Angular Picker Foundation5 friendly. The only real dependency outside of Angular is Font Awesome and Modernizr.touchevents (included).
Project :
This DatePicker simplified version for Angular of:
- date picker for foundation/jquery
- date picker for angular/bootstrap
download & unzip source from GitHub repository:
copy the files
- dist/angular-foundation-datepicker-min.js
- dist/angular-foundation-datepicker.css
- dist/modernizr-custom.min.js (Ignore if Modernizr.touchevents is already in your project)
<link> and <script> them into your page
to see the arrows and icons, include font-awesome:
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
id="my-picker-name" // only use as an argument to callback
class="my-custom-class" // default class is bzm-date-picker
placeholder="Track Date Selection" // place holder for date readonly input zone
<!-- Angular Scope Variables -->
callback="myCallBack" // $scope.myCallBack(selectedDate) is called when ever a new date is selected
ng-model="viewDate" // $scope.viewDate angular scope for selected date
not-after="myEndDate" // $scope.myEndDate => JS Date OBJECT
not-before="myStartDate" // $scope.myStartDate => idem
<!-- Angular Directive Attributes -->
format="dd-MM-yy" // angular date filter
language="en" // English, French, German, ...
weekstart="1" // Week start [1==Monday]
today='true|text' // If true display 'today' in chosen language, if 'text' display text in todaybouton
dayoff=[6,7] // Disable Saturday/Sunday for selection
weeknum="true" // Display week number
autohide="false" // Do not close picker after date selection
month-only="true" // Restrict user from selecting dates (Allow selection of months and years)