Shortest path finding algorithms visualised. Inspired by the visualisation project by @qiao ( and I decided to kill some time writing pretty similar stuff on python using pygame framework. Just for fun. I doubt this particular project can be useful, which makes it an ideal candidate for github. Kidding.
Long story short, pick up the surface size, move source and destination points as you like, draw walls, set weights to cells (default weight of white cells is 10), select shortest path finding algorithm (A*, Dijkstra or Breadth First Search) and start the visualisation by pressing Space.
% pip install pygame
Create 20x30 (x) grid, draw some walls, set some weights and launch the Dijkstra shortest path finding algorithm:
% ./ 20x30
Space - start,resume/pause the visualization
c - clean everything from the grid
Esc - enter to the menu mode, clean everything
from the grid except walls and weights
Up/Down - (in menu mode) swtich the value of selected option
Left/Right - (in menu mode) switch current menu option
You can move source (green) and destination (red) points withing the grid
using mouse. You can also draw walls and set weights to any
non-busy cell on the grid. (note: default weight of "white"
cells is 10)
-> Algorithm: select shortest path finding algorithm
-> Brush: switch between drawing walls and setting weights facilities
-> Diagonals: enable/disable diagonal moves
- White: not visited and not discovered cells (weight: 10)
- Green: discovered, but not visited cells
- Yellow: visited cells
- Gray: walls, can not be visited
- Magenta: cells with non default weight (can be either 1, 2 or 3)
- Orange: cells included to the shortest path
- Green circle: source point
- Red circle: destination point