In this project we explore genomes from HMP 1 to attempt to identify species that may be capable of butyrate production based on the presence of enzyme-encoding genes involved in the pathway(s) of butyrate production. In this repository, you will find the code and methods used for data formatting, protein alignments, and data analysis.
Species = ("Gastrointestinal_tract.cds.fsa") Pathway Proteins =** (Save as "butyrate_genes_BTC&BK.fasta"),** (Save as "butyryl_COA_transferase_BCT.fasta"), (Save as "phosphate_butyryltransferase_BK.fasta", (Save as "butyrate_kinase_BK.fasta")
** partial CDS that will be translated to protein sequence during formatting.
- Collect data from HMP
- Collect data from NCBI
- run --> Creates fasta files for all protein sequences and all species
- run --> Creates xml files for each alignment, csv files for unprocessed results, and csv files for scored results
- pull 16s rRNA data and taxon info from Silva Database (batch download)
- run --> Creates csv output files for labeling taxon info, for formating input ANOVA files, and a fasta file for running the multiple sequence alignment on Clustal Omega
- Run ANOVA.R with the output files from step 2
- Run Clustal Omega multiple sequence alignment with output files from step 2
- Interpret results with output taxon files from step 2, from the phylogenetic analysis, and from the ANOVA.