## A flutter based movie reccomendation app that reccomends movies/ web series using the TMBD api.
If you have a idea of Watch you want to build just open an appropriate issue regarding this, we will discuss and assign you that issue. In case you are confused and have queries, just ping [me] in the discord will help you get along and build!
This is an open source movies / Webseries reccomendation app using the TMDB API. As you all know the implementation of the TMDB api is pretty easy , so the app functionality is pretty easy , we are mainly focusing on the app UI, Which must be super premuim looking :
Currently the splash screen , login screen , the home screen , the explore screen, the Full details page UI is done (The TMDB api has not been connected yet , We'll implement that after all the UI is complete.). Currently the setings page UI is under progress and after that the api implementation will be done, starting with the simple search functionality.
As this is an open source project till now , I'm focusing on just UI completion , and then the api would be used to populate realtime data This is also a cross platform app , as it's ,made using flutter , so we need to implement proper resposnsiveness as well (considering a web version as well)
JWoC (JGEC Winter of Code) is a begineer friendly open-source coding event organised annually by JGEC which helps students to plunge into Open Source contribution and get the realm of Software Development.
If you are willing to contibute to this project, you are warmly welcome. Do check the Contribution guidelines before contributing.
Dipatnshu Mahish |
Thanks to all the contributors who worked for this project to stay alive! 😊😎