A Hello World application built with PhoneGap
In your browser, open the file:
This repository is automatically downloaded by phonegap-cli when you create a new application.
Create a new app with the following repository:
First setup nitrous.io to use this project.
Then run the following commands in the nitrous.io terminal:
$ cd ~/workspace/phonegap-start
$ npm install -g phonegap
$ phonegap remote build android
The last command requires an Adobe ID and will build your app on PhoneGap Build.
The application is based on the Apache Cordova Hello World app.
cp cordova-app-hello-world/www www/
Do not replace www/config.xml
Do not replace www/img/logo.png
Replace <h1>Apache Cordova</h1>
with <h1>PhoneGap</h1>
<preference name="phonegap-version" value="x.x.x" />
$ git commit -am "Version x.x.x"
$ git tag x.x.x