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History of KeeperFX releases

Loobinex edited this page May 7, 2024 · 10 revisions


Version: 1.0.0

  • All remaining legacy functionality from the Dungeon Keeper executable has been moved to KeeperFX.
    • This means we are no longer limited by the original game in what we can change
    • There can now be more than 2048 things on the map at the same time
  • Maps are no longer limited to being 85x85, they can be larger or smaller
  • New units: Time Mage and Druid (are not used in old campaigns, but wait to see them in new maps)
  • Fixed crashes when playing in 4k resolution
  • Improved bridge building and digging for enemy computers
  • Stopped the best computer players from instantly dropping their entire army on you
  • Removed the lowest rated campaigns that were bundled, to give new users a positive first impression
  • Bundled campaigns got higher quality landview speeches
  • Added more translations for included maps and campaigns
  • Objects can have a direction (so face east for example)
  • More customization options for mapmakers and modders.
    • Add new creatures
    • Level scripts can be larger, resulting in more complex scenarios
    • Add new shots
    • New script commands
    • Custom music and sounds
    • Fully configurable traps
    • New decorative objects
  • New map textures
  • Orcs got an eating animation and the Avatar a torture animation
  • Maps can have larger hero parties
  • Improved multiplayer stability
  • Multiplayer map numbers can go past 255
  • Gems are now purple on the minimap to distinguish them from gold
  • Units visible on minimap no longer jump around

Version: 0.5.0

  • Decouple logic loop from graphics loop (higher frame rates!)
  • Increase zoom out limit
  • Increase possession render distance
  • Fix screen flickering in possession
  • Fix ceiling crash
  • And much more

Version: 0.4.9

  • One Click: Build, Sell or Dig complete rooms with just one click
  • Map Packs: Now Deeper Dungeons is just one of several packs. Different rulesets per pack
  • Player can do more in possession, like claiming rooms, dragging and reinforcing
  • And much more

Version: 0.4.8

  • No more random crashes/hangs on complex dungeon layouts
  • Keepers design better dungeons
  • Keepers don't keep Call to Arms on forever anymore
  • And much more

Version: 0.4.7 (unofficial)

  • Meteors explode on creatures
  • Fainted units no longer block attacking their hearth
  • No longer to dig through neutral walls in possession
  • And much more

Version: 0.4.6 (unofficial)

  • Mouse Scrolling and WASD keys
  • Keepers are smarter in assigning creatures to rooms
  • DragonsLover balance patch removed, back to original creature balance
  • And much more

