This project was made for a challenge issued by Stone Pagamentos, using the Elixir programming language
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You can choose to run the project using Docker compose, which requires Docker to be installed on your machine. If it isn't please follow the instructions on provided on these links:
Docker: Docker Compose:
If you choose to run without docker, you must have elixir and phoenix installed on your machine, for that please follow the instructions provided on these links:
Elixir: Phoenix:
You will also need to install PostgreSQL, which is the database used, for that follow the instructions that can be found on:
This step ins only necessary if you choose to run the project without using docker. Please input the commands that follow to install the project and it's dependencies.
Install hex (Elixir package manager)
mix local.hex
Install rebar (Erlang build tool)
mix local.rebar
On the root of the project, get the dependencies and compile them
mix deps.get
mix deps.compile
Go to the Assets folders and install the npm dependencies
npm install
Now go to the root of the bank app (apps/bank) and create the database
mix init
Dont forget to configure your database on the apps/bank/config/config.exs file before running the init task!
After making sure docker and docker compose are properly installed, please run the following commands:
sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker-compose up -d
After executing these commands, you now should be able o access the application at localhost:4000/login
ps: If running on older versions or on docker-tools on Windows systems, you may not be able to access it via localhost if not properly configured, so run $docker-machine env and look for the docker_host variable and see what ip it's using, and use that on the port 4000 to access the application
After installing the dependecies and creating the database, go to the root of the project and run
mix phx.server
You should now be able to access it on localhost:4000
To run the tests you have to run the application without Docker. Just set the env variable MIX_ENV="test" and run
mix test
dont forget to reset the MIX_ENV after running the tests if you with to run the application after it!
This project uses credo, if you want to know more about it please follow this link:
- Elixir - The programming language
- Phoenix - The web framework used
- PostgreSQL - The database