A simple docker event beat server that will distribute docker events to plugins/actors to perform actions against them.
, (scratch/dockerfile)0.0.3
, (scratch/dockerfile)0.0.2
, (scratch/dockerfile)
Currently docker-beat
supports sending docker events to the following endpoints.
- console
- rabbitmq
- webhook
- websockets
See projects for future endpoints support and additional things on the roadmap.
The docker container supports Docker API Socket as a volume (not recommended) or you can provide the Docker API Url.
$ docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock dmportella/docker-beat --consumer webhook --webhook-endpoint http://requestb.in/rn7cixrn
$ docker run --rm dmportella/docker-beat --consumer webhook --docker-endpoint "tcp://localhost:2375" --webhook-endpoint http://requestb.in/rn7cixrn
Should be simple to run the application locally it differs just slightly between OS.
docker-beat - Version: 0.0.6 Branch: master Revision: 5b8fa31. OSArch: linux/amd64.
Daniel Portella (c) 2016
Usage of ./bin/docker-beat:
-consumer string
Consumer to use: Webhook, Rabbitmq, etc. (default "console")
-docker-endpoint string
The Url or unix socket address for the Docker Remote API. (default "unix:///var/run/docker.sock")
Prints the help information.
Indent the json output.
-rabbitmq-endpoint string
rabbitmq: The URL that events will be published too. (default "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/")
-rabbitmq-exchange string
rabbitmq: The exchange docker-beat will publish messages too. (default "docker-beat")
-rabbitmq-exchange-type string
rabbitmq: The exchange type that docker-beat will create/connect too. (direct|fanout|topic|x-custom) (default "fanout")
rabbitmq: The ensures messages published are confirmed.
-rabbitmq-routing-key string
rabbitmq: The routing key for messages published to the exchange. (default: docker-event (default "docker-event")
Redirect trace information to the standard out.
-webhook-endpoint string
webhook: The URL that events will be POSTed too.
webhook: Tells docker-beat to ignore ssl verification for the endpoint (not recommented).
-websocket-endpoint string
websocket: The URL that events will be streamed too.
-websocket-origin string
websocket: The origin of the request to be used in the web socket stream.
-websocket-protocol string
websocket: The protocol to be used in the web socket stream.
./docker-beat --consumer webhook --webhook-endpoint http://requestb.in/rn7cixrn
.\docker-beat --consumer webhook --docker-endpoint "tcp://localhost:2375" --webhook-endpoint http://requestb.in/rn7cixrn