Version: 0.4.6

  • Prepared trap placing algorithm for future improvements.
  • Increased computer player priority of training and research and decreased one for manufacture.
  • Modified picking up imps for mining to not use imps which are already mining or returning gold.
  • Rewritten chicken growing cycle and movement function.
  • Modified computer player to not create processes for dungeons without heart.
  • Fixed computer player moving creatures to continue when player has no gold.
  • Introduced command line parameter to enable the computer player chat.
  • Fixed clearing creatures kept in custody in enemy POWER_HAND when owners heart is destroyed.
  • Rewritten tagging a block for digging.
  • Started work computer player on moving imps to mine when low on gold.
  • Some unifications in computer player gold management code.
  • Modifed doing nothing state for heroes to allow getting back to assigned job.
  • Modified imps so that they count amount of jobs of given kind they did in a row.
  • Divided digging a corridor to sub-fubctions. Made a function which finds a place to drop imp for room digging.
  • Modified destroying dungeon heart if the player has two hearts on map.
  • Changed lightning trap to not hit allies.
  • Made CTA so suppress basic needs other than heal_critical.
  • Unified the way creatures are affected by CTA. Modified doing nothing state to recognize CTA.
  • Switched the use of hit_type into hit_targets in some places.
  • Modified creature idle state to not go for lair during CTA.
  • Modified fear calculations. Heroes are no longer scared when low of health, but will still fear much stronger enemies.
  • Introdiced power castability option for casting on natural terrain. Merged two flag enumerations.
  • Allowed picking up gold from neutral ground. Also did some renaming.
  • Modified POWER_HAND castability to allow picking gold only on own territory.
  • Added checking child powers availability when casting parent power.
  • Introduced config parameter to mark that a power is part of another power.
  • Added some new config options to keeper powers.
  • Modified code related to powers to mostly use new config struct and ignore old one.
  • Added possibility to hear dungeon heart beat by enemy creatures.
  • Modified line of sight function to check whether left part or right part is visible.
  • Modified creatures with owner who lost to no longer join another player when near dungeon heart.
  • Renamed RANDOM to DRAWFROM in new script commands.
  • Made warnings about excessive parameters in script commands.
  • Improved error reporting during script lines parsing.
  • Rewritten changing owner of creatures whewn unowned and near to dungeon heart.
  • Finished the completely new, much more complex implementation of RANDOM command.
  • Work in progress on more complex RANDOM script command.
  • Modified way of processing lines of config files. Moved RANDOM support to higher level.
  • Prepared for changing implementation of RANDOM command.
  • Made Special Diggers to not be counted to GOOD_CREATURES and EVIL_CREATURES amounts.
  • Implemented GOOD_CREATURES and EVIL_CREATURES variables in IF_CONTROLS command.
  • Improved counting active diggers.
  • Added GoldPerHoard to config files.
  • Some unifications in processing lists of player creatures.
  • Commented CTA casting routine by comp. player.
  • Rewritten disabling CTA. Also made picked up creatures to be released from CTA.
  • Added two new script variables - EVIL_CREATURES and GOOD_CREATURES.
  • Decreased flight altitude recovering speed to 1/8 of creature movement speed.
  • Modified flying creatures height to slowly decrease any acceleration.
  • Made QUICK_INFORMATION message flash when unread.
  • Fixed classic bug of keeping creatures in hand while heart is destroyed.
  • Modified destroying enemy ground to influence ownership of gold on that ground.
  • Rewritten growing food in hatchery.
  • Rewritten some of player zooming.
  • Rewritten some combat-related code.
  • Rewritten some code related to lairs.
  • Fixed invalid memory access when exiting torture screen while a door is opened.
  • Fixed killing multiple creatures by KILL_CREATURE() script command.
  • Rewritten function used to move spells and traps when a room is being sold.
  • Rewritten computer player digging passage for new room.
  • Rewritten some of creature movement during combat.
  • Rewritten 2 combat-related functions.
  • Started work on Dungeon Keeper Independent Level Layout converter.
  • Rewritten checking unconverted drop place, and some of sacrificing.
  • Rewritten eat, fart and destroy wall instances.
  • Removed some of dependencies on specific reature model. Also resized array which breaks saved game compatibility.
  • Modified computer room building to stop if gold amount falls below 1000. Added property which disables this limit for specific rooms.
  • Fixed computer player to be able to stop build tasks when the room is no longer available. Also improved data structures initialization.
  • Fixed grouping creatures while possessing during barracking.
  • A few style changes. Also disabled screen capture keys on high score input.
  • Modified computer player dropping gold to treasury so that the gold is correctly added to wealth.
  • Modified drawing land view zoom to not draw central pixel twice. Also made exit on SDL initialization failure.
  • Completely replaced the view panning in land view screen.
  • Removed possible invalid write in land view screen.
  • Fixed a mistake in computer player pickup code.
  • Modified land view screen to zoom out from an ensign little towards the next ensign.
  • Updated attempting job in room to correctly support special temple terrain.
  • Unified hand dropping functions for human and computer player.
  • Made a few code unifications which shouldn't affect gameplay.
  • Fixed picking up gold by computer player. Also made unifications in power hand code.
  • Rewritten and updated drawing creatures in power hand.
  • Made important unifications in power hand pickup code. Made imps ignore dead bodies on enemy territory.
  • Rewritten checking if an imp will soon be working at given coordinates.
  • Rewritten shot collision code.
  • Modified Must Obey to allow assigning not-do jobs. Added classic bug to allow original behaviour. Also some unificatons in powers.
  • Modified bounding coordinates in land view screen to be more accurate. Also shifted exp level sprite for creatures in hand.
  • Extended collision detection between things to disallow passing through things which have very high velocities.
  • Rewritten drawing lightning power. Also fixed initiating tagged blocks and high score input.
  • Rewritten updating tunneller trail positions.
  • Rewritten GUI update function on creature instance selection.
  • Rewritten re-initiating tagged block flags.
  • Rewritten drawing lightning spell.
  • Rewritten creature standing on corpses code.
  • Fixed recently introduced issue with must obey spell.
  • Unified some of keeper powers code. Modified powers in cheat list to be free.
  • Fixed fighting with doors to not stop after one shot.
  • Updated room building to check possibility to build in unified way.
  • Rewritten some of imp reinforcing code.
  • Added flag DESTROYED_ON_ROOM_PLACE to objects.
  • Rewritten creation of flame breath effects, and a few smaller functions.
  • Rewritten affecting things by wind spell.
  • Added utility functions to help with updating things near given map location.
  • Fixed shifted ceiling issue.
  • Rewritten selecting instance for door and object fight.
  • Placed more of keeper power properties inside config files.
  • Rewritten some of initial map exploration for players.
  • Modified shot collision to destroy both shots.
  • Started replacing hit target selection algorithm, to be based on flags instead of integer type.
  • Increased Dragon armour.
  • Defined HitTargetFlags which are supposed to replace HitType.
  • Modified wibble generation algorithm to produce same values as original game.
  • Replaced some checks by unified functions.
  • Increased size of creature health flower by one pixel.
  • Rewritten choosing lightning trap target.
  • Modified health flowers to scale with half the zoom rate. Also fixed creature tendency buttons to be always refreshed on tendency switch.
  • Fixed digging gold in possession to update counters; also did some updates in logging.
  • Nefred Horny, as he became too powerfull after last dexterity change.
  • Fixed typo in all creature config files.
  • Rewritten processing creatures in power hand. Made slap effect to wear off while in hand.
  • Modified followers positions selection to skip toxic tiles which leader can't step on.
  • Rewritten removing creature from group. Modified functionality to always keep highest level creature as leader.
  • Rewritten placing columns on changed slab.
  • Modified scaling of room ensigns to take similar height in high resolutions.
  • Modified party leader selection to be based not only on experience but also on score.
  • Rewritten creature eating code.
  • Updated campaign creation doc.
  • Modified fast speed parties to update followers positions more often, and slow speed parties to update them less frequently.
  • Unifications in the area of chosing thing to pick.
  • A few fixes which may affect a bug in trap crates handling.
  • Rewritten resetting creatures in room.
  • Modified imps to go to owners territory before toking.
  • Unified checking spell, trap and special pickability by diggers.
  • Modified room building to not auto-claim things not owned by the player - diggers have to move them.
  • Rewritten tagging place for room.
  • Modified wandering points selection to chose wander destinations more carefully. Also improved logging.
  • Modified lair fight to skip unconscious creatures. Also gave better names to some flags and variables.
  • Updated killing creature to not add target to resurrect list if it is being reborn.
  • Improved RANDOM() implementation to not crash on wrong parameters. Also removed few tries of accessing dungeon struct by non-existing players.
  • Updated trap triggers to not react on creatures kept in custody.
