A compilation of several deploy scripts that I use for my rails apps. The stack I use is pretty standart, but it may not suit your needs, so its not for everybody. Current stack includes Nginx, Postgres, rbenv, Redis, Unicorn, Puma, Sidekiq, Memcached, Imagemagick, ElasticSearch, Bower and Monit.
gem 'mina-stack', github: 'div/mina-stack', group: :development
rails g mina:stack:install
to create default deploy.rb and servers/production.rb files
In your config/deploy.rb you can configure your stack - you may want to exclude something you may not need e.g. Private Pub, and choose app server - unicorn and puma are supported. It is done by setting server_stack array, example config can be found in examples/deploy.rb.
All the default settings can be fond in lib/mina-stack/defaults.rb and can be overriden in deploy.rb
Servers configs live in config/servers - example config is in examples/production.rb
You can also set with services of your stack will be monitored by Monit - just use monitored array.
Create user on server
sudo adduser deploy
sudo adduser deploy sudo
su deploy
then copy your ssh keys
ssh-copy-id deploy@IPADDRESS
Install all the stack to the server
bundle exec mina install
Create folder structure and copy all configs
bundle exec mina setup
Create db and set password
bundle exec mina postgresql:create_db
bundle exec mina deploy