Project to quickly filter through a file share for targeted files for desired information.
path - Path to search for files. Note: If using quoted paths, ensure you
escape backslashes properly.
pattern - Type of files to search for, e.g. "" *.txt""
ext_filterlist - Specify file extension to filter for. e.g., ext_filterlist=.txt,.bat,.ps1
ext_blocklist - Specify file extension to ignore. e.g.,,.tar,.txt
searchterms - Specify a comma deliminated list of searchterms. e.g.searchterms=""foo, bar, asdf""
year - Filter files by year.
Find all files that have the phrase ""password"" in them.
SharpSearch.exe path=""C:\\Users\\User\\My Documents\\"" searchterms=password
Find all batch and powershell scripts in SYSVOL that were created in 2018 containing the word Administrator
SharpSearch.exe path=""\\\\DC01\\SYSVOL"" ext_filterlist=.ps1,.bat searchterms=Administrator year=2018
- Search for all text files in C:\Users\EXAMPLE\hashcat-4.2.1\wordlists
Directory of C:\Users\EXAMPLE\hashcat-4.2.1\wordlists
12/12/2018 12:00:00 AM 736.78 MB 899_have-i-been-pwned-v3--v2-excluded-_found_hash_plain.txt
1 Files(s) 736.78 MB
Directory of C:\Users\EXAMPLE\hashcat-4.2.1\wordlists\crackstation-human-only.txt
9/5/2010 12:00:00 AM 683.25 MB realhuman_phill.txt
1 Files(s) 683.25 MB
Directory of C:\Users\EXAMPLE\hashcat-4.2.1\wordlists\ProbWL-v2-Real-Passwords-7z\Top2Billion-probable-v2
2/16/2018 12:00:00 AM 20.25 GB Top2Billion-probable-v2.txt
1 Files(s) 20.25 GB
Total Files Listed:
3 File(s) 21.64 GB
3 Dir(s)
Special thanks to @x3419 for creating SharperSearch which spurred the revamp to this project.