  • Removed excessive logging. Also minor update to scavenging.
  • Improved the creature being scavenged behavior so victim won't follow creatures he hates.
  • Made querying creature to not break its scavenging. Unified creature controlled checks.
  • Prepared functions to be later used for objects in room.
  • Updated BONUS_LEVEL_TIME() command to set timer from the game turn of trigger.
  • Moved some object properties to config files. Spellbooks put on rooms are no longer claimed with them.
  • Rewritten affecting creatures by alarm trap.
  • Updated Twin Keepers objectives to use strings from PO/POT files. Patch by Dayokay.
  • Rewritten counting and repositioning bodies in graveyard.
  • Moved a lot of traps and doors data into config files.
  • Rewritten affecting all players creatures by spells and killing all players chickens.
  • Rewritten creating effects around thing.
  • Rewritten disease function when creature is sick.
  • Rewritten computer player dig for attack task.
  • Rewritten some of computer players call to arms handling.
  • Rewritten treasure room integrating gold piles into gold hoards.
  • Modified computer player to not create two tasks which require power hand at the same time.
  • Rewritten waiting for wage behind closed doors. Also updated treasury handling and gold storing code.
  • Rewritten adding gold to hoard in treasury.
  • Improved room-related messages to use one, unified function.
  • Added more room config parameters. Modified placing items in rooms to check storage capacity instead of all used capacity.
  • Moved some of room parameters to terrain config file.
  • Fixed diggers to stop digging gems if there's a large enough gold pile near it.
  • Unified two of computer attack routines. Also fixed mistake in map collides code.
  • Modified room destroying code to disallow doing it on allies.
  • Rewritten the use of Make Safe special.
  • Fixed a mistake in dungeon area recalculation pointed out by Jelle Raaijmakers.
  • Rewritten revealing area by sight of evil.
  • Updated messages template for Twin Keepers campaign.
  • Rewritten hold audience spell use.
  • Rewritten decreasing creature health.
  • Fixed counting creatures which are joining the dungeon.
  • Rewritten creature grouping code. Fixed parties following tunnellers.
  • Rewritten adding leader to a party.
  • Rewritten eating code, and selecting best dungeon for tunnelling.
  • Modified changing health of all creatures to not use player-based listing.
  • Modified separation between GUI strings and Campaign strings to use the same function for string retrieval.
  • Unified health computation for rooms. Fixed health shown in room info ensign to show full health.
  • Fixed resurrect creature menu scroll when amount of creatures exactly fills the screen.
  • Moved dungeon special tooltips to config file. Also did some renaming.
  • Modified POWER_HAND so that player can pick up creatures only when has that power.
  • Modified font drawing code to allow line breaking anywhere if there's no space in a long string.
  • Modified some places to use constant names instead of hardcoded values.
  • Implemented a few more creature statistics.
  • Moved relation between a spellbook and keeper power to config files.
  • Added spellbook to be used for possess spell.
  • Improved flight height code to take ceiling into account.
  • Modified posessing with shift to use standard arrow cursor when cannot possess the target.
  • Modified spell drawing for possession and casting over battle message to only use spell cursor when spell is available.
  • Config files update - reverted dexterity to original values and decreased change on the value with creature level.
  • Config files update - scaled down amount of damage to boulder, and reverted research values and manufacture levels to original DK.
  • Rewritten some of patrolling code.
  • Rewritten filling points in various view modes.
  • Modified possession to be only available when player has the spell.
  • Rewritten filling points in possession mode.
  • Fixed a triangle leak possibility on overflow.
  • Implemented per-campaign outro movie; also started work on intro movie.
  • Rewritten finding random rooms.
  • Rewritten generating creature from entrance.
  • Rewritten object sacrificing code.
  • Rewritten finding render gamut in isometric view and possession.
  • Rewritten drawing scaled textures in map zoom box.
  • Rewritten and fixed map fading.
  • Improved scaling of creature status clouds.
  • Updated reading magic config file to use effect names.
  • Modified moving to lair and temple to use random destination position.
  • Fixed multibyte font support in spell price.
  • Rewritten gold hoards management.
  • Implemented more of moving laying gold to treasury by computer player. Fixed cases of uninitialized variables.
  • Updates in scavenging and picking up. Also did some renaming.
  • Modified hero stealing code to be sure creatures from level are taken first.
  • Made instant re-computing of generation times after each SET_GENERATE_SPEED() script command.
  • Modified GUI scale factor to be right for 16:9 aspect ratio. Also removed some more references to original functions.
  • Improved checking whether creature can take gold or eat by dropping things on it.
  • Rewritten food eating code.
  • Fixed flying creatures to be able to adjust altitude. Updated default flight altitude.
  • Some unifications in Special Diggers tasks code.
  • Orig. campaign - allowed computer player to imprison enemies.
  • Orig. campaign - modified lv20 script to kill the first AVATAR if it's imprisoned.
  • Updated scripts to 2 original campaign levels.
  • Made ForceVisibility larger for some instances.
  • Fixed implementation of SET_CREATURE_FEAR_STRONGER() script command.
  • Modified IF_CONTROLS() script command to accept total amounts.
  • Fixed updating creature health during gameplay.
  • Fixed problem with minimap area being unclickable when minimap is not visible.
  • Updated creature health computation to better handle invalid values in config files.
  • Added more creature selection criteria to script commands.
  • Updated searching creature by job.
  • Implemented more of KILL_CREATURE() command.
  • Level scripts - modified IF_AVAILABLE() to accept creature, and added new IF_CONTROLS() command.
  • Modified creature health computation to use pre-computed values more often.
  • Modified imp behavior to keep better balance between job and toking when low on health.
  • Added basic scroll bar clicking ability to all 4 lists in front end menus.
  • Rewritten leader obeying creature state.
  • Fixed parchment map zoom box to not move in parts when at bottom of the map.
  • Rewritten hero stealing code.
  • Rewritten finding nearest room with spare capacity.
  • Added infinite loop detection in some pathfinding functions.
  • Fixed creature statistics panel to show correct information and tooltips. Added new tooltips to english translation.
  • Decoupled spell damage from melee damage.
  • Improved armour computation.
  • Added the ability to normalize RMS while converting SFX files. Land descriptions are converted too.
  • Rewritten calculating intersection in pathfinding.
  • Pathfinding - rewritten retrieving waypoints from regions.
  • CqArctic campaign - modified script based ondarkkingkongman's patch.
  • Modified high score writing to keep information about beaten levels, overwriting duplicate entries if neccessary.
  • Fixed problem with invalid memory reads due to inprecise scaling of mouse pointer.
  • Fixed centering numbers in creature panel.
  • Modified dumping things from hand to violently drop them all only when heart is being destroyed.
  • Progressed the implementation of moving gold to treasury.
  • Fixed the network game problem with screen coords being transmitted instead of map coordinates.
  • Fixed centering on traps and doors when icon is right-clicked.
  • Rewritten drawing room ensign.
  • Fixed transfer creature and resurrect creature screens scaling.
  • Modified computer player code to drop picked up creatures on heart when intended drop fails.
  • Fixed drawing zoom box on minimap to show creature levels, and correctly centered sprites.
  • Fixed HitType of Grenade to allow it to affect objects, ie. move gold pots.
  • Updated context for some translations, and updated all languages to new english template.
  • Implemented mouse pointer scaling capabilities.
  • Added scaling to drawing ornated GUI window background.
  • Rewritten scaling in-game messages and compass on minimap.
  • Made rescaling of zoom window in full screen map.
  • Made rescaling network game screen.
  • Made scaling of swipes used is possession.
  • Implemented scaling of text in level list and services list.
  • Implemented rescaling of window frame in land view screen.
  • Fixed slider buttons support to deal with other buttons behind.
  • Added reset if wallhug navigation is damaged during tunneling.
  • Fixed problem with special crates being continuously rearranged in library.
  • Fixed possible problem with creature state being blocked at changing to/from chicken.
  • Rewritten drawing timer in bonus levels.
  • Rewritten almost all of GUI and minimap related functions.
  • Improved dropping trap and door crates, and spells, into appropriate rooms.
  • Created config parameter for toking health gain.
  • Rewritten drawing room info when room to place is selected.
  • Rewritten casting cave-in spell.
  • Rewritten updating creature models list for activities GUI list.
  • Updated manufacturing - if the workshop is missing place for crate, workers will take a break from manufacturing.
  • Rewritten picking up crates when digger is dropped at them.
  • Updated all translations from english template.
  • Updated room related messages to be more unified and match the situation.
  • Rewritten finding spellbook at drop site.
  • Added "room unreachable" messages in more cases - when treasury, prison or graveyard cannot be navigated to.
  • Updates and fixes to translations.
  • Finished integratingOGG music support made by Lukas Niemeier.
  • Fixed color ghost offsets in pannel minimap (reinforced walls and gold color).

