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WIP: add speech detection script
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dmalt committed Aug 26, 2022
1 parent 6cf73bf commit fa97804
Showing 1 changed file with 215 additions and 0 deletions.
215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions rawdata/code/preproc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
from math import ceil

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import medfilt # type: ignore

def normalize(sound: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
max = sound.max()
return sound / max if max > 0 else sound

def signal_energy(sound, window_length_samp):
assert window_length_samp > 0, "Window length must be positive integer"
sound = normalize(sound)

num_frames = ceil(len(sound) / window_length_samp)
result = np.empty(num_frames)
lo, hi = 0, window_length_samp
for i in range(num_frames):
result[i] = np.square(sound[lo:hi]).mean()
lo += window_length_samp
hi += window_length_samp

return result

def spectral_centroid(sound, window_length_samp):
assert window_length_samp > 0, "Window length must be positive integer"
num_frames = ceil(len(sound) / window_length_samp)
result = np.empty(num_frames)
sound = normalize(sound)

lo, hi = 0, window_length_samp
for i in range(num_frames):
window = sound[lo:hi]
window = np.multiply(window, np.hamming(len(window)))
fft = np.fft.rfft(window)
freq_sum = sum((j + 1) * np.abs(f) for j, f in enumerate(fft))
fft_sum = np.abs(fft).sum()
result[i] = freq_sum / fft_sum if fft_sum else 0

lo += window_length_samp
hi += window_length_samp

return result

def smooth_signal(signal, window_length):
result = medfilt(signal, window_length)
result = medfilt(result, window_length)
return result

def max_values(hist, num_values):
max_args = [-1] * num_values
bin_counts, bin_edges = hist[0], hist[1]
bound = 0.02 * np.mean(bin_counts)

i = 0
while i < len(bin_counts):
max_vals = [bin_counts[j] if j >= 0 else 0 for j in max_args]
if (
bin_counts[i] > np.min(max_vals)
and (i == 0 or bin_counts[i] > bin_counts[i - 1])
and (i == (len(bin_counts) - 1) or bin_counts[i] > bin_counts[i + 1])
and bin_counts[i] > bound
max_args[np.argmin(max_vals)] = i
i += 2
i += 1

max_args = np.sort(max_args) # type: ignore

return np.array(
[((bin_edges[i] + bin_edges[i + 1]) * 0.5) if i >= 0 else -1.0 for i in max_args]

def calculate_threshold(signal, max, weight):
if np.count_nonzero(max >= 0.0) < 2:
return np.mean(signal)
return (weight * max[0] + max[1]) / (weight + 1)

def post_process(mask, sound_length, window_length, extend_length):
res = [0] * sound_length

def set(start, end):
start = start if start >= 0 else 0
end = end if end <= sound_length else sound_length
for i in range(start, end):
res[i] = 1

pos = 0
for i in range(len(mask)):
next_pos = pos + window_length
if mask[i]:
set(pos, next_pos)
if i > 0 and mask[i] and not mask[i - 1]:
set(pos - extend_length, pos)
if i < (len(mask) - 1) and mask[i] and not mask[i + 1]:
set(next_pos + 1, next_pos + extend_length)
pos = next_pos

return res

class SpeechDetector:
def __init__(sound, sr):
window_nsamp = round(0.025 * sr)
num_bins = round(0.002 * sr)

nrg = signal_energy(sound, window_nsamp)
spc = spectral_centroid(sound, window_nsamp)

nrgsm = smooth_signal(nrg, 5)
nrghst = np.histogram(nrg, num_bins)
maxnrg = max_values(nrghst, 2)
nrgth = calculate_threshold(nrg, maxnrg, 5.0)

spcsm = smooth_signal(spc, 5)
spchst = np.histogram(spc, num_bins)
maxspc = max_values(spchst, 2)
spcth = calculate_threshold(spc, maxspc, 5.0)
# print(f"{spcth=}")
# spcth = 20
nrgmsk = nrg > nrgth
spcmsk = spc < spcth
mask = post_process(
np.logical_and(nrgmsk, spcmsk), len(sound), window_nsamp, 5 * window_nsamp

def _feature_mask(self, feature):
nrgsm = smooth_signal(nrg, 5)
nrghst = np.histogram(nrg, num_bins)
maxnrg = max_values(nrghst, 2)
nrgth = calculate_threshold(nrg, maxnrg, 5.0)

# if draw:
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3)
# axs[0][0].plot(sound, linewidth=0.5)
# axs[1][0].plot(mask, linewidth=0.7, zorder=2)
# axs[1][0].plot(nrgmsk, linewidth=0.4, zorder=1)
# axs[1][0].plot(spcmsk, linewidth=0.4, zorder=1)
# axs[0][1].plot(nrg, linewidth=0.5, zorder=1)
# axs[0][1].plot(nrgsm, linewidth=0.5, zorder=2)
# axs[0][1].plot([0, len(nrg)], [nrgth, nrgth], linewidth=0.7, zorder=3)
# axs[1][1].plot(spc, linewidth=0.5, zorder=1)
# axs[1][1].plot(spcsm, linewidth=0.5, zorder=2)
# axs[1][1].plot([0, len(spc)], [spcth, spcth], linewidth=0.7, zorder=3)
# axs[0][2].bar(nrghst[1][:-1], nrghst[0], width=np.diff(nrghst[1]))
# axs[1][2].bar(spchst[1][:-1], spchst[0], width=np.diff(spchst[1]))

return mask

def remove_silence(sound, df):
mask = detect_speech(sound, df)
return np.multiply(sound, mask).astype(np.int16)

if __name__ == "__main__":
import matplotlib
import mne
from mne import create_info
from import RawArray
from import read


def annots_from_mask(mask: np.ndarray, sr: float, type: str) -> mne.Annotations:
onset = []
duration = []
description = []
prev_seg_start = 0 if mask[0] else None
prev_sample = mask[0]
for i, sample in enumerate(mask[1:], start=1):
if not prev_sample and sample:
prev_seg_start = i
elif prev_sample and not sample:
# one sample segment counts as zero-length
assert prev_seg_start is not None
onset.append(prev_seg_start / sr)
duration.append((i - 1 - prev_seg_start) / sr)
prev_seg_start = None
prev_sample = sample
if prev_seg_start is not None:
onset.append(prev_seg_start / sr)
duration.append((len(mask) - 1 - prev_seg_start) / sr)
return mne.Annotations(onset, duration, description)

sr, sound = read("sub-01_task-speech_proc-align_beh.wav")
print(f"Read sound of length {len(sound) / sr} with sampling rate = {sr}")
lo, hih = 30 * sr, 350 * sr
sound = sound.astype(float)[lo:hih]
print("Computing audio mask")
mask = detect_speech(sound, sr, draw=True)

info = create_info(ch_names=["audio"], sfreq=sr)
raw = RawArray(sound[np.newaxis, :], info)
annots = annots_from_mask(mask, sr=sr, type="speech")
print("Downsampling ")

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