Mocha add-on method it.optional() which marks a test as pending if it would fail
it-optional was created with adapter/plugin test suites in mind where a common set of tests is used to test different modules. If one or more tests is not mandatory for all it can be marked as optional using it.optional(title, fn)
. If the test passes then its marked as "passing" if the test fails then it's marked as "pending". This way optional functionality can be tested without breaking the whole suite.
npm i it-optional -S
it.optional = require('it-optional');
it.optional('should do xyz', function(done){
// ✓ should do xyz
it.optional('should do xyz eventually', function(done){
done(new Error('oops'));
// - PENDING: should do xyz async eventually
it.optional('should do abc eventually', function(done){
Assert.equal(1, 2);
// - PENDING: should do abc async eventually
// custom messages
it.optional('should do xyz eventually', 'xyz not implemented yet', function(done){
done(new Error('oops'));
// - xyz not implemented yet