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Daniel J. Hocking edited this page Nov 24, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the sparcnetfsu wiki!

Questions to explore

  1. Classic Mark-Recapture Comparisons (Closed, Open, Robust)
  2. Classic Mark-Recapture vs. SCR
  3. Growth rates over time and by sex and season and plot. Depending on temperature.
  4. Clutch sizes, frequency of reproduction, as function of size, body condition, past conditions, temperature, precipitation/soil moisture, etc.
  5. Recruitment population dynamics as function of environmental conditions
  6. Survival as function of environmental conditions interacting with size or sex
  7. IPMs
  8. Simulations to test effects of capture probabilities, capture behaviors, and temporary emigration on estimates
  9. Species interactions including centipedes
  10. Comparison of JAGS, NIMBLE, and Stan estimates and speed
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