demo app for
basic demo Rails app using Redis for caching and background jobs
install ruby and Redis
git pull
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
rails s
To get weather go to, sing up for API key and put it in application.yml file. App uses Figaro gem
http://localhost:3000/cache and http://localhost:3000/cache/1 - cached controller actions
http://localhost:3000/redis - view stuff in Redis
http://localhost:3000/sidekiq - view your jobs
http://localhost:3000/logs - view logs via logster gem (data is stored in Redis DB 1)
http://localhost:3000/newrelic - newrelic perf metrics on your code
To run the CacheWarmerJob rails r CacheWarmerJob.perform_now
To run the WeatherService rails r ""
To run the GithubService rails r "'dhh').perform"
Also look at index.html.erb, show.html.erb, user.rb, user_decorator.rb, user_serializer.rb and cache_controller.rb
Also use Mongo as a DB to aggregate reporting data (in constrast to Redis). If you do not have Mongo installed comment out Mongo code in ArticleDailyViewsJob, Article.rb model and articles/show.html.erb.