Version: 0.4.5

  • Rewritten drawing the pannel minimap.
  • Rewritten a lot of network GUI routines.
  • Rewritten a few functions related to traps and shots.
  • Rewritten some of moods and needs processing. Allowed diggers to have moods and needs if their config file permits that.
  • Made creatures unable to teleport just after a battle.
  • Improved recognition between KINKY_TORTURE and PAINFUL_TORTURE jobs.
  • Rewritten payday processing.
  • Fixed restoring Flight spell state when creature is being dropped, or ends other state which prevented it from flying.
  • Started renaming 'job stress' to 'going postal'. Also rewritten some of scavenging.
  • Introduced ONE_OF_KIND creature property, for Avatar.
  • Introduced NO_HAND_PURGE_ON_DEFEAT classic bug.
  • Creature job first initialization remade to be configurable in creature.cfg.
  • Moved creature unconscious time to config file.
  • Changed concept behind job assigning to be based on job selection, not on room selection.
  • Work around for issues with multiplayer level number in level selection screen. The number is exchanged as 8-bit int, which should be correctly fixed when possible.
  • Unifications in creature jobs system. Also added definitions of a few more jobs.
  • Fixed directory listing to correctly use MS Windows API.
  • Fix for loading damaged saved game during another game.
  • Updated attraction score computations to include scores from all 3 rooms required to attract.
  • Updated Chinese translation.
  • Rewritten keeper powers update function.
  • Removed area of effect damage from lightning creature spell.
  • Modified ForceVisibility option to be in game turns.
  • Rewritten code of destroying a room with CTA. Modified it to get more random order of destroyed tiles.
  • Made new "room unreachable" event for lair.
  • Updated events when a spellbook or dungeon special is discovered or stolen.
  • Neutral boulder traps will now activate for any creatures other than neutral.
  • Moved several creatures from "United Kingdom" level to being triggered by script.
  • Added classic latin as recognized language.
  • Added friendly fire on area damage as config parameter.
  • Updated gold pots scaling algorithm. Pots are now generally smaller, and those with lots of gold are growing slower than small ones.
  • Rewritten boulder trap activation check. Spectators can no longer trigger boulder traps.
  • Added config option to select whether neutral creatures can be scavenged.
  • Fixed problem with creature strength not being increased with experience.
  • Armageddon no longer teleports neutrals by default.
  • Added rules option to disable affecting neutral creatures by armageddon.
  • Progressed the implementation of going through locked doors property.
  • Rewritten drawing plane of engine columns in isometric and clueo mode.
  • Added two new creature properties - FEMALE and INSECT.
  • Retwritten some GUI functions and creation of creature own name.
  • Added SDL_mixer to pre-compiled libraries and to linking process. The library isn't used yet.
  • Rewritten the check if a creature can move directly to a place.
  • Rewritten the function which destroys creature lair.
  • Modified uses of apply_damage_to_thing() so that the function is always informed about the type of damage being inflicted.
  • Rewritten and highly modified poison gas effect affecting creatures.
  • Made some improvements to creature movement system. Creatures will now reset their routes after being teleported.
  • Added fixing travel speed if the next travel point returned by ariadne is too far.
  • Rewritten and fixed picking up creatures based only on their job and not their model.
  • Removed some of references to manual from english translation.
  • Modified area damage to be applied on detonation of every shot.
  • Fixed problem with line of sight computation which caused word of power trap to not do any damage.
  • Started integrating OGG music support made by Lukas Niemeier.
  • Added Czech characters to European con### Version table.
  • Made more advanced scaling of parchment view.
  • Renamed spells to start with SPELL_ and shots to start with SHOT_.
  • Traps placed on strange terrain are now destroyed when depleted.
  • Added support of off-map traps and off-map doors.
  • Selling traps change - only get a refund if armed trap was sold.
  • Made computer player cancel any defend drops while his heart is ongoing destruction.
  • Introduced types of damage, ie. physical, magical, electric, combustion.
  • Rewritten some code related to gold and paydays.
  • Updated language names to meet ISO 639-2 standard. Japanese is now JPN.
  • Rewritten a lot of code related to workshop selling, to fix a bug in counting workshop items which are being sold.
  • Added states which cannot be blocked by spells - currently there's one, the being dropped state.
  • Modified battle event support to ignore the event if there are no enemies nearby.
  • Modified battle events to properly react on heart being attacked.
  • Added a new state which allows to attack doors and enemies while moving to attack room.
  • Rewritten door collision detection.
  • Rewritten some code around creature fights with doors.
  • Some minor updates to polish translations.
  • Fixed problem with magic door being recognized as sacrificial ground.
  • Updated russian fonts to be correctly included in multilingual font files.
  • Fixed problem with finding a creature dragging given thing.
  • Made kinky torture to not remove creature control.
  • Fixed problem with imps escaping from creatures behind doors.
  • Removed possible infinite loop in pathfinding, and enabled some rewritten routines.
  • Rewritten dungeon devastation when heart is destroyed.
  • Some serious changes in line of sight computation.
  • Computer players can now sell traps where they intend to place room.
  • Fixed imps transporting enemy creatures to drop them when enemy is defeated.
  • Fixed some possible problems related to creatures attack.
  • Rewritten some functions related to fight with doors and objects.
  • Forced creatures to become visible when dying or losing consciousness.
  • Fixed inconsistency in resetting states of creatures working in a room taken over.
  • Updated leaving or dying function (for defeated player creatures) to not wake unconscious creatures.
  • Rewritten some code related to dragging unconscious creatures.
  • Added regaining comp control when creature is called to arms.
  • Updated computer player gold digging code.
  • Updated room building code to prevent placing rooms on slabs with traps.
  • Fixed lava trap activation on room area to not break list of room slabs.
  • Added cleaning combat when computer player picks up creature.
  • Updated computer player digging path routine.
  • Updated Ancient Keeper translations, and added German translation.

