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This is a simple convenience script to run terminus-server as a docker container. These instructions are for linux or similar
What the heck is TerminusDB? See here: https://terminusdb.com
- docker
Obvs, you need to have docker running.
- sudo
Since letting unprivileged users run docker is like insecure and all, this script uses sudo, so get your sudoers on.
$ git clone https://github.com/dmytri/terminus-container
$ cd terminus-container
$ ./terminus-container run
Unable to find image 'terminusdb/terminus-server:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from terminusdb/terminus-server
8f91359f1fff: Pulling fs layer
939634dec138: Pulling fs layer
f30474226dd6: Pulling fs layer
32a63113e3ae: Pulling fs layer
ae35de9092ce: Pulling fs layer
023c02983955: Pulling fs layer
d9fa4a1acf93: Pulling fs layer
[ ... ]
Ready to terminate? Go here: http://localhost:6363/dashboard
$ ./terminus-container
terminus-container [COMMAND]
help show usage
run run container
stop stop container
restart restart container
attach attach to prolog shell
stats show container stats
Oh, and flattery motivates us, please give us a star here: https://github.com/terminusdb/terminus-server