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Dionlee Uy edited this page Oct 1, 2020 · 1 revision

To create a time picker, just call mdtimepicker():

//Initializes a time picker for each input element with the class name '.mdtimepicker-input'

//Initializes the time picker using the specified query selector

//Initializes a time picker using then matched input element

//Initializes a time picker for each mached input element

Using configurations

During initialization, you can also specify the configurations like min and max time.

mdtimepicker('#timepicker', { theme: 'dark', clearBtn: true, minTime: '3:00 PM', maxTime: '11:00 PM' });

Min and Max

To specify the mininum and/or maximum time the user can select on othe time picker, just specify data-mintime and/or data-maxtime attributes on your input element

<!-- sets minimum time to current client (system) time -->
<input type="text" id="timepicker" data-mintime="now"/>
<!-- sets minimum time to 3:00 PM -->
<input type="text" id="timepicker" data-mintime="3:00 PM"/>

Specify both the mininum and maximum time to create a specific time range acceptable:

<!-- sets minimum to 1:00 AM and maximum to current client (system) time-->
<input type="text" id="timepicker" data-mintime="1:00 AM" data-maxtime="now"/>

Or specify minTime and/or maxTime in the initialization configurations as shown above.

Usable built-in methods

Below are some built-in methods you can use (assuming the time picker is already initialized).

setValue - Sets the (selected) value

mdtimepicker('#timepicker', 'setValue', '3:00 PM');

setMinTime - Sets the minimum time selectable

mdtimepicker('#timepicker', 'setMinTime', '1:00 PM');

setMaxTime - Sets the maximum time selectable

mdtimepicker('#timepicker', 'setMaxTime', 'now');

show - Programmatically shows the time picker

mdtimepicker('#timepicker', 'show');

hide - Programmatically hides the time picker

mdtimepicker('#timepicker', 'hide');

destroy - Removes the time picker plugin

mdtimepicker('#timepicker', 'destroy');


The event timechanged is fired after selection of time (after OK button is clicked). You can use this to get the new time value:

document.querySelector('#timepicker').addEventListener('timechanged', function(e){
  console.log(e.value); // gets the input value
  console.log(e.time);  // gets the data-time value

Or you can use the events.timeChanged callback configuration to catch the time selection changes.


You can specify the color theme of the time picker by adding theme option upon initialization:

mdtimepicker('#timepicker', { theme: 'green' });

Or by adding a data-theme attribute on the input element:

<input type="text" id="timepicker" data-theme="dark"/>

Note: If data-theme attribute is used, theme configuration will be overridden.

Predefined themes are: red,blue, green, purple, indigo, teal and dark. If you don't specify the theme, the default theme (blue) will be used.

Custom theme

If you want to customize the theme, just use the src/themes/_format.scss file and change the following:

$theme: 'yellow';  // theme name
$color: #F9A825;   // theme color

Then compile it using any sass compiler. Or if you are using this project, just run the npm scripts compile-theme-css and minify-theme-css (for a compressed version).

If you prefer editing a css file, you can edit the dist/mdtimepicker-theme.css file.


Comment or remove the line shown below in the css file if you already have a link to the Roboto font.

@import url('');
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