Helper library for writing Kafka consumers that process events created by Divolte Collector. Divolte Collector captures click stream data and translates events into Avro records which are published on Kafka topics. The contents of these messages are the raw bytes produced by serializing the Avro records. This library allows to create consumers for these events in Java in a typesafe manner with minimal boilerplate.
To use the consumer, you need to generate Java code from your Avro schema. See divolte-examples/avro-schema for an example of a project that uses Maven to build a jar with generated code from a schema.
Example consumer code:
public class ConsumerExample {
// Event handler that prints records to stdout
static class MyEventHandler implements SimpleEventHandler<MyEventRecord> {
public void handle(MyEventRecord event) throws Exception {
// Supplier of event handler instances
static class MyEventHandlerSupplier implements Supplier<SimpleEventHandler<MyEventRecord>> {
public SimpleEventHandler<MyEventRecord> get() {
return new MyEventHandler();
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create the consumer
// MyEventRecord is generated by the Avro Java code generator
DivolteKafkaConsumer<MyEventRecord> consumer = DivolteKafkaConsumer.createConsumerWithSimpleHandler(
"divolte", // Kafka topic
"zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181", // Zookeeper quorum hosts + ports
"my-consumer-group", // Kafka consumer group ID
2, // Number of threads for this consumer instance
new MyEventHandlerSupplier(), // Supplier of event handler instances
MyEventRecord.getClassSchema()); // Avro schema
// Add a shutdown hook that stops the consumer
// This handles CTRL+C or kill
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Start the consumer
If you are using Java 8, the above example can be condensed to this:
public class ConsumerExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create the consumer
DivolteKafkaConsumer<MyEventRecord> consumer = DivolteKafkaConsumer.createConsumerWithSimpleHandler(
"divolte", // Kafka topic
"zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181", // Zookeeper quorum hosts + ports
"my-consumer-group", // Kafka consumer group ID
2, // Number of threads for this consumer instance
() -> (e) -> System.out.println(e), // Supplier of event handler instances
MyEventRecord.getClassSchema()); // Avro schema
// Add a shutdown hook that stops the consumer
// This handles CTRL+C or kill
new Thread(consumer::shutdownConsumer)
// Start the consumer
For a more complete usage example, have a look at divolte-examples/tcp-kafka-consumer.
We use Gradle as a build tool. You need Java 7 or higher to build.
To build from source on your machine:
# cd into your preferred working dir
git clone
cd divolte-kafka-consumer
# build the source
./gradlew build
# generate Eclipse project files
./gradlew eclipse
# install into your local Maven repository
./gradlew install