This Payment provider supports Stripe's credit card payment gateway.
- Uses Stripe's native client-side secure payment forms (Stripe.js + Elements), so no credit card numbers pass through the server
- Support for full and partial refunds
- Postal code data automatically passes through to the Stripe forms, so the user doesn't have to reenter it on the Stripe form
- Postal code and CVC verification are implemented
- You can choose to pay through vendors directly. Be carefully here! Take into account, the vendor is taken from the first product in the cart.
Since this is an open source project, anyone is welcome to send pull requests that address these limits, where possible.
- US Dollars is the only supported currency
- Only credit card payments are supported (e.g. no e-checks)
- The Payment workflow is the only supported workflow (Capture/Void are not supported)
- No ability to save cards for a customer
- Recurring payments are not supported
- Only tested on the single-page checkout format
This plug-in is covered by the nopCommerce Public License version 3.0 ("NPL")