Use MicroSec for FFPE filtering. ffpefilter pipeline is a pipeline designed to do variant filtering for FFPE samples by using microsec tool. It uses the docker image scao/microsec:0.0.1 for efficiently launching jobs on compute1 cluster (LSF job system)
The only thing you need to do is to do "git clone"
Create folder (rdir or use anyname you like) for running multiple samples
Create subdirectory under rder for each sample that need to run ffpe filtering
For each sample direcotry, it should contain a maf file and a tumor bam file and associated index file for each sample named as:
The maf file should contain the following columns, which can be extracted from the original maf file from somaticwrapper pipeline (remember to remove _T for the sample name in the Tumor_Sample_Barcode)
Hugo_Symbol Chromosome Start_Position End_Position Strand Variant_Classification Variant_Type Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 Tumor_Sample_Barcode
SAMD11 chr1 925818 925818 + Intron SNP G G T ALCH-ABBG-TTP1-A
- Enter the folder which contains script, type
perl --rdir --log --groupname --users --step
rdir = full path of the folder holding files for this run (user must provide)
log = full path of the folder for saving log file; usually upper folder of rdir
groupname = job group name
users = user name for job group
step = run this pipeline step by step. (user must provide)
See work_log_alchemist_test for how to submit the jobs.
Yingduo Song and Song Cao