Actions must be performed with "random specified number" amount of people.
Maybe people can challenge other people to do stuff.
Thinking ... we display 4 options to assign to your friend.
Probably, you do not get to create your own because that could get to crazy/unsafe
Plus that would make you think... why reinvent the wheel. We just want you to have fun.
Race condition who can perform the task with proof before the other.
Sends to verifiers for verification. was this correct? check yes, check no.
Each play costs two verifications?
or two plays cost one verification.
If no verifications are on the stack you get off the hook!
For the day program, tells you new things to spalunk and do for the day.
"go to starbucks and order three beverages take a picture."
"take a picture of someone cleaning a bathroom in a public place."
"take picture of an empty parking spot."
"Clean someone's window at a gas station. (video)"
has some meaning to intrinsic group. inside joke. etc,