Version: 0.4.4

  • Added auto-generating possession swipe sprites.
  • Update to foe identification algorithm; creatures being dropped can no longer be treated as enemies.
  • Fixed problem with battles not being dissolved.
  • Modified creatures with high fear to no longer start combat when invisible.
  • Modified imps to be less interested in dead bodies laying near living enemies.
  • Teleporting creatures are now a little more interested in staying in combat.
  • Unified coordinates computation and added scaling to parchment map screen.
  • Rewritten drawing things on round minimap.
  • Fixed the problem with backward move into negative Y direction.
  • Fixed problem with bitmap font while recording a movie which lasts several levels.
  • Changed the way trap-to-crate and door-to-crate association is stored.
  • Fixed mistake in code which caused creatures which are doing nothing to wander the dungeon.
  • Replaced the non-existing GROUP job with BARRACK for skeletons.
  • Rewritten drawing of list of things in hand.
  • Allowed computer player to move creatures to lair if they don't have one yet.
  • Rewritten large part of computer player room building code.
  • Updated ComputerTask structure - created unions which store task-specific parameters for each task.
  • Forced computer player to drop things from his "fake hand" when it's being disabled or defeated.
  • Created a function which fills dungeon position using room coordinates if no soul container is present.
  • Divided the map event 'fight' into two distinct events - friendly fight and enemy fight.
  • Rewritten computer player digging room. Modified checking if the room has been dug.
  • Changed order of land view narrations, and the folder where narrations are stored.
  • Modified workshop job to be stronger used when gold is low.
  • Rewritten computing ceiling height above set of subtiles.
  • Rewritten some of computer player CTA casting code.
  • Rewritten generation of map fade ghost color file.
  • Improved room expansion to never create long, narrow rooms.
  • Rewritten computer player selecting best digging path to entrance.
  • Added support of computer player selling deployed doors.
  • Completely changed the way of tracking amount of traps and doors available to be placed.
  • Fixed computer player expanding rooms to not include slabs with traps on.
  • Implemented selling placed traps by computer player when out of money.
  • Rewritten computer player placing bridge on dig path.
  • Rewritten some of computer player attack code and hatred computation.
  • Modified gold throwing code to never create too many pots, and to distribute the gold equally amongst pots.
  • Computer player now can use temple to heal disease, and puts much higher priority to training his creatures.
  • Fixed spell casting and slapping by computer player. Computer is now aware that imps may die when slapped.
  • Improved checking creature job availability when moving creatures by computer player.
  • Computer player will now less likely put his creatures to work in rooms with enemies.
  • Updated casting keeper powers on things - a specific thing is now selected based on castability settings.
  • Fixed computer player to stop dropping creatures in rooms which are in their not_do_job list.
  • Modified CREATURE_AVAILABLE command to allow force-attracting creatures.
  • Fixed selection of random wandering position while exploring the dungeon.
  • Rewritten computer player digging to entrance. Made unifications to other digging operations.
  • Added checking for spell availability before they're used.
  • Rewritten computer player picking up imps in danger.
  • Several unifications in manufacture system and objects data.
  • Rewritten some functions related to computer player casting SoE.
  • Rewritten computer player casting spells on attackers.
  • Rewritten computer player casting speed spell on fighters.
  • Rewritten some of the sulking code.
  • Fixed distinction between AP number and AP index.
  • Original Campaign - fixed Mistle script to give the player only 3 boulder traps.
  • Rewritten drawing trap buttons; also renamed some variables.
  • Japanese DKMaps8 pack - Added messages to first map.
  • Rewritten a few functions related to battles and unconscious creatures.
  • Modified tunnelers ant tunneler parties to use the same method for storing spawn place and tunnel target.
  • Updated all .po translations of campaigns with their associated .pot template files.
  • Updated spell descriptions in translations and resaved them with POEdit.
  • Fixed unconscious creatures to no longer be attacked due to job stress.
  • Added possibility to load per-campaign creature.cfg file.
  • Added stats increase with experience as config parameters. Added different default values for Ancient Keeper.
  • Rewritten Anger Job selection.
  • Rewritten some of "persuade" anger job.
  • Rewritten some of Mad Killing code; updated mood routine to not allow mad creature to stop being angry.
  • Original Campaign - Updates to scripts of some more Deeper Dungeon levels.
  • Fixed creatures in livid state - they now stop working when very angry, as they should.
  • Original Campaign - reviewed and updated scripts for all levels.
  • Original Campaign - fixed bonus levels to use correct text messages.
  • Updated some more of multiplayer levels script files; only irrelevant changes.
  • Updated some of script files, mostly from multiplayer levels, but also from original campaign.
  • Generated .pot translation templates for 3 campaigns - pstunded, questfth, twinkprs.
  • Prepared translation files for "Conquest of the Arctic" campaign.
  • Documented some tools. Added a script which helps in creating .pot files for translations.
  • Rewritten traps creation routines.
  • Rewritten destroying a door.
  • Rewritten some of freezing prisoners code.
  • Fixed a mistake in trap placing conditions.
  • Rewritten computer player digging routine.
  • Rewritten some of picking up things code.
  • Rewritten searching for interesting neutral places by computer player.
  • Improved high score table input.
  • Rewritten color matching function which finds best color index for given RGB values.
  • Rewritten some of working in barracks and placing traps code.
  • Divided computer player door placement function to make it more clear.
  • Rewritten computer player search for enemy entrances and placing doors around rooms.
  • Some unifications in functions relatedto moving in rooms.
  • Rewritten a torture-related function.
  • Renamed job TEMPLE to TEMPLE_PRAY.
  • Fixed bug with not being able to manufacture resulting in not being able to pray.
  • Fixed problem with sell button being shown incorrectly when mouse button is kept down on it.
  • Minor renaming which affect quite lot of files.
  • Rewritten a missing part of FLI files creation; also updated memory management routines.
  • Activated some of rewritten sound handling code.
  • Rewritten some GUI-related routines.
  • Fixed some potential problems with config files parsing.
  • Fixed problem with invalid value casting causing long wait in creature doing nothing state.
  • PngPal2Raw - Finished support of JTY files, fixed for better error handling.

