FFI for netcdf and libtriangle; Partial (write) Netcdf objectivisation.
- netcdf-cffi, nc-c : Full CFFI for netcdf
- triangle-cffi, tri-c : Full CFFI for libtriangle (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/triangle.html)
- netcdf, nc : Dump data to a netcdf file.
(defun save-scatter-points (&key (path "/tmp") (file-name "dumps") (axes 2) (points '()) (data '()))
(let ((cdf (nc:create (format nil "~a/~a.nc" path file-name)))
(ar (make-array (* axes (length points))
:initial-contents (mapcar #'(lambda (p) (coerce p 'double-float))
(metatilities:flatten points))))
(triangles nil))
(nc:def-dim cdf "axes" axes)
(nc:def-dim cdf "points" (length points))
(nc:def-dim cdf "time" nc-c:+unlimited+)
(nc:def-var cdf "locations" nc-c:+float+ '("points" "axes"))
(when (= axes 2)
(setq triangles (nc:triangulate ar))
(nc:def-dim cdf "tri" 3)
(nc:def-dim cdf "ntriangles" (/ (first (array-dimensions triangles)) 3))
(nc:def-var cdf "connections" nc-c:+int+ '("ntriangles" "tri")))
(mapc #'(lambda (variable)
(let ((name (first variable)))
(nc:def-var cdf name nc-c:+float+ '("time" "points"))
(nc:put-att-text cdf name "field" (concatenate 'string name ", scalar,series"))
(nc:put-att-text cdf name "positions" "locations")
(when (= axes 2)
(nc:put-att-text cdf name "connections" "connections,triangles"))))
(nc:enddef cdf)
(nc:put-var-double cdf "locations" ar)
(when (= axes 2)
(nc:put-var-int cdf "connections" triangles))
(dolist (var data)
(let ((name (first var)))
(dolist (entry (rest var))
(let ((time (first entry))
(value (second entry))
(start (make-array 2))
(count (make-array 2)))
(setf (aref start 0) time)
(setf (aref start 1) 0)
(setf (aref count 0) 1)
(setf (aref count 1) (length value))
(nc:put-vara-double cdf name
start count
(make-array (length value)
:initial-contents (mapcar #'(lambda (p) (coerce p 'double-float))
(nc:nc-close cdf)))
(defun run-example ()
(example :points '((0.0 0.0) (2.0 4.0) (1.0 3.0) (3.0 2.0))
:data '(("a" (0 (1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0)) (1 (2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0)))
("b" (0 (2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0)) (1 (4.0 5.0 6.0 2.0)))