This is my current Emacs configuration. Notice that this files are always under construction (and destruction also) and this will not work in your device without some changes and extra installations. Anyway it can be useful as a “”guide”” in order to get some stuff working. This file is divided as follows:
- a init.el file which is loaded when emacs starts, it just load some paths with the interesting thingies.
- a files folder with all the .el files needed to make everything works.
This file contains all the configuration that I have related with org-mode and org-agenda. I have some key-bindings to open some work/personal related org files that I use to organize my work.
It can be use with little changes to use as a GTD system. I guess.
Quite self-explained. This is my emacs configuration to send and receive emails. After trying some alternatives I am using offlineimap + mu4e. The file it is in this repo is no_data_mail.el which is my configuration without some personal data ;)
Anyway to make it work a .offlineimaprc configuration is needed and offlineimap must be run. You can check this guide.
Minor changes to mac systems.
A miscellaneous file with some stuff that I don’t know where put. It basically load some packages that I use.
Enviroment variables.
Just custom-set variables. This variables are autogenerated in the init.el file and I copied it to another file. In different systems are different I suppose(?)