Version: 0.4.3

  • Rewritten some of creature tunneling code and position computation when tunneling.
  • Rewritten some of heroes attacking rooms and dropping gold code.
  • Rewritten moving creatures in workshop.
  • Rewritten the function which controls sending creatures to rooms, moved options to config files.
  • Rewritten the function which controls creature behaviour while it's idle.
  • Rewritten waiting for combat (random jumps) code.
  • Rewritten the function which creates Action Points.
  • Added spaces to Japanese translation.
  • Updated the function which defines game keys to accept ALT modifier.
  • Rewritten "define keys" screen.
  • Rewritten drawing the creatures list in Transfer Creature special.
  • Fixed a possible crash while drawing a sprite with very large scale.
  • Rewritten the function which controls revealing terrain by a creature.
  • Updated power hand pickability code. Added function which checks if a creature is dying.
  • Fixed problem with floating spirit spell being inactive and controlling floating spirit.
  • Rewritten some functions related to computer player tasks.
  • Rewritten some of creature manufacture task code.
  • Rewritten creating a creature at dungeon heart.
  • Allowed turning alliances on and off.
  • Rewritten selecting imps for pickup by computer player.
  • Rewritten selecting creatures for defensive drop by computer player.
  • Upgraded the code used for killing creatures. Created cases when not adding to resurrect list.
  • Rewritten a bit more of computer checks code; fixed a coding mistake which caused a crash.
  • Improved damage projection. Also, made better Dexterity and Defence explanation in config files.
  • Rewritten some of keeper sprites loading and handling code.
  • Fixed tunneller being unwilling to attack sometimes.
  • Fixed the problem with fairies being stucked in the ceiling. They will now lower the flight.
  • Replaced binary cubes config file with text one.
  • Modified some config files to make the game more similar to original DK.
  • Introduced per-campaign config files for Ancient Keeper. Also removed unused credits file.
  • Modified checking if creature will attack another to make sure creatures in prison won't be attacked.
  • Fixed the problem with computer player not building new room if it already has such room with low capacity.
  • Modified fear computation to prevent excessive fluctuation of behavior.
  • Fixed problem with digging gems consuming most all of computer player workforce.
  • Rewritten some of computer player moving creatures code.
  • Improved searching for a hatchery when creature is hungry.
  • Rewritten several computer player routines related to room building.
  • Added automatic creation of a few RAW files from PNGs.
  • Rewritten some of computer building rooms code.
  • Rewritten searching for food. Added another condition of "no food" event.
  • Own creatures fight is no longer causing casting CTA and moving creatures by computer.
  • Combat with unconscious creature is no longer a valid combat.
  • Rewritten creature moving routine and some of prettying code.
  • Workaround for allowing to spawn special workers with fly ability.
  • Rewritten loading frontend sprites. Modified general sprites loading function.
  • Updated spanish language, and building of graphics files.
  • Updated building of GUI DAT/TAB files. Also removed casting Destroy Walls on rock.
  • Modified config to allow casting speed spell on creatures held in custody.
  • Rewritten part of creature fighting code.
  • Rewritten two important functions in pathfinding.
  • Rewritten some creature instance callbacks.
  • Launchwx - Removed a few unused or auto-generated files from KeeperFX installation
  • PngPal2Raw - created loading of TXT animation lists for JSPR(JTY) format support.

Version: 0.4.2

  • Launcher updated with additional options
  • More graphics data files are created from PNGs
  • Made Slap spell do be added to a player by default
  • Created new options for preserving classic bugs
  • Fixed invisible mouse cursor when leaving multiplayer game
  • Fixed fading while traveling through the menu
  • Fixed error in defensive spells code
  • Also increased WIND instance reload time
  • Rewritten creature hatchery search while hungry
  • Improved accuracy of angle-to-position calculation
  • Unified computing whether a thing can be affected by a creature spell
  • Rewritten the Destroy Walls spell
  • Removed the possibility of ice explosion death for creatures which do not bleed
  • Added more config options in rules file
  • Improved adding re-arm tasks to imp queue
  • Rewritten engine perspective rotation
  • Retwritten movement while working in temple
  • Rewritten some data structures related to possession swipe effects
  • Fixed not allowing 2 trap boxes on same subtile
  • Increased the push effect caused by explosion
  • Reduced explosion range for friendly creatures to 1/3 of normal range
  • Rewritten spell casting from within battles list message
  • Rewritten and unified magic cast checking
  • Moved some job properties to config files
  • Rewritten footstep sounds playing
  • Rewritten functions which draw scaled sprites
  • Rewritten some of checking for imp jobs
  • Fixed and re-enabled the new pathfinding code
  • Rewritten some imps tasks which make use of pathfinding routines

Version: 0.4.1

  • Updates to land view screen
  • Integrated Post Undead Keeper campaign
  • Integrated Conquest of the Arctic campaign
  • Fixed a problem with making non-existing player an ally
  • Improved line of sight computing
  • Many updates to digger tasks code
  • Remade magic maintenance
  • Introduced a new way of determining where a spell can be casted
  • Hero player isn't allowed to be set up as computer player
  • Integrated Undead Keeper campaign
  • Remade dungeon heart fight selection
  • Fixed the problem with computer player placing traps at invalid places
  • Rewritten displaying the heart flower and anger level above a creature
  • Rewritten a part of computer player tasks code
  • Fixed the definition of keeping creature in enemy custody
  • Any player now automatically drops all things in hand while his heart is exploding.
  • Fixed issues with spell being in Library at start of a level
  • Rewritten lot of code around room maintenance
  • Introduced tools which allow to easily create land views from PNG files (Png2bestPal,PngPal2raw)
  • Introduced tools to translate campaigns with use of .po/.pot files (Po2ngdat)
  • Prepared .po/.pot files for all the campaigns which have national messages
  • Rewritten and modified some lightning-related routines
  • Rewritten the function which computes amount of hate computer player has towards other players
  • Rewritten large part of scavenging code
  • Rewritten some code related to needs of creatures
  • Moved some of room and slab properties into terrain config file
  • Rewritten line of sight computation
  • Some modifications to fighting doors
  • Rewritten part of color tables generation
  • Rewritten part of temple summoning code
  • Rewritten and unified the way of searching for things around given coordinates
  • Fixed playing level intro/victory speech multiple times
  • Creatures are now picked by level only with CTRL, and normally they're picked unordered
  • Rewritten hero tunnelling code
  • Statistics screen will now show asian languages correctly
  • Fixed error with invalid screen showing after playing some of DD levels
  • Association between lair object and creature is now moved to config file
  • Added new creature properties
  • Rewritten dropping creature from hand
  • Improved config files for objects and for magic
  • Updated clipping of map coordinates
  • Rewritten the function which handles trap update
  • Updated functions used for updating positions of things
  • Rewritten putting traps by computer player
  • Rewritten the function used for claiming enemy rooms
  • Improved WOP trap to use the same explosion routine as WOP spell
  • Prepared a mechanism to preserve some of classic DK bugs
  • Replaced fear computation algorithm, introduced 3 factors related to fear
  • Rewritten a lair creation routine
  • Rewritten the research process routine
  • Rewritten and improved large part of battle mechanics.
  • Fixed problem with line pitch setting for some rare video modes
  • Rewritten a few routines related to gold gathering
  • Integrated The Destiny of Ninja campaign
  • Fixed truncated water drip effect
  • Fixed multiplayer landview to use ENSIGN_ZOOM
  • Fixed one of rendering routines to be more stable in high resolutions
  • Rewritten spawning heroes
  • Fixed error with drawing creature who is being sacrificed
  • Fixed max zoom problem in very high resolutions
  • Rewritten the keeper sprite drawing function
  • Rewritten creation of shot hit effects

