnas_full_db_lineformat.txt cat results/proteins_ucsc_db_clean.fa results/proteins_unannotated.fa >> results/proteins_full_db.fa
run mascot for joined db
find novel peptides with evidence ruby scripts/find_unexplained_peptides.rb data/1d-30oct-zfish-full-db.dat results/mrnas_full_db_lineformat.txt data/mrnas_ucsc_lineformat.txt results/1d-30oct/unexplained_peptides_of_unannotated_proteins-1d-30oct.bed results/1d-30oct/unique_peptides_of_unannotated_proteins-1d-30oct.bed results/1d-30oct/nonunique_peptides_of_unannotated_proteins-1d-30oct.bed results/1d-30oct/unexplained_peptides_of_unannotated_proteins_per_spectra-1d-30oct.bed
- review the peptide candidates
- add more unit tests
- run all datasets
- TPP for data validation
- visualization of genomic annotation information with DAS