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A state-driven view system, with service and notification system.


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A state-driven view system, with service and notification system. A power tool to develop composite page and list.

pod 'DDPresenter'

Using custom collection view layout with subspecs. Now, support NECollectionViewLayout, CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout.

pod 'DDPresenter', :subspecs => ["Core", "NECollectionViewLayout", "CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout"]



You should put all states here to drive view updating.

  1. You can trigger updating by define a state type:
struct StateType {
    // all your states
private var _state: StateType = StateType()
@MainActor var state: StateType {
    get {
    set {
        // updating view only state changed
        if _state != newValue {
            setState {
                _state = newValue
  1. Or just using setState:
@MainActor var text: String = smallText {
    didSet {
        setState {}
  1. Using a ViewStatePresenter is a better choice for complex states. And update view by:
func updateState() {
    setState { state in
        state.count += 1


        |   Create   |
   +----|  onAttach  |
   |    +------------+
   |          |
   |          v
   |    +------------+
   |    | onBindView |
   |    +------------+
   |          |
   |          v
   |    +------------+   <---\
   |    |  onUpdate  |        | setState
   |    +------------+   ----/
   |          |
   |          v
   |    +------------+
   |    |onUnbindView|
   |    +------------+
   |          |
   |          v
   |    +------------+
   +--->|  onDetach  |
        |   Destroy  |


You can perform animations when updating view.

setState { $0.normalProgress = 1 - $0.normalProgress } context: { context in
    context.animated = true
    context.layoutIfNeeded = true
    context.animator = UIViewDefaultAnimator(duration: 1)

An animator contains the animation params. You can custom animator to apply different animation params.


You can provide services in the view controller. Services can be used in the view controller and all presenter-tree in the view controller. When you getService, make sure the presenter has attached to root.

func doSomething() {

When needs add listeners, here is the best practice:

override func onAttachToRoot(_ presenter: RootViewPresentable) {

override func onDetachFromRoot(_ presenter: RootViewPresentable) {

Putting all business logics in a service is a best practice. Service is easy to reuse, and not acting with view updating.

Also, you can add your exists Service-System (IoC) by:

public struct GlobalServiceConfig {
    /// If already have global service, `getService()` can use this to downgrade to global services.
    public static var serviceDowngrade: ServiceProviderDowngrade? = nil


Notifying between presenters or services, may use delegate, listener, NSNotificationCenter. But it will be very complex when having lots of messages. Here provide a new notification system. You can notify other presenters below the same root presenter who implementing the NotificationProtocol.


func notify() {
    notifyGlobal(MyNotification.self) {

And you can select notify scope as your needs.

public enum NotifyScope {
    case global             // Notify from root to all children presenters
    case reusable           // Notify to nearest reusable parent presenter and its children
    case children           // Notify to its chidren
    case childrenAndSelf    // Notify to its children and itself
    case parents            // Notify to its parents, until to root presenter
    case manually           // Nofity to listeners that added manually

UICollectionView / UITableView

UICollectionView / UITableView delegate by Proxy. It supports many features:

  • data source diff
  • size caching and size calculating automatically
  • updating view only in the dirty part

Presenters for UICollectionView with UICollectionViewFlowLayout:

  • UICollectionViewFlowPresenter will bind UICollectionView
  • UICollectionViewFlowSectionPresenter is section data source type
  • UICollectionViewFlowItemPresenterHolder is item data source type
  • UICollectionViewFlowReusableItemPresenter will bind UICollectionViewCell

It will create more than one cell when animation or other situation. So seprate item to holder and reusable presenter. holder is unique, and reusable presenter will bind cell that create by UICollectionView. At last, may have more than one resusable presenter in a holder.

And the same as UITableView:

  • UITableViewPresenter will bind UICollectionView
  • UITableViewSectionPresenter is section data source type
  • UITableViewCellPresenterHolder is item data source type
  • UITableViewReusableCellPresenter will bind UICollectionViewCell

Custom UICollectionViewLayout

When custom UICollectionViewLayout, need different presenters listed below:

Layout UICollectionViewFlowLayout NECollectionViewLayout CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout
CollectionView UICollectionViewFlowPresenter NECollectionViewFlowPresenter CHTCollectionViewWaterfallPresenter
Section UICollectionViewFlowSectionPresenter NECollectionViewFlowSectionPresenter CHTCollectionViewWaterfallSectionPresenter
Item Holder UICollectionViewFlowItemPresenterHolder UICollectionViewReusablePresenterHolder UICollectionViewReusablePresenterHolder
Item Reusable UICollectionViewFlowReusableItemPresenter UICollectionViewFlowReusableItemPresenter UICollectionViewFlowReusableItemPresenter