Version: 0.4.0a

  • Renamed 'debug ### Version' to 'heavylog ### Version'
  • Allowed making 'debug' ### Version which is really with debug info

Version: 0.4.0

  • Prepared game launcher with installation function
  • Updated some internal mechanisms, ie. columns finding
  • Made small revolution in the zooming system
  • Rewritten the green/red cube (map volume box) drawing
  • Fixed engine window center to be on screen center
  • Introduced new config file - creature states config
  • Improved room efficiency calculation
  • Rewritten a few more routines related to workshop
  • Fixed the sound emitter cleanup code
  • Rewritten revealing map due to torture

Version: 0.3.9a

  • Updated compound eye effect for high resolution
  • Fixed the problem with Dungeon Heart background sound
  • Updated reading keyboard in front view, also named some constants
  • Fixed creature death kind "ice explosion" when creature is frozen
  • Fixed shadows and lights affecting things
  • Fixed distance computing required for certain shots to hit target
  • Fixed imps to continue their jobs after they finish a part of it

Version: 0.3.9

  • Fixed the v0.3.8c bug with freeze on computer digging for gold
  • Updated frontend menus code, some changes in network related menus
  • Updated creature statistics in Ancient Keeper
  • Disabled another pathfinding routine
  • Rewritten picking up trap box to fill trap
  • Rewritten routine which draws things on the parchment map screen
  • Added zombie players; uninitialized players are initied as zombies
  • Rewritten dead bodies rotting code
  • Rewritten searching for dead bodies by imps

Version: 0.3.8c

  • Fixed the v0.38b bug with computer keeper not digging for gold
  • Rewritten some of imps and workshop related code
  • Rewritten some of imp tasks code and gold counter

Version: 0.3.8b

  • Updated scripts for some maps
  • Fixed killing a creature which has an armour spell casted on
  • Improved some debugging messages
  • Rewritten some of entrance generation code
  • Fixed bug in hero attacking creature code
  • Fixed losing things due to lights overflow
  • Rewritten shot reaching its target
  • Added boulder immunity to creature config files

Version: 0.3.8a

  • Added mouse sensitivity modification option
  • Fixed crash on invalid movies video mode
  • Fixed problem with creatures standing next to lair
  • Fixed error in the new rooms merging algorithm
  • Linked with MinGW libraries as static
  • Fixed problem with no price when selling traps
  • Changed tunneler "relax" sprite to the one with sleeping

Version: 0.38

  • Switched video support library to SDL
  • Fixed duplicates level when using Multiply special
  • Created some 64-bit math, similarly to original code
  • New pathfinding code has been disabled (needs debugging)
  • Dutch land introductions were added to 3 campaigns
  • New graphic modes - any colour depth is now supported
  • New graphic modes - windowed mode is now supported
  • Rewritten more of creature state machine
  • Added more options to CFG files
  • Experimental TCP/IP multiplayer support

Version: 0.37c

  • Fixed dungeon heart blinking if under mouse
  • It is now easier to target a creature for pick up
  • Fixed disappearing in-game speeches
  • Computer player config is reloaded on saved game loading
  • Fixed possible hang when computer player moves creatures
  • Added new creature property, "NEVER_CHICKENS"
  • Rewritten more of pathfinding
  • Rewritten creature training code
  • Renamed and rescaled "PartnerTraining" (was "RealTraining")
  • Fixed linked list storing creatures who work in a room
  • Updated room selling code

Version: 0.37b

  • Fixed crash on freeing swipe sprites at end of mission
  • Fixed SEEK_THE_ENEMY job (Hellhound)
  • Fixed crash when zooming in isometric (non rotable) view
  • Fixed Imps aimless walking around bug
  • Fixed invalid celebration sprite bug
  • Video modes in config file are no longer pre-defined

Version: 0.37a

  • Fixed gems appearance bug
  • Fixed selling bug
  • Fixed per-campaign creatures config bug

Version: 0.37

  • Rewritten computer tasks list
  • Added palette stealing protection to video driver
  • Rewritten some of creature fighting code
  • Rewritten enemy seeking code for heroes
  • Fixed green volume box height in clueo (low walls) mode
  • Rewritten gold stealing code
  • Remade some creature spells code
  • Remade some of imps AI code
  • Remade and fixed some of Ariadne pathfinding system
  • Campaign list is now sorted
  • Imp tasks selection rewritten
  • Creature sprite indexes are now in .CFG files
  • Campaigns can now have their own creature config files

Version: 0.36

  • Rewritten some of room sound playing
  • Modified saved games format (old saves won't work anymore)
  • Saved game can now be loaded even if loading campaign file fails
  • Improved handling of player index errors
  • Improved BONUS_LEVEL_TIME() script command
  • Remade part of creature states system

Version: 0.35

  • Rewritten shot throwing code (for both melee combat and spells)
  • Rewritten some of Dungeon Heart behaviour
  • Programming IDE switched to Eclipse for C++
  • New Makefile and project structure - easier to recompile
  • Rewritten and fixed Word of Power damage code
  • Rewritten missing function for new way of storing bonus levels
  • Rewritten more of eye lenses code, updated lenses config file
  • Eye lenses now supported in all resolutions
  • Rewritten part of scavenging code
  • Rewritten part of the polygon rendering code

Version: 0.34

  • Some fixups in CPU Identification code
  • Fixed Imps sacrifice code
  • Text drawing functions remade
  • Fixed CTRL+Arrows keys support
  • Fixed transfer creature bug
  • New way of storing bonus levels availability
  • Fixed spell cursors when playing player > 0
  • Fixed sacrifices when playing player > 0
  • Asian languages support reached alpha stage
  • Shift+M key now works in high scores screen
  • Fixed incorrect memory write on creature suicide

Version: 0.33

  • Rewritten creature killing code
  • Improved creature config files
  • Tooltip drawing code improved
  • Remade another part of network support
  • Improved logging system
  • Creature states are now defined outside DLL
  • Fixed checking for gold bug (gold digging by computer)
  • Changed Video and Mouse driver - EXPERIMENTAL
  • Added '-altinput' command line parameter
  • Rewritten digging and claiming effects
  • Rewritten part of imp tasks management
  • Rewritten and extended creature sacrifice recipes
  • Censorship no longer bounded to german language

Version: 0.32

  • Added CPU identification
  • Rewritten part of spell casting code
  • Rewritten some of 'Transfer creature' code
  • Rewritten some possession-related code
  • RANDOM can now be used instead of most values in script
  • Remade part of 'player instances' code
  • More cheat options, like 'Everything is free', now works
  • Created .LOF Level Overview Files, levels.txt no longer used
  • Started replacing network support

Version: 0.31

  • Fixed disappearing creatures in zoom box
  • Updated zoom level for various resolutions
  • Rewritten even more of Hand Of Evil support
  • Rewritten heap support for sound and speech samples
  • Replaced CREATURE.TXT with multiple .CFG files.
  • Rewritten network GUI functions
  • Changed RESEARCH and added RESEARCH_ORDER commands

Version: 0.30

  • Fixed Hand Of Evil support code
  • Added range to 'REVEAL_MAP_LOCATION'
  • Campaign files improved (file locations, options)
  • Some more unification in accessing array elements
  • Rewritten some network support functions
  • Rewritten credits screen, added credits file

Version: 0.29

  • Added new script command, 'REVEAL_MAP_RECT'
  • Added new script command, 'REVEAL_MAP_LOCATION'
  • Hand of Evil code has been rewritten
  • Fixed memory leak in keeper AI module
  • Fixed problem with 'IF_AVAILABLE' command
  • Added support of multiple campaigns (not tested)

Version: 0.28b

  • Rewritten more of script support, warnings added
  • Added new script command, 'PLAY_MESSAGE'
  • Added new script command, 'ADD_GOLD_TO_PLAYER'
  • Added new script command, 'SET_CREATURE_TENDENCIES'
  • Finished work on QUICK script commands support
  • Fixed spells visibility in zoom box of map view
  • DISPLAY_INFORMATION now requires two parameters (added zoom location)
  • QUICK_INFORMATION now requires three parameters (added zoom location)
  • When selling multiple traps on same tile, total cost is displayed
  • Text file is now selected based on language setting in "keeperfx.cfg"
  • Fixed room selling (v0.28a)
  • Fixed wage and luck value displayed in creature info panel (v0.28a)
  • Fixed typing mistake in hero party objectives (v0.28b)
  • Fixed ALL_DUNGEONS_DESTROYED implementation error (v0.28b)

Version: 0.27a

  • Rewritten most of the world view screen
  • Allowed map numbers over 255
  • Fixed mistake in function create_room
  • All levels are available when whole campaign is passed
  • Campaign configuration file improved
  • LIF files support adopted from Deeper Dungeons
  • Free level selection screen adopted from Deeper Dungeons
  • New High Scores support code
  • Strings (text.dat) replaced with those from DD (dd1text.dat)
  • Script command QUICK_OBJECTIVE is now supported
  • Compiled under new MinGW environment
  • Some functions of Cheat Mode are now functional
  • Continue file creation code unified and improved
  • Started work on support of QUICK_INFORMATION command
  • Fixed mistake in trap manufacture code (v0.27a)

Version: 0.26

  • Rewritten minimap control code, fixed for 640x480
  • Smarter WLB flags regeneration
  • Rewritten part of 'player instances' code
  • Better memory cleaning after a level is finished
  • Bonus levels are preserved in 'Continue game'
  • Transferred creature is preserved (for one use only)
  • Fixed disappearing menu content problem
  • Fixed ending statistics when finishing loaded game
  • Computer player config file created

Version: 0.25

  • Fixed information button blinking
  • Rewritten part of the rendering engine
  • Fixed mouse cursor shift and scrolling at 640x480
  • Added options to save and load replay (packet file)
  • Alt+X can now be used to quit the game
  • Files created by the game are no longer read-only
  • Rewritten loading of map files

Version: 0.24

  • Rewritten level script analysis
  • Added warning and error messages on script loading
  • Allowed longer messages in script
  • Fixed problem with CFG file location
  • Rewritten 'landscape affecting creature'
  • Added comments to CFG file

Version: 0.23a

  • Fixed time counter sound in bonus levels
  • Fixed bad memory read in creatures tab code
  • Created a campaign file which stores level numbers
  • More error-safe config file support
  • More inputs left when lost (screnshot, minimap zoom, etc.)
  • Renamed campaign file to load properly (the .23a release)

Version: 0.22

  • Reworked more of the packets processing system
  • Prepared screen resolution ring
  • Fixed problem with floating spirit on lost level
  • Screenshots now work not only in game, but also in menu
  • Improved quality of in-game map screen
  • Fixed a 'sudden speedup' problem when playing > 50 minutes

Version: 0.21

  • Video compression improved for high resolution
  • Added command line option to change player in skirmish
  • Added function of writing screenshots in BMP format
  • Reworked part of the packets processing system
  • Config file separated from original DK

Version: 0.20

  • Message will show if a command line option is wrong
  • Updated delay function to not use 'hlt' command
  • Fixed object tooltips to show when mouse is on something
  • Fixed load slots counting error from v0.19
  • Rewritten GUI initialization arrays
  • Rewritten and fixed movie recording
  • Allowed to record movie in high resolution

Version: 0.19

  • Rewritten GUI events system
  • Rewritten some easter eggs
  • Fixed music support problem from v0.18
  • Game will try to continue if can't enter low-res mode
  • Compiled using new ### Version of GCC

Version: 0.18

  • Rewritten frontend state control and menu speed
  • Added high resolution loading screen
  • Renewed video playing code and fading

Version: 0.17

  • Rewritten main loop and game speed control
  • Fixed screen object destructor
  • Rewritten part of mouse support
  • Made exit possibility when playing with '-level' option

Version: 0.16

  • Finished logging module and log file creation

Version: 0.15

  • Reworked the main initiation function
  • Added introduction screen by Madkill

Version: 0.14

  • Added some command line options from Beta
  • Reworked moon phase calculation

Version: 0.13

  • LbBullfrogMain() reworked
  • Command line parameters reworked and fixed a bit

Version: 0.11

  • Managed to make the DLL working (